>zombie apocalypse
>fatties everywhere
only in america
>zombie apocalypse
>fatties everywhere
only in america
they're "big boned"
Taras actor was pregnant, she was pretty fit before ballooning up. And Denise lived in a community that had tons of supplies and lived relatively easy so it would make sense people there weren't in shape.
>That one fatty that almost got eaten because she wanted her sody pop
While it's true she's pregnant, she was definitely getting fat too. You put on a little weight when preggers but you don't get jowels.
TWD is filled with plenty of dumb shit, the fat people is small fish. Why the fuck are they driving around in cars? All the gas would be garbage after a couple years.
A fatty would delay a zombie horde for far longer than a skinny during the inevitable breach.
Strategy bro.
A lot of women swell up during pregnancy.
And yeah, a fat women in a community rich with supplies isn't that bad compared to some of the shit on this show.
>Why the fuck are they driving around in cars? All the gas would be garbage after a couple years.
That's not stupid at all, it's an extremely trivial example of artistic license. Pointing out stuff like this and exaggerating how bothersome it is doesn't make you look intelligent, so you can stop doing it.
No, it's an example of the show being basic as fuck. The reason is a car is cheap, and horses are expensive. Bicycles require effort to ride and mess up your hair. I get it, but I can't look past it. "lol just turn your brain off maaaan."
At least they finally showed a blacksmith forging melee weapons. Shit took way too long, and there's still way too many guns. Cartridges are not infinite. Reloading requires a specific skillset and tools.
>you will keep a harem of fat girls in the Apocalypse
Or """""""Palestine"""""""""""
No one gives a shit, it's the same as how characters never lose teeth despite receiving brutal beatings to the face. Cars are convenient for the plot.
>No one gives a shit
Well, I do. And obviously you do, you keep responding.
Also, the ridiculous farm plots. They grow like a 10x10 patch of tomato and that's supposed to feed people? lmao. As a rule of thumb, you need an acre to feed a single person.
maybe they found a stash of snacks with a lot of calories that no one wanted
Remember lost?
we're starving here tho
rick you need to find us food
we are starving
I didn't know that Suzie Crabgrass was in the Walking Dead until this season
People do give a shit, cos shows and movies that pay attention to small details are almost always better
Fish eye lens, they are really normal looking irl
>tfw no thick Arab gf
In all fairness Hurley was finding regular stashes of food and binge eating throughout the show. He really only dieted for maybe 20/75 days on the first run on the island and then he was off it with millions of dollars, then back on the island for maybe a week before becoming a chef in the 1970s
I never got into Lost and your post made me want to even less.
Honestly you'll hate it because you'll miss the glorious threads and conversations that heighten the mystery. Lost is a communal experience that you missed out on in the same way that if a 10 year old played the original Zelda game he'd put it down after ten minutes
fatties can still eat the dead though
People who say "preggers" belong in concentration camps.
Not him, but people who aren't autistic don't care.
>you must be autistic if you have a working knowledge of what the apocalypse might be like!
brainlets, every time.
I care and I'm not autistic. I'm a stickler for details