I agree, Donald Trump is a racist. I'm voting for Hillary.
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Yeah, this. Everyone sensible is voting for Hillary.
>trusting the media
how is trump backing away from it? he's still banning muslims
shills gtfo
>cant take in muslims from certain countries
>terrorists just start flying into America from other countries
Hes softening his stances in an attempt to be more appealing to moderates and independents, but at the same time hes starting to turn off the people that got him where he is now. It's only a matter of time before the wall becomes metaphorical
I think he realizes the realpolitik solution is banning immigration from troubling areas which still essentially bans the biggest asswipe groups of Muslims anyhow. Win/win in my book.
Don't waste your breath, the kool-aid is far too strong.
that tears it then, #kasichismymainbitch
im now #Cruzin'fortheBern
on the contrary I'm pretty sure the intent was never magically figure out whether everyone entering the country from Britain was muslim, but cutting off muslim countries
pastebin, can't read it
still better than hillary
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How is it working for Wall Street Journal OP?
>$0.05 has been deposited into your account
>implying it wasnt obvious from the start that hed ban muslims from countries with high concentrations of terrorists
>implying european countries will not be on this list
This also helps prevent taqiyya from Muslim nations
I'd bet his plan includes blocking entry from anyone originating from certain countries and anything remotely shady looking as far as paperwork is concerned. This won't be the Obama administration after all.
>politician changes position so they can better represent the wants and needs of the people despite their personal opinions
Reasonable person:
>Good. The government should represent the people.
So, because Newt says the policy "may be evolving," the WSJ is declaring that Trump is back pedaling? The media is getting desperate.
honestly he's gonna lose my support if he backs down from this. I'm a single issue fucking voter, and the rest of his platform is normal cuckservative shit. shit tax ideas, shit socialized medecine, shit business plans, shit education policies. if he doesn't keep ramping up the anti-muslim stuff and build the wall, I'm gonna drop him.
Can someone please provide a quote of his initial position and a quote of his new position so I can see how they have changed.
I'm assuming his position has not really changed. What happened is that WSJ paraphrased his original position, and now they've paraphrased his new position, and the paraphrases are different. But the quotes would not be different
The media nowadays doesn't have to quote anything. They just tell you what someone said in the words of the journalist.
>As Trump first said in December, such a ban would be temporary and last only until U.S. authorities “find out what’s going on.” He also said then that the ban will not apply to U.S. citizens, and that there would be exceptions for world leaders, athletes and others.
It was always intended to be temporary and have exceptions.
Did you just reply to your own faggot post?
Shit business plans? Please explain to me how some random guy on Sup Forums has better business experience than a billionaire. You must have it all figured out.
>Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, a prominent Trump supporter who is considered a potential running mate
Jewt Gingrich is one of the worst VP choices, like Regan picking Bush.
meh no big deal, no one is voting for him because of that anyway.
Fuck yourself, OP.
No, we're not letting (((you and the media))) draw a wedge just because Trump is switching to the general campaign and softening his tone.
Now go falsify some polls showing him 60 points behind Clinton.
Thanks, bye. Trump 2016 - Trump 2020.
The media is constantly spinning any little thing Trump says to make him look like the following:
A racist
A backpeddeler
It's all the same shit, different day.
Hopefully the smarter heads of Sup Forums will prevail, and not get played like a piano. Like
actually (supposedly) making strides in finding some facts without going apeshit.
(also what are you doing)
It's the art of the deal.
>start with proposal to ban all muslims
>"no way thats racist!"
>propose banning immigration from countries with a history of terrorism
>"okay that makes sense"
>you get what you want
>to make him look like the following
It's more that what Trump was encouraged to say/do by his former campaign manager ("let Trump be Trump"), and his on-paper presidential fixings never lined up- the media didn't have to spin much of anything around, they just had to add flavor text. Even now, he's still being a bit of a loose canon.
The words "I think profiling is something that we’re going to have to start thinking about as a country" did come out of his mouth... on top of other things. A lot of other things. Whether the proposed screening process was implied to have put any American-born Muslim up against a wall in front of a firing squad remained to be seen (and probably was unlikely anyways).
Unless you want that, in which case, the media may have just been trying to appease you.