What are some non-degenerate kinds of music? What does pol listen to?
What are some non-degenerate kinds of music? What does pol listen to?
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Heads up that this is a shill/bot thread meant to get you guys in a long discussion in order to slide another thread or topic. These thread topics often take the form of writing prompts like when you were in high school.
If you must respond, remember to sage
Classical music is the only redpilled music genre.
Nah I'm simply trying to determine the connection between liberalism and liberal music and what you call degeneracy.
Man, there's no hope. It's been two months they shill constantly, stepping up their game every day.
There's no way now to tell a shill from a Sup Forumslack.
Sage has become the norm, unless the thread is worth enough.
Explain your criticism or shut up. I am trying to determine what genres of music promote leftist values/right values. There is nothing shill here. It is a purely apolitical question. Nothing more.
>Instrumental hip hop
i go to live gigs a lot
Since redpill is a very broad term, redpilled music genres could be:
classical music
underground techno/hardcore techno
classic house music
progressive underground techno/EDM
right-wing/apolitical punk rock
thrash metal/power metal/death metal/black metal/gothic metal etc
country music and classic rock/southern rock
folk music
traditional world music (from carmina burana to breton ballads)
Degenerate music is bluepilled music or stupid music. It is too a broad term but some may be:
pop music
new wave r&b
mainstream hip hop
mainstream house music
left wing punk rock
alternative rock
pop rock
mainstream EDM
Famous - Kanye West
Thanks for your reply. In your view, does a music genre find itself bluepilled if its dominated by the power-interests of the society? In other words, are you hipsters? (at least with regard to music)
What do you think is degenerate music? That's a much easier thing to figure out
I listen to everything
I don't really get into anything. But I notice my more conservative friends all listen to metal. My liberal friends all listen to rap. I was trying to figure out if there's a connection at least in terms of the promotion of values. I mean I get that racists are not going to want to listen to Kanye (some of them are probably racists on the right, though not admitted), but do particular kinds of music work to instil values of a political ideology, or is it just the market at work: Ie is it just degenerates wanting to listen to music about hoes and money pushing the creation of that music, or is the music making people liberal?
Empty, commercial music is to be considered a metastasis of our society. Pop music and mainstream hip hop are completely devoid of meaning and the artist matters way more than the song itself. This kind of 'bluepill' music is a commercial product, made up by lobbies like big studios to sell and get money. It's completely legit.
The other kind of 'bluepill' music is liberal-backed, left wing music. Left wing punk rock, alternative rock, indie rock, all perpetuate wrong 'ideals' through music for the sake of it. In this case, it's degenerate because the left wing message matters more than the music itself.
Art imitating life imitating art? I don't think people actually think about it as much as you maybe think they do, I don't think the overwhelming majority of music promotes any sort of values either
whatever the fuck you want
you are retarded if you need Sup Forums to approve your music
Another kind of bluepill music is the one that perpetuates 'degeneration'. I don't find myself agreeing with this consideration, but still this categorization is present here. Hip hop, mainstream house music, EDM, all perpetuate moral degeneration through the cult of sex, money, fame, laziness and NEET/party all day culture.
darude sandstorm
Bukken Bruse
I listen to Ragtime music most of the time, is it redpilled?
Anyway you're going to fail. This board is heterogeneous and mostly comprises liars, trolls and ironic shilling.
In fact Sup Forums is invincible because americans are a true minority, just like the alt right.
The only meaning and aim of this board is and always will be one: the lulz.
What would they be sliding? Sharing music is a pretty common topic on this board. Slide threads would be like "hmmm.... Makes you think."