ITT stuff that really makes you think
ITT stuff that really makes you think
That's not real.
>Liberals won't condemn massacre of gays but will whine about A FUCKING WHITE MALE not making a cake
Literally this is he unironically
>wedding cake equality
>nah i wont bake a cake for your celebration of something that violates my religious beliefs, have a good one though
>allahu akbar
>same thing
>if you don't believe in gay marriage you must want gays to be put to death
but it is
did the government give some sort of mandate that no cake shop shall sell to a homosexual or something. if not the free market tends to sort things like this out pretty fast.
How does the person who owns that site go to sleep at night?
>If you don't bake a fag cake, you're a terrorist
Only a liberal could legitimately believe refusing to bake a cake is comparable to murdering dozens of people
Pls no more I shouldn't be really thinking more than twice a day
>Hypocrisy: Conservatives condemn Islam for the massacre of gay people but *still* support the free market
>Wedding cakes
>Killing half a hundred Americans
Gee. I fucking wonder.
They're right. We don't want to be Islamophobic. Denying gays wedding cakes isn't enough, we should massacre gays too.
I'm not readin all that shit m8
It's a parody
@salon is Salon's official
You must have a disability if thats hard for you to understand
>stuff that really makes you think
>that the murder of 50 people to 2 fags not getting a cake would be comparable
kill yourself and everyone who likes you.
you're right. the real one is much more rational
That's better writing and satire than I've seen in a lot of places.
So in order to be mad about someone getting killed i have to bake them a fucking wedding cake now?
Das some good OC mane, made me laugh
Didn't even read a single word.
Wtf I hate conservative values now.
Should actually attach the post to the image
there are some people who still think those drawings are just strawmen/caricatures and not a real representation of leftists
>jeff degraff
>jaff degraff
>jaff dagraff
>What's your name, madame?
He's been forcing the same fucking image for about 4 days straight
I know that's bait but man does it invoke an deep instinctual hatred in me.
You have the right of it
>i want wedding cake equality but fuck you if you support trump you don't get any business
huh, really makes you think
>people being massively murdered
>business rights
Hypocrisy: Liberals condemn the patriarchy but enable Islam.
People are literally that retarded. Do you seriously live your life pretending people aren't retarded? Stop giving Humanity the benefit of the doubt.
Stupider shit exists too.
>killing someone is the same as not wanting to sell a pie to a certain group
I read this in my head with the voices from pinky and the brain
>Mass murder
>A wedding cake
Pretty sure you can always find someone else to make your cake.
since when has the right to refuse service equaled murder ?
superior image
This remains one of the funniest things I've ever read.
All right Sup Forums here is the deal, its clear that democracy is the voice of majority but its also clear how the media affects the majority with straight up lie and propaganda ... with that in mind, what can WE do to stop this?
How to prevent and counter commies propaganda?
he got arrested
So if I bake a cake for gays I can afterwards bash and condem Islam all day and do so openly? Deal! I don't care for gays but man I do hate mudslimes.