What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Rushed writing. Everything else was pretty much perfect.
Vinceposting thread?
>You don't really become a man until you've taken a life, Ray. I only enjoy getting fucked by women, so I'm killing everyone I see.
Too many characters.
Central mystery not interesting enough.
Remember that really tough 120 lb female detective who beats people up and then remembers getting molested after taking molly for no apparent reason whats so ever?
It took 5 episodes for the story to actually get interesting because they were juggling too many main characters.
Pizza ruined the mystique by saying it had no occult undertones. I remember reading an early synopsis and it stated that TD2 would deal with the occult in LA'a city planning. Aka the highways and transit system forming symbols.
>You want to know what went wrong, Ray? They say two wrongs don't make a right. And so maybe we got two wrongs making a right. But here's the thing, I took a look at my feet the other day and my left shoe fits both.
Pizza scrapped the original plot he had (presumably because it sounded a lot like Pynchon's M&D) and rewrote everything from scrap. Though now his plot was a lot like an Ellroy novel but rushed as fuck.
Who called out that one cop thats not Vince or Ferrel was a faggot from scene 1 when he didnt want to bang his girl?
It was obvious when he showed he needed pills to perform. Caspere knew this.
I was so excited for this season. The pain still hurts. Will there be a season 3 ever?
Kids thinking a relationship is a 24/7 fuckfest.
nothing it was great
Nic pls
complete misunderstanding of what made season 1 so good.
>girl literally begging you to fuck
>you make an escape to the bathroom, take pills, and stare aimlessly
>when you come out and she blows you, you look away
Hello virign
Remember all the great stuff from s1 that made a generic cop drama into something unique and all it's own? Well it's gone and all that was left was a generic cop drama.
I have a feeling that Nic felt self-conscious or something because everything that was praised about the series was sadly not his stuff. The cinematography, the performances, the references to classic horror stories, the interesting monologues that turned out to be plagiarized... so for S2 he decided to make it all OC and be more in control as a showrunner. But he's just not that good on his own, it seems.
Still dunno, probably like a 60% chance
Well, i believe most of that was the fact that Mchonryahey is genuienly a crazy person, and Woody is too kinda
>the interesting monologues that turned out to be plagiarized.
turns out he was a pretty big Ligotti fan
I liked it, but it was very all over the place, I could hardly remember the story each week, but I loved the tone and style.
The biggest weakness was that it needed to follow one of the best series of all time too.
Introduced me to Lera Lynn, her music in the show was amazing.
oh please the authors he "plagiarized" from all shamelessly stole from their contemporaries/each other anyway
>he falls for clickbait
Vince is shit, his mediocrity infects every project he is associated with
No unifying director for all the episodes
No memorable characters like S1
No original setting like S1
No original tone like S1
Nothing went wrong. Something going wrong means there was ever a chance for it to go right but somewhere along the line, you made a wrong turn and ended up where you weren't supposed to be.
And that's just it. We never went anywhere, we never took any turns, we're stuck in the middle of nowhere on a fucking roundabout.
Honestly should've just been about Farrel and Vaughn's characters and the moral duality between them like Rust/Marty, but they threw in stronk woman and gay cop and stretched the show too thin so none of the characters became particularly interesting. Also a labyrinthine plot that was dull and hard to follow
I think its writing. Vince started out strong, then turned into a sterotypical noir character, finishing every fuckin sentence with "see"
> stronk woman and gay cop
dubs of truth. These two plotlines were completely fuckin worthless
Everything was bad. dropped after 2 episodes.
Mcohanugey wants to play Rust again so just bring that back.
Ani and Woodrugh were fine, the problem was just too many main characters. If the leads were Ray and Paul and Frank and Ani were side characters, or if Frank and Ray were the leads for season 2 and Ani and Paul were partners and leads in their own separate season, shit would have been fine.
Another major problem though was too many scenes for all the main characters was spent going over shit we already knew. There wasn't much development, just the highlighting of their flaws over and over, or their own ruminations on their flaws.
The burned out detective who worked the diamond case that Woodrugh visits is the best side character in the whole show.
everything. everything was shit. the acting was shit. the story was shit. the story was super shit. just the shittiest story ever written. I could have stuck a sharpie into my asshole and then jiggled around with the exposed felt tip rubbing back and forth and back and forth onto a post-it note and it would have been more coherent than that what pizzalato came up with.
I actually enjoyed season 2
fuck you all
its really hard to beat around it, but twink cop and stronk women were painfully annoying at times, and completely removed me from submersion.
S1 TD: Both Rusty and Marty were two believable versions of male characters almost everyone male or female can relate to, or have met before, or who have grown up with. When they interacted with the public, or their wives, gfs, coworkers, and themselves, etc. It fucking worked, and any producer, writer, or director can watch this being filmed and know they got it right.
