Jester Stewart playing up to his role before King Trump
Jester Stewart playing up to his role before King Trump
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Rat faced kike putting rats on his head
WOW! Genius!
Take that, Drumpfkins :)
Drumpf once again btfo by comedic intellectual jew
kek. conservatives butt blasted again.
Bernie can still win.
>tards blasted that Republicans can't produce a single good comedian
but seriously we cant let trump get the nuclear codes
> everyone ITT mocking him
Careful John, your career might be over after an edgy stunt like this.
TV is always the best when republicans are in charge. Repubs get so easily triggered. Imagine, 4 years of the best comedy we've had in this decade!
Ah yes, I'm incredibly envious of your selection of great comedians. DRUMF HAS SMALL HANDS AM I RIGHT? HAHAHA
The thumbnail made me think that was Jamie Stewart from Xiu Xiu.
He'd have beaten Trump though.
Wow Trump confirmed not a racist or Hitler. This proves the hysteria is bullshit once and for all.
Trump has been in office for 12's how Bernie can still win
More like Jon Leibowitz am I right guys
Cleary, you are
I liked Stewart. But I'm stating to think that he really doesn't get it. You will never, ever, get anyone to agree with you by calling them a moron or saying that their entire way of life or belief system is idiotic. No matter how dumb that system is. It's human nature to double down on these things.
I'm no fan of Sup Forums conspiracies, but the way that Stewart and his friends attack conservatives makes me think that conservatives are almost a form of controlled opposition, because nobody could be stupid enough to think that such attacks will do anything but make those conservatives hate them even more.
t. Reactionary who's basically not even on the modern political spectrum and is therefore kind of a neutral observer
>Trumps says he loves Jews, his daughter is married to a Jew, his daughter converted, his kids are Jews
it must be exhausting, how will they keep at it for the next 8 and counting years?
the lenghts you go to twist your narrative to one where your (((bull))) didn't con you
>liberal humor
Jon Stewart would unquestionably make a better President than Trump
It's just entertainment. It's funny because conservatives get so BTFO (as evidenced by the posts in this thread).
>his face
Haha holy shit he's absolutely buttcrushed
You're not very good at this
>the next 8 and counting years?
>he seriously thinks Trump won't get impeached
>Democrats blasted that they get their news and political guidance from comedians
I sure am pal, oh how I wish I was a male feminist who cared about the poor oppressed minorities, that way I'd have hilarious and quirky comedians like Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham on my side.
Oh no! Hollywood is making fun of conservatives! Are you guys gonna keep crying? kek.
I don't get it because Trump doesn't wear a wig
>impeached by a government in his control
Keep dreaming, paco
nice reddit image
i've been btfo'ing trumpcucks like you long before he even ran, i'm way ahead
Reminder that this happened and Colbert never using it again will not sweep the disgrace of him and his failed writers under the carpet..
Impeached over what?
Hurting your feelings?
lol he's delusional. Trump won't even get elected.
>Trumptards can't handle the bantz
Every day they're posting these assreamed threads. Why the fucking thin skin?
r/the_donald in full force in here.
>Trump will never run
>Trump will never break 15% in the polls
>Trump will never break 20% in the polls
>Trump will never survive after attacking McCain
>Trump won't win a war against Fox News
>Trump will never recover after calling for a muslim ban
>Trump will never win New Hampshire
>Trump will never get the most states on Super Tuesday
>Trump will never recover after Wisconsin
>Trump will never defeat the Cruz-Kasich alliance
>Trump will never by the Republican nominee
>Trump will never poll better than Clinton in swing states
>Trump will never recover after the "grab by the pussy" comment
>Trump will never win Florida
>Trump will never win the Rust Belt
>Trump will never be elected president
>Trump will never repeal Obamacare
>Trump will never build the wall
>Trump will never deport massive numbers of illegals
>Trump will never get Mexico to pay for the wall
>Trump will never impose term limits on members of Congress
>Trump will never be re-elected
>Trump will never Make America Great again
>Trump will never annex Canada and make it part of the Great American Empire
>Trump will never be the first president to visit another planet
>Trump will never expand America throughout the Cosmos
>Trump will never be crowned galactic emperor
>Trump will never deport alien scum
>Trump will never ascend into heaven upon the wings of a phoenix
>Trump will never keep the Chaos Dimensions at bay with his very existence
>Trump will never be remembered for all time as the greatest president America ever had
The thin skinned one is you. :^)
Don't discourage them. I like to be entertained.
I know, they just can't accept facts and logic, like how Trump is going to get impeached
>Republicans did a thing
>(non sequitur)
>liberal snark
>"They're not normal like us smart people" punchline
>repeat until your audience members think they're political experts
this was all made by one incredibly asspained trump voter who cant handle the fact that the president is officially steve bannon and trump is playing a secondary role.
