Just look at what you guys have done...
Just look at what you guys have done...
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(((Matt Drudge)))
From what I understand this plan has been in the works for years. They're unveiling it now because they're afraid that the EU will break apart before they can implement their Final Solution.
They've gotta get it in before any other countries vote out. It'll never work though, they're massively overplaying their hand. They're on tilt because they're not used to losing.
>Beimg scared of a well meaning progressive idea to encourage all people to work together in equality
>Ignoring race as it should
>Religion and state separated
>Globalism ensuring a fair equal society
fuck off Fascists, the 40's happened way too long ago, It's 2016 and there's no place for this backwards logic
Civil war! Don't let the UK secede from the Union!
Instead of Fort Sumter it will be Gibraltar.
But but but we have been told for a few decades now that this was all just a tin foil hat conspiracy.
Nice b8
Sorry we're destroying europe for the third time. Not sorry.
Nice dubs
Holy crap they are insane.
Visegrad is already having a meeting over this crap
>tfw my ID is actually my name
What exactly is their final solution? Force people to suck kebab dick at gunpoint? I'm confused.
Pleased to meet you, BEN9ulRD.
The mere unity of white peoples is a huge threat to them. Forcing in nonwhites destroys that unity. Without a homogeneity or organizing principle, "the People" is replaced by people, and people cannot counter the State.
>1940, Deutschland
>Dissolve your armies and join us or else
>2016, Deutschstan
>Dissolve your armies and join us or else
Fourth Reich in development, Britain left just in time to repeat history.
>always winning
>why are nationalists always so mad : ^ )
>look at these cartoons, right wingers are so cranky
>make small loss
>huge reaction
>become orwellian nightmare overnight
A mixed race of slave humans reduced to mere automatons working for the political elite which is huddled up in a floating fortress above Brussels because the ground level has become too violent and dangerous for their tastes.
I told you. Dutch, Danes and anyone who values their nation. When we leave, get ready to run because France and Germany won't fuck around with making their precious superstate.
So they are basically becoming the 4th Reich? Glad to know crazy German leaders never change.
This was a coup.
Brexit was the plan all along. Now that the most powerful opposition to integration (UK) has been removed, integration can begin in earnest. Germany and France are powerful enough to overcome all remaining opposition. The UK will have to retain all of the same EU regulations as before if they want access to the common market, but now they have no say and now they cannot stop integration. In fact, now they likely will not get to keep their opt outs as before. They may have to be submit to all EU regulations.
Why else would the EU race to make the UK exit immediately. If the EU was so much stronger with the UK, why, when they see the British regretting their advisory decision, would they ignore all opportunities to try and overrule the referendum? Wouldn't you make at least some token attempt to say, are you sure? No. They didn't. They ran straight away to say get out immediately and then began their "stronger Europe" PR campaign and this memo gets leaked. This was the plan. Integration can now begin and no one can stop it.
Now the UK will be punished, the EU will integrate into a super state. The UK will be forced to either join later as a fully integrated member or have a subservient trade deal.
The UK went from a strong position of influence in EU law and policy and opposition to integration while maintaining its opt outs to being moved out of the way so that Germany and France together can integrate the EU unopposed and the UK will be forced into worse terms and have no influence.
This was a coup.
>Germs destroying Europe for a 3rd time.
>knows anything about the EU
Please, stay out of our politics and prevent you looking stupid(er) and we wont complain at all the guns you have. OK?
it almost like they pleading for the next grand war on European continent.
It's like a fucking vidya gaem where the final boss fight starts out against a seemingly normal but misguided person only for the 2nd round of the fight to reveal the boss to be the spawn of Lucifer
>you were born at the right time to liberate Europe from the EUSSR
We Eurasia now.
Oceania and Eastasia when?
so germany is trying to take over the bloc again?
Ohhh Germany
we will defeat you again
>keeping meme nationstates like Estonia, that can and will be crushed by Russia, USA and China anytime
>preserving europe
>uniting what's left after 2 meme wars to form a superpower to rival the US
>destroying europe
I don't understand burger.
>Just look at what you guys have done...
It's almost like they're panicking, just making a knee jerk reaction and exposed their true (and obvious) intention.