There were so many scenes in season 2 where I literally looked around my room like, "what the fuck is this?"
>Ani's sister is trying to explain to her what this orgy elite party is going to be like that shes begged her to get her into for undercover work
>spends the whole time sperging out with a knife on this giant piece of fucking wood in her living room like an edgy dude trying to impress some girl. Sister eventually gets tired of trying to explain how dangerous this situation is while Ani continues to randomly stab this piece of wood like a retard. Proceeds to fuck up the undercover mission big time and becomes wanted for it
>Faggot cop just looks like a fuckin psychopath the whole time. Contrasts between him staring like a nut job at his girlfriend silently to him staring at his boyfriend silently like a nut job. Then proceeds to act perfectly normal around Ray and Ani until literally the second to last episode. Im sitting here wondering what this retards deal was because "black mountain" was so vague, it didnt justify this person being retarded and sociopathic the entire time
Like, when Rusty was told in season 1 to take a vacation, you already knew he wasnt going to. Ani tried left and right, and then convinced her sister to get her into the party. Then when her sister does, and tries to brief her on it, she turns into stronkl girl for no fuckin reason.
story was fine if it was about ray being a double agent, and frankie having to be gangster turned PI. The whore and faggot shoehorned this into nonsense
Is it worth finishing? I got until episode 4 or 5 and nothing had really happened since the set up in ep 1.
I kind of struggle with watching tv series as they air because a week between lackluster episodes is enough to put me off, whereas I could just marathon through shitty episodes if I wait a bit./
im on the finale and I got the incline to shitpost on Sup Forums, and its sat on pause for about 2 hours now.
Id say, if you ever have a fever or get hungover as fuck, then watch it
>season one
>malaise of extreme pessimism, anti-religion sermons, consequence-free dark violence and the destruction of traditional family structure
>season 2
>crime is less mysticism and cult-centric and more on the exploitation and horrors committed by the ultra-rich, violence is horrific and the characters who led violent and criminal lives end violently, often tying to the tragic failures of their character, many moments of mourning the death of family
>universally shit on
Is this the show that was hinting at the king in yellow or some shit?
shut up
this is a pretty good post top to bottom, im not even gonna offer a response because I actually laughed out loud at those character descriptions, well, done, well done.
I was so disappointed that Black Mountain went nowhere, beyond
>lol we murdered villagers or something maybe
>and we definitely butt fucked each other lol becuz
and then they became the security team for Catalyst? how convenient
>Ray is a burned out detective turned sleazy PI basically blackmailing adulterers and cheaters and closeted fags and celeb drug addicts and the like
>Frank is a former mid level boss turned Mike Ehrmantraut type advisor / troubleshooter for a high end gangster
>both of them maintain their connection from Rays days on the force and Franks days as a big shot
>both of them pool their brains to get to the bottom of some disappearing call girls and high end escorts
>or something like that
>Ani is just some femme fatale whore they fuck
>Woodrugh is a company man police detective under the thumb of the big conspiracy
>they have his closeted faggotry as blackmail over his head
>Ray uncovers this on his own unintentionally during the course of his work
>wife hired him as a client
>bad guys kill Paul because he has been found out
>his death leads Ray and Frank on a trail
lol, I imagine the writers just shrugging their shoulders when it comes down to connecting the black mountain dots
>"i donfuckinknow, have ani and ray fuck eachother or something later on so no one cares
double dubs are on the right path
also has a lot to do with exactly who the big bad guys were of season 1, and 2 as well
i typed out like a 3 mile long something, then realized I misread you and had no idea what the fuck i was talking about
No McConnaughey
Fat redheaded stepchild beta male named "Chad"
Oh, alright then. Sorry about that.
I fuckin like it.
>>Ani is just some femme fatale whore they fuck
>stronk women ani gets a taste for the wild side and fucks frank after getting a feel for the dark side, frank obliges after finding out his wife is infertile
>Ani eventually figures out """"FRANK IS TRYING TO HAVE HIS CAKE AND EAT IT TOO" (LIKE MARTY) by having her give him info while play8ing good guy between her and his wife
>figures out Ray is like her type, but starting to turn a new leaf after he learns he killed the wrong guy
>After all is said and done, Pauls death is twisted into being Ray's responsibilty
>Somehow Ray has to make it right with Paul's wife so she doesn't have a new born son birthed from vengence.
its okay you blatantly obvious canadian, lol
>What went wrong?
Cast, script, director. All of it.
>>After all is said and done, Pauls death is twisted into being Ray's responsibilty
>>Somehow Ray has to make it right with Paul's wife so she doesn't have a new born son birthed from vengence.
