What's this guy's story? How old is he? Does he have some weird illness?
Other urls found in this thread:
he's like 23 and enjoys fast food
>not television
>not film
You need to go to Sup Forums, where you belong.
YouTube is Sup Forums now, gramps.
take a hike
I think he has paranoid schizophrenia now.
Hate to break it to you, but YouTube is as much TV as Netflix.
Just autism.
Reviewbrah is everything I wish I could be
Eloquent, intelligent, well dressed, gourmand, artist
>Lovable autist who does fast food reviews
>gets suits from thrift stores
>goes to community college
>lives with parents
>was stalked recently
he's an old food critic soul in a young man's body
Who are Sup Forums approved movie reviewers?
He really should purchase a slim fit suit.
>this is what people born after 1990 actually think
Disgusting. If this garbage belonged here, the board would be named /video/
he's living the dream in florida while making youtube money
>people born before 1990 on 4chin
What are you even doing, dude
Calling you a faggot, child.
he was hit with a warping blade so hard that it sent him from 1920s new york to present day florida
Sure thing, grandpa
Life well lived huh
>implying children born after 1990 are actually people
you know better than this
>typing like a nigger
The problem with your generation is no one spanked shame into you. That's why you're all destined to fold.
He was featured on CNN Money, he's just a guy that wants to inform the public.
How does he have that east coast accent if he's from Florida?
Hahha im literally laffing here
As opposed to figuratively laughing? Think before posting, Jamal.
what a likable fucking guy
Why dont you come say that to my face bitch, if you grew up around my hood youd be fucking dead kiddo
Learn the difference between a comma and a period, child. No wonder you work retail or manual labor.
It's a real abstract kinda fuckin wew lad goin on here
did you just see this on tosh.o too?
>whiteknighting for other men because his dad wasn't around to explain to him that's gay and being gay is unacceptable
>regurgitating buzzwords/memes after 2010
Tell the single mother that raised your friendless effeminate ass that I said hello.
nice """"""""""discussion"""""""""" you have here
why are you being so mean to him? :(
Unironically /ourguy/
fuck off review brah is the only happiness I have in my life.
>slim fit suit.
those ghost pepper ultra spicy wings are still the best review
Just horrible
Nah you're just a fag lol
>meme arrows
>look at me
>I'm grown up on
>Sup Forums
/ck/ incarnate
I genuinely worry about him.
He looks like a male Dakota Blue Richards
Unsubbed when I found out he was a racist.
He's a white supremacist who used to post on Stormfront and was really popular there. Once Stormfront migrated to Sup Forums they brought all their dank reviewbrah memes with them and that's how he became popular on Sup Forums.
>he was a racist.
one of my favorite channels.
really like his hour long videos, super relaxing.
Literally none of his review videos shows it, so why?
>not looking at dem udders
did you get that off rationalwiki?
Why isn't she doing anything? Want to see those twins before they sag