That said, there's nothing wrong with the idea of a United States of Europe it's just Europe is not ready for it. Not all the countries are at the same level technologically, societally, financially. We end up with the largest states supporting the smaller ones who act like primitive leeches.
Cant wait to go back to the bbq with the brits and grill some wurst.
Guess we can find out after all if my generation actually are better people than the people who joined Hitler instead of resisting him back in the day :^)
But I believe we all know the answer already.
burgers commonwealth the uk and russia all team up to stop the aryian menace one more time
don't worry, we'll fuck up the germans for you and save your ass once again. but not before we make a shitload of money off your dumb asses.
Is this like a conspiracy site?
Or is this Fox News Europe?
>mfw mein merkelfuher thinks president trump let german cucks get a real army.
we are their army. topkek germanistans
Time to save Europe from Germany for the third time in a century.
The eternal kraut must be wiped out
this is a nice idealistic dream but probably wont work in reality
its just funny how pol rejects such ideas on face value
>Use the Muslims
It all makes sense now. Merkel you sly fox
>being afraid the EU will break apart
>revealing these plans to the public
lol, for fuck's sake. Can Krauts do anything right?
>The UK went from a strong position of influence in EU law
Nope. They had zero influence and were losing autonomy rapidly. The EU is undemocratic and authoritarian. Nice globalist propaganda though.
1 post!!!!
dont even spare the children
federalist kikes last ditch
France has nukes for fucks' sake. Why are they bending over to Germany like that? Germany barely has a military anymore. It's so bizarre France isn't even trying to be the dominant force in Europe when they could easily achieve that instead of following Merkel around like a vassal.
No, don't. Seriously.
Think about it.
>defeat Germany, Germany rises up again anyway despite massive reparations and obligations to demilitarize.
>divide up Germany, make it so that Germany cannot have a standing army and is the US's bitchboy, Germany rises up again and dominates the EU by economic means
And if there's a WW3 over the EU, Germany is going to do the same fucking thing all over again. It'll get defeated, and it'll rise up again.
The UK was right to leave the EU, but Germany becoming a major power is simply inevitable. It doesn't matter how you try to hamstring it, it just happens anyway.
Europe is not worth getting into a war over. If the French want to be conquered by the Fourth Reich, let them.
What the UK needs to do right now is make itself economically and industrially independent from the EU. Otherwise, you'll just be swallowed up again.
america to unify the americas...join with canada AND mexico and ALL of south america and support their nation states with YOUR taxes
no? dont be racist burger!
their arrogance has once again gotten the better of them.
We don't need trade deals with Europe. Germany in particular needs the UK as a dumping ground far more than vice versa. We just buy their shit, we don't really need it. That's why German industry leaders are furious with Juncker and have been telling the papers they want free trade deals with the UK EU or no EU.
Fuck there goes my plan to join the French Foreign Legion.
>Germany and France are powerful enough to overcome all remaining opposition
Yes, the fucking nation who needs to paint broomsticks black in order to pretend their military has guns is somehow powerful enough to tell every other country in Europe "get rid of your army".
I might as well call off the engagement with my german fiancee because by the time the wedding rolls around, she'll be an ISIS sex slave.
damn, thats well put
ooh, dass Deutschland
*audience laughter intensifies*
This has to be atleast the 8th
No wonder they vote to leave. That is the slickest site I have seen by some dude in a foil hat. That web designer has a future.
Just needs to work on making his sentences more than 6 words long in the copy.
Maybe a semicolon or two.....
What is it with Germans? Why do they always seem to end up trying to take over Europe?
So did Merkel bring in all those refugees into Europe to be soldiers in the much rumored EU army?
>all in the name of tolerance!
t. cucktholic
spotted the leftist
they always have been control freaks..so was we but we never shit on our own doorstep..we did that elsewhere in the world like america and australia...you guys do it in the middle east lol
hopefully germany is ready for round three electric fuckaloo
God damn Euro bureaucrats must think EU stands for Europa Universalis.
One does not simply Revoke the Privilegia and enact Renovatio Imperii in real life.
they wont have all of mainland europe...
That's the best part of it. Getting hammered into our skulls from the day we are born:
>never forget
>never let it happen again
And now, guess what?