>it's a Sup Forums pretends to be butthurt hillary voters episode
>this lack of self-awareness
>still no link to anything
He should have pulled a Gaga and used an actual dead rodent. Why are liberals such pussies?
>liberals are so out of touch with reality that they think the president hurting their feelings is grounds for impeachment
You're so cute when you try to think.
Bush/Cheney again. Why they do this?
Not gonna lie, former Daily Show fan here. This is fucking hilarious watching Jon Stewart crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this jew get his show back.
Every Trump parody I've seen is terrible. I think the best one I've seen is Jimmy Fallon's. He doesn't really try hard to match the voice, and just focuses on a handful of catchphrases.
This haha, i am above all of these racist sexist misogynist islamaphobic REDUMBLICANS, they're like toys to me, I'm trolling the c*ap out of them xD
You realize that means President Pence right? And you know what President Pence means don't you? It means all the shit you were afraid Trump would do to faggots, queers and retards and disabled folks, will actually happen under President Pence.
You want corrective therapy for gays? You want electrocution for those who refuse the therapy? You want the mentally retarded killed in the street? You want muslims and fags thrown off buildings and set on fire? Then get right in there on that impeach Trump movement you lily livered faggot.
Do you even realize that all of your political idols are slaves to the establishment they claim to stand against? You find no irony in anti-establishment movements receiving their entire worldview from establishment propaganda networks?
Where are people getting this from? Where's the proof? Seriously, I'd like to know.
Yeah he would have. I'm not American so I'm sure I don't get it but why isn't Hillary the most hated woman in America right now? She totally fucked up a sure thing
Shareblue is raiding Sup Forums.
If you thought the election was bad, you ain't seen shit yet.
Danald..... DRUMPF
>*Audience bursts out laughing*
Maybe if you got 4chanx you'd avoid situations like these where you embarrass yourself on a japanese anime forum
I mean plenty of conservative pundits do the same things regarding liberals. Stewart and others are just funnier than them.
It's le epic new lefty propaganda since the "russian hacking" thing failed.
>You want the mentally retarded killed in the street? You want muslims and fags thrown off buildings and set on fire
I'm starting to think the left does because they're importing people who actually do this by the thousands
The dissenters must be getting paid! There's no way there's opposition to Trump, who lost popular vote!
Fucking idiot.
the current president is literally a shitstain on humanity
>STILL no link to anything
Turn on CBS right now.
I miss Stewart. He would shit over Obama and dems who did stupid shit. The new dude is just bad.
>shills tell normies Trump is Hitler
>shills tell Sup Forums Trump is a kike
That's how you know neither accusation is true
I wonder if you even think about who is funding and organizing your opposition to the POTUS. Couldn't possibly be billionaire globalist banker Soros who has already flushed billions down the toilet betting against Trump and trying to buy the election for Hilary, could it?
>He would shit over Obama and dems
Stop shitposting.
I'm going to audition to host a late night show. What do you guys think of this joke I wrote?
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes!
Have you guys noticed that republicans are just obsessed with how democrats think about them?
They're a very vain, petty people.
they're obsessed not the ones blocking traffic and smashing store windows
This is epic,
Epic for the win that is.
Le cheto jesus xD
>Have you guys noticed that democrats are just obsessed with how republicans think about them?
But it's beyond a fact that Soros is one of the Clinton's financiers and he has been linked to organizers behind every single one of these anti-Trump protests. At this point you'd have to be both blind and a retard to stick to the level of shitposting you're at
>having cable
Guess I'll Youtube OP's shit tomorrow. Normal people have live streams if they want to discuss live broadcasts but I guess this board operates on another level.
As a sort of side question then: should I put on the original Ghost in the Shell, or like 2 episodes of Eva to go to sleep to? I'll be asleep in 30 minutes so it doesn't matter really.
I don't see millions of Republicans chimping out in the streets because they disagree with the outcome of an election
looks like memes to me
>a few people protest
>conservatives whine non-stop about how unfair it is and won't stop talking about it
heh alright kid
No, instead they're obsessed with shooting unarmed black people, mosques, and kindergartens.
I don't think Trump is fir but Soros is a truly evil man. You should read up on him
Is this kino?
By a Republican Congress?
I kno rite!!! Drumphhfffff lol c.f.
Steve is pretty based too.
Why are you projecting?
thats right user all opposition to trump, on this meme website in particular, is a conspiracy concocted by the jews. im redpilled now
are you 4?
i never foudn him funny
Wal-Mart only has 3-4 Rascal scooters.
Remember when the left was terrified Trump supporters and Republicans were going to do just that if Trump lost? Imagine their reactions of Trump won the popular vote but lost the EC
they're obsessed with like .01% of homicides? odd
do you actually get paid to do this? youre a horrible shill