Why is prostitution still illegal in the most of the US?

Why are we still clinging to this one? We should just legalize it. You will never stop it and the best we can do is mitigate harm by getting the women tested and handing out condoms and sheeot. I get the whole christcuck thing, but what about the rest of you? Why isn't it even considered?

>Inb4 Human Trafficking

Separate crime! We can focus on making prostitution safer and fight human trafficking at the same time.

>Photo for editorial purposes

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If you legalize it woman lose power so it won't happen

I don't think thats the reason. I think politicians are still too afraid to bring it up.

It is illegal because it was made illegal years ago, and laws stay on the books until someone repeals them. Just like laws against marijuana, the only reason people are against it is because it's already illegal.


Old values that still hold on.

It's happening, just slowly, like in many other areas.

My only fear is that in our rush to be more libertarian about many things, which I support, we will lose a lot of good things in the process and face tough backlash which will hurt a lot of people. Culture shift has a safe absorption rate that should not be exceeded.

I like slower transitions. Less trouble and more stable.

Prostitution will be made legal once Jews figure out how to control it as an industry.

Its legal here just not publicly

Americans don't understand that morality needs to be enforced by the people, not government.

Your entire moral compass is based on money, therefore degenerate acts like prostitution and drug dealing will continue no matter how much your country's Christians rush to Daddy government to put these people in jail for doing what your society expects them to do.

I think pimps have covered that already

This, its all about the culture

People don't realize this so they try to ban guns, prostitution, drugs, etc and they don't understand why those things don't dissapear

>not understanding human traffic, modern slavery
>thinking woman do it for fun
pick 3

Well in the case of drugs, I know the demand for it will always be there whether or not it's illegal. America should adopt the harm reduction strategy instead of the 'pound the citizens into submission and shame drug users' approach. It does more harm than good for society as a whole and the individual, let alone the economy via the prison system


You should sympathise with the prostitute who only wants to make money and shame the man for soliciting sex.

Not really the same thing. Be pragmatic, do what works, not what has been proven not to.

you can't just come on a christian image board and post uncensored tits. i-it's degenerate

Very true. It's nice to hear an outsiders view.

You may have the most obnoxious typing style in the history of mankind.
For the love of god, never post again.


I hope you don't watch porn.

Well go on?

It's degenerate and for faggots who can't pick up pussy on their own.

Thats not really a good argument.

I'm a little buzzed to be honest. But part of the reason I come here is to practice my english and grammar so if you're gonna talk shit at least be constructive faggot.

No one is willing to go to bat for it. Well okay, very few people. Not enough. Hookers don't want it publicly known they fuck for money and johns don't want people to know they pay for sex. And since pimps would lose their livelihoods with legalization, they're against it. So you've got almost nobody with a vested interest in prostitution willing to fight for legalization.

It's really gonna take a politician or big name celebrity making a stink over it to get the ball rolling. I think it'll lose the stigma once people start talking about it.

because as a nation we are sexually repressed
also this

>Not living in Nevada
HAHAHA, faggots.

Dumping related material against.

Its legal here in leafland




I think it's legal in most western countries.

just legalize everything and let darwinism take care of the rest

This sums up France pretty well. She should add "bareback if you're German, anal if you're Prussian"

They probably don't want to legalize it because then they'll be expected to also regulate it

I don't know how zealous law enforcement is about it in America, but in Canada the sex industry operates in a comfy grey area of the law

I had a PSE with pic related

OP don't tl;dr this one. Save it for later if you must.


This guy gets it.

We have to protect society and banning things always works.

Cool thanks man. I'll read it tonight

I say we open the sex shops right next to OP's mom's house. He can watch his mom get offered money for sucking dick and see his dead sucking some black tranny cock

It would be wonderful if a brothel opened up next to my mom's house. It would give me a reason to visit her other than obligation.

There's a book that came out years before that which covers some of the same ground called The Manipulated Man


The hookers should get together and hire some lobbyists.

This is how I know you're an underage faggot.

Because literally,
>Google search prostitutes in Nevada.

Because what'll you see is legalized prostitutes being fucking shit, ran by shady as fuck owners, and being for the most part, not worth the price.

If there can be any good argument that will fit your parameters, than money and demand will work.

It's not illegal if you are filming it. I think.

It's stupid anyway.

This. Its pretty much the same reason why porn is still censored in Japan. No politician wants to deal with it and have that be what they are known for.

Nevada prices are insane.

We are talking about an undiseased vagina which required a condom anyway.

That's what a monopoly does for ya.

But think of all the taxes.

Because I don't want to live in a society in which 80 year old, rich obese Jews can buy the virginity of 17 year old, blonde blue eyed white women, or a rich Arab, black, Asian, or whoever else.

I don't want our society to ok that.

I didn't mention Nevada because it's not the best example of legal prostitution. Australia & Germany on the other hand seem to do a better job with legalization. At least with the regulation side.

What if they are consenting adults? What if she likes the money more?

This. Legalization without monopolies. I like the idea of the girls being independent operators myself.

Doesn't matter.

ANd honestly, being an "escort" should be a life sentance

I really doubt many prostitutes sell their virginity, and if they do, it's not a matter of whether or not it's legal.

Ah so you are about legislating morality. I see. Fair enough. I don't quite agree but respect that.