FYI this can be explained by the fact that the last person Paul talked to on his cellphone record was frank
I do this as well, and if the show is good I hate waiting a week for the next episode
The criticism is more about how the stories were told, not whatever self-serving, contrarian fake virtues you're espousing
I love how this board acts like season 1 didn't suck
The gay dude story. It muddled the entire narrative, it was cliche and generally shit. Just cut it out
I love how you act like some wise Sup Forums connoisseur
thank you
Too many characters overshadowed a plot that wasn't super clear
The biggest "problem" was that it was constantly compared to season 1 which was GOAT telekino
If season 1 hadn't come before it, it would have been praised way more
>What went wrong? Well let me tell you something, OP; you know how an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Season 2 of True Detective, maybe that doctor was due. Caspere knew this.
>No memorable characters like S1
there never was Rusty posting
Vinceposting became a thing
Well we had was-he-shooting-at-God? posting
>he exploitation and horrors committed by the ultra-rich,
They slept with prostitutes who seemed to willingly go along with it because the cash was good. Also they tried to manipulate stuff to benefit themselves. It all felt pretty mundane and done to death, to be honest.
>violence is horrific and the characters who led violent and criminal lives end violently
Except it wasn't horrific, it was banal. Oh no, a guy in the mafia was shot! It was self-serving, and boring. Again, the presentation wasn't interesting, the characters mostly whiny for reasons the viewer just can't engage with in any meaningful way, and the criticism nothing new or even interesting. The gay cop thing was dumb, it's california in the 21st century, literally who there would give a shit if some dude was gay? Tuff female cop was trite. Vaughn was mediocre but actually not that bad, and he played his part pretty well all things considered. Colin Farrell was easily the best part about this show but christ did his whole story just not amount to much in the end.
>often tying to the tragic failures of their character,
They usually just drink it away and then move on to the next red herring in their dumb case.
>many moments of mourning the death of family
It didn't really go anywhere.
Season 2 felt like shit because Cary Fukunaga left. Pizzolatto isn't good at what he's doing.
More like 'uneven/unbalanced' writting
The tension was killed all over the season.
Plus, the characters were fleshed out, but plain nonetheless, compared to S1.
McConaughey's character was pivotal to the success of S1, and S2 lacked anyone like that
Story is too complicated, i even don't understand what has happened.
>So now the shoe is on the other foot.
No un-simulated anal scenes starring Rachel McAdams.
>+30 man being embittered that he is slowly rotting away and his dwindling youth has been spent for naught
Fucking everything
They strayed away from one of the main things that made S1 great which is two strong main characters. There was way too much shit going on and they had no time to focus or develop anything because there were so many main characters
Has anyone got that picture of her as a cat?
I will always post that picture whenever possible or needed.
PTSD brah. You try getting it up when all you can think about is your comrades getting blown to pieces
>Remember that really tough 120 lb female detective who beats people up
But she doesn't beat people up she stabs them, she carries a knife with her constantly for this very purpose. They actually address and subvert the very trope you're criticizing now on the show, were you not paying attention? When some dumb muscle tries to grab her when she's infiltrating the whore party she doesn't flip the guy over her head like it's nothing she stabs the fuck out of him and he collapses from blood loss, remember?
>not believing godwarrior was the best character
He was literally the only one who actually got stuff done
Nothing, its better than the pseudo-intellectual, anticlimactic first season.
Thanks bro. It's surprisingly hard to find in a google search.
>or if Frank and Ray were the leads for season 2
This would have been great, even with a weak plot. The ending gutted me
I liked that Frank stayed loyal to his wife though. His obsession with legacy made me think he'd crumble but he never did, and it made the ending tragic instead of deserved
Could there possibly be a more boring setting than California?
your bedroom
Having 4 main characters instead of 2 really hurt the structure of the episodes.
no rachel mcadams sex orgy scene
I was so fucking pumped after that scene. I expected Season 1 levels of nudity, but nah we can't do it cap'n, we respect women too much (now).
I just want her to sit on my face when she's all sweaty after a workout
Her line was trash though.
>The fundamental difference between the sexes is that one of them can kill the other with their bare hands.
No the fundamental difference is one can get pregnant and the other can't. Women have killed men with their bare hands, rare but it has happened, a man however has never gotten pregnant.
S1 was too hard to follow.
Caspere knew this
as other, and even HBO, have said the story was too rushed and there were too many characters and plots. Things that could have been useful or used later were ultimately dropped out of no where (annie being raised in a cult, woodrough and his mom)
Also, the whole premise really didnt seem to matter. S1 had a cult kidnapping children and killing them, S2 had some dirty politicians buying poisoned land and other shady business, so who gives a fuck? That whole plot with the "trafficked" girls went no where either. I thought they were going to bring in more kidnapping/human trafficking like season 1 but it was just a bunch of high class hookers going to parties for sex and drugs. None of them seemed bothered by what they were doing when annie went under cover, so there was no sense or earnest danger or greater good like in season 1
I actually liked season 2 for what it tried to be and could have been. a neo noir setting with less characters and a better end game would have been cool