How the FUCK are they so consistent?
The Coen Brothers
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They're just talented artists who make the films they want to make.
They're bona-fide
They like making movies and not political statements thats why.
Are they (((some of the good ones)))?
it's probably much easier to make good movies when your co-director is a brother with very similar tastes and sensibilities
At least they're not pushing the agenda
Not sure if its that deep. They really just dont like politics in their movies I guess.
This too
Fargo is trash.
I always wished I had a brother who I could be screenwriting partners and make movies with. We would both be huge autists, and we would have only had one gay experience growing up and we would just hide that by marrying the fuckin hottest chicks ever. i'd have a meth problem and he'd be a drunk. it would be paradise. alas, i shall keep alml4553sdfal
I think these guys are my favorite filmmakers now.
Tbh they're based
get out
>"You don’t sit down and write a story and say, ‘I’m going to write a story that involves four black people, three Jews and a dog,’ — right? That’s not how stories get written,” Coen said. “If you don’t understand that, you don’t understand anything about how stories get written and you don’t realize that the question you’re asking is idiotic.”
Goddamn do I love the Coens
Fargo is easily one of the best movies ever, Big Lebowski too.
there are two of them
If one gets uninspired the other leads
>Inside Lewyln Davis
>A Serious Man
>The Big Lebowski
>No Country for Old Men
>O Brother Where Art Thou?
>Barton Fink
Whenever I think about my top 10 favorite films, I try and limit it to one film per director. Since they're brothers they are the only people who get two spots and its still fucking impossible.
they're notorious for not giving actors enough guidance for the roles. it's the reason why only a handful of people work with them consistently.
Hail Caeser sucked ass
pleb filter
By never striving to rise above mediocrity? A guess.