>it happens again
You can call it globalist propaganda all you want, but reality is that this has helped the globalist plans. Look at what is actually happening. Is the EU falling apart, or did they just announce a push for the further integration they always wanted? You tell me what the evidence points toward.
France and UK are really close mate.
France is the wildcard in all this. They will pull out at last moment and pull a trade deal with UK in 1 year from now.
Dude it's been the same format since the 1990's. Not all that tin foil hat of a guy and is an America.
Seriously guys. Just split the damn EU in half. Germany, Franch and Belgium and co can have the superstate shit. The rest of Europe can go back to just being a free trade area *and nothing else*.
The course of the EU is irreversible. It's full steam ahead regardless of Britain's decision. But there are bigger powers that they can turn to in order to resist the EU.
They've had to do it before. Tyranny calls itself plenty of things.
Haven't the germens been destroying Europe since.ancient roman times?
Is this EU superstate a real thing in the works?
Or is this just some fantasy policy paper written by a eurocrat justifying their paycheck?
Germany is money France is the military
You are stuck in a 20th century mentality.
The truth is all power resides in three places:
1. Geography - your nation is only as good as the land it sits on. Germany is wealthy because of its land, but loses wars because it can easily get blockaded.
2. Populace and their values - your nation is only as good as your ability to produce individuals who will contribute to your nation. This is related to geography, as people do better in richer lands but also need some harshness in their climate or lack of certain resources in order to learn to fight to survive or deal with others. A population that is too kind or too intelligent will destroy itself, and a population which is belligerent and/or stupid will destroy itself.
3. Economics - Money rules the world. Period. If you cannot pay for bread, you cannot feed your troops. If you cannot feed your troops, they cannot fight. And if you are sufficiently wealthy to just buy your rival's land from under their feet, why do you need troops?
Look at China. Sure, it's got a big land military, but it's ability to project power sucks. The Chinese Army is a domestic police force and a way to make young men loyal and dependent on the state. There will NEVER be an invasion of Taiwan, Japan, or America. What will happen instead? China wants to more or less buy out Taiwan. Not literally buy every inch of land, but make Taiwan so economically dependent on China, that the "Rogue Province" is de facto under their control again.
Lines on a map are simply that. Lines on a map. It is more important in the modern world to have control over the land, people, and economies of your rival nations than it is to be capable of invading them militarily.
Let's say Russia successfully invaded Europe. USA was too cucked to do anything. So what happens? Russia has to deal with a continent full of partisans. That's terrible.
Better idea: control oil supply. That's how you win.
Wake up. It's 2016, not 1812. Conquest is done with cash.
what have we done exactly except speed up the reveal of a plan that was warned about for YEARS this was the end game for the EU, at least Britain got out before it became given its designated sector number to answer to the mighty Brussels
The fact of the matter is that by doing this they could very well cause their own downfall.
Several countries would most likely leave before this is implemented.
The irony is Britain would probably go with that, eventually. Britain, Germany and France could do some serious stuff if combined.
I'm surprised they haven't use some of the mass of that mountain to extend the land out to the right there.
>defeat Germany, Germany rises up again anyway despite massive reparations and obligations to demilitarize.
more like
>Germany rises again because Anglos hijack France's process of undoing it forever
Same happened after WWII, except it was americans instead of brits.
Sure I have my issues with the current Pope's tone but atleast he has never and will never be like pic related.
You're still going to fail to invade Britain and then get double-teamed by the US and Russia.
Ben Shapiro?
More like NATO is the military.
The truth behind this "United Europe Defense Force" is so that if any member nation tries to leave the EU, a major argument for the "Remain" side will be something like "BUT IF WE LEAVE THE EU, WE WON'T HAVE A MILITARY BECAUSE WE GAVE THAT UP."
Again, invasions are never going to happen. I wouldn't say militaries are useless, but the EU's military does not have to be equivalent to Russia or the US's militaries. The purpose is control, not power projection.
Most Islamic nations are not secular so EU definitely wont be in the future
What the fuck dude.
Are they trying to start WWIII? This is the greatest happening season of all time. I knew something big was coming.
historical..cannons was placed up there to BTFO of spanish and french fleets when they tried to steal our land...and failed