What did she mean by this?

What did she mean by this?


God she's fucking hideous


she is the most revolting woman i'd have sex with

She looks absolutely awful. She's disgusting.

is she playing a homeless addict in an upcoming film or something?


She looks like she sucks a mad dick

what the fuck happened to her? go back to red head you imbecile!

yo why does she look like that


I'm actually impressed that she has that amount of clothing on.


Hollywood at it again

I would do depraved things to get to treat her like dirt

>those fat botox lips
absolutely fucking disgusting, they don't even fit her face. Do women genuinely think that is attractive?

Oh my god what's wrong with your faaaacccceeee

imagine if she forced her fat feminine cock down your throat!

Idk they are for me

I've seen women wearing this type of makeup, they look like a greasy pan. Can somebody for the love of god tell them to stop doing it

Is it really botox? I know she's Latina, but she's never looked like that before.

Isn't she a hollywood actress? Why does she look like trailer trash garbage?
