>Be a kid >Watch Little Nicky >Love it >Talk with friends at school about how great it was and they agree >Used to think that because they played it on TV so many times, it was considered a comedy classic >Instead, even most Adam Sandler fans hate it
Has anyone ever been tricked about a movies popularity?
Little Nicky is bad, but at least it has some funny moments. It's a masterpiece compared to the shit Sandler has made in the last decade
Samuel Scott
I liked it as a kid too user. You're no alone
Lincoln Bailey
>Damn you George Clooney! You take all my parts!
Cooper Long
Maybe everyone irl is afraid to say its shit cause they don't want to have back up their criticisms.
Its easier to just say a movies okay then to get in an argument with some pleb who will never understand why a films bad,no matter how red your face turns trying to explain it to them.
Samuel Jackson
Not a movie, but I thought Brendan Fraser was the coolest guy in the world after watching the Mummy when I was 6. It turns out he was barely liked or respected at his peak.
Carson Morris
fuck that lil nicky was great.
Colton Reed
pretty funny movie.
Lincoln Edwards
>while you were busy paying attention, you missed the signs of a potential dubs >look for the signs, leave no dubs unchecked
Jackson Moore
>Be a kid >Watch The Dark Knight Rises >Love the whole movie >Talk with friends at school about how great it was and they agree >Used to think that because they played it on TV so many times, it was considered an action classic >Instead, people only love it for the plane scene and hate the rest
Carson Hill
Jackson Phillips
A-are those things real?
Blake Flores
s-s-shut up brendan is the coolest guy in the world
Kevin Smith
Blake Fisher
Mother fucker how you do it
Noah Edwards
Asher Fisher
like this
Carter Ortiz
Parker Mitchell
Somebody get this hothead out of here
William Jenkins
Michael Williams
I want to knock her up
Thomas Turner
Sorry sir, tonight's last reservation of dubs just went to Paul Allen
Oliver Ortiz
Nathaniel Young
are you me?
James Hill
>Good luck with the nipple rubbing >I don't need luck, I'm good
Joshua Cooper
I'm reading this entire thread in his raspy voice
Thomas Lewis
People who dislike Mystery men can go fuck themselves, the movie is great
Ian Cox
There are people that dislike Mystery Men?
Ethan Lewis
I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid. Holy shit I forgot Ben Stiller was in it.
Leo Cox
Asher Diaz
Holy shit did you watch Little Nicky this weekend too OP?
Hudson Young
Little Nicky was the perfect movie for immature adolescents (which I was when I saw it). I haven't watched it in ages, but something tells me it probably doesn't hold up.
Jonathan Morgan
Ben Stiller himself fucking hates it.
Jeremiah Miller
Ben Stiller confirmed for shit taste
Jeremiah Rivera
If you and your friends loved it, that is all that matters. Don't let hype or the herd determine your tastes for you or soon every movie will be called "Marvel's ___". (I love Marvel btw, but the point stands.
Julian Green
the original "SOMEBODY" movie
Caleb Long
Not OP but I watched it last week and it was still entertaining
Caleb Russell
I still love Little Nicky, who gives a fuck.
Big Daddy will probably always be my favorite of his though. Comedy-wise of course. Best movie with Adam as a lead for me is Reign Over Me though.
Brandon Wilson
GET IN THE FLASHK is still hilarious
Adrian Gonzalez
I was about to say they were bolted on but she may just be one of those blessed women, when they put on weight it goes to the boobs.
Jayden Ross
Popeyes kino
Isaiah Rodriguez
>Adam Sandler fans
Isaiah Sanchez
Paul Reubens even without the platform shoes would have still been taller than Ben.
Evan Cox
Lick my plate, dog dick.
Christian Smith
Why did Quentin Tarantino cameo?
Joshua Turner
u dun ruint mah Sonny Bono wig doo!
Blake Edwards
>Mystery Men >Based on the comic The Flaming Carrot >Flaming Carrot is the team's founding member >Not in the film
Connor Ramirez
MM is worthy of a proper rendition. Especially in this age of capeshit.
Julian Cooper
They tried to hire this guy, but he was too busy playing punk rock with chickens.
Aiden Bailey
you were just a dumb kid
Anthony Green
dat chicken ass
Joseph Walker
If nothing else, Little Nicky is a really weird idea. Modern Adam Sandler movies are these bland stories about some rich guy going on a vacation with his family and Adam Sandler's SNL buddies.
Matthew Myers
Little Nick was, is and always will be a great comedy flick.
Julian Lopez
Little Nicky is fucking great, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Charles Lopez
Little Nicky was one of the first movies I got on DVD. Had just gotten my first DVD player. I was blown away by the video quality and the interactive menus.
Samuel Brooks
Greg Kinnear's undeservingly gruesome death really bugs me.
Joshua Gomez
Everyone acts like "Nothing But Trouble" is shit, but I find it to be compelling, albeit disgusting.
Jonathan Powell
How could you not? He was fucking gorgeous.
Grayson Cox
We finally got a Popeye's chicken where I live in Canada so after 17 years I got to reenact that scene in the movie. Young me would have been so happy. It was one of my favorites back then.
Justin Hill
little nicky is kino
Brandon White
We finally got a plastic surgery where I live, so after 17 years I go to reenact that scene in the movie where the guy gets tits on his head.
Xavier Johnson
The only good thing about it is the Digital Underground single.
Brody Hall
Hudson Morales
Which retarded studio executive thought that walking minstrel show kel miller would ever be a thing?
Xavier Brooks
Popeyes chicken IS fucking awesome. It's funny because it's true.
Ethan Nelson
>like something >find out other people don't like it >act like I'm the same as them Conformity is depressing as fuck user. That's why Iike the "fuck you! I liked it" threads. I still like this movie, minus the whole Hitler is the worst person in hell thing, despite hearing people shit on it.
Charles Harris
Has she had kids? That can make boobs permanently bigger.
Daniel Clark
I don't get it, it's extremely fast paced, has a fresh story and settings for the genre, fun cast and guest stars and music and Nicky is fun as fuck, ltierally a retarded, spastic emo boy.
I don't see anything to hate.
Angel Jenkins
John Ross
moar thickness
Kevin Gomez
My niggers. Also, is this the first time Sandler blatantly had product placement in one of his movies?
Aaron Watson
saw 15 minuts of this steaming pile of shit once.
holy fuck this is where the meme of """""""""""""""""american"""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""""comedy"""""""""""""""""""""" becomes pretty relevant.
you get exposed to all that garbage in your critical development stages, no wonder americans grow up to be dumb simple minded retards with trash sense of humor.
Eli Young
I watched Little Nicky a shit-load when I was a kid and I still have quotes from that movie that bounce around in my head.
>whenever someone says "from the south" I autistically say "...the deep south, heheh." >"It's all in the hips." >"Your father gave me some money to get you a nice place on the upper East Side...but I misplaced it. I'M WASTED!!!" >"FUCK YOU KEVIN SPACEY!!!" >"Popeyes chicken is the shiznit."
Wait, I still like this movie.
Charles Baker
If you watched little Nicky as a kid, you gotta check out this youtube channel. it's fucking gold.