Unironically we dont need a democracy. We just need Donald Trump to get in office, and then we could establish a Monarchy based on his gene pool. This is the best because it get's rid of political instability if we are able ti have a monarchy of Trumps.
Unironically we dont need a democracy. We just need Donald Trump to get in office...
Trump is a unique figure. Everyone who backs Trump here, they do it for the lulz.
Trump rustles jimmies. That's all that matters here.
There's no common political stance here except contempt towards everything that is party lobbyism and left wing ideals.
Trump makes left wing people and parties people go completely mad.
Trump is a meme, a rather powerful meme, and if he becomes president, the ultimate internet generated trolling attempt.
In other words, you can't do nothing because facts don't matter to the Trump voter.
Only the lulz matter.
go watch GoT and come back to tell me this is a good idea
>inb4 1 post by this ID
Shit they're onto us. Time to blow it all up.
Mad because it's true
Man I'm damn serious. If I were American I would vote Trump just because look at the media.
They are completely mad.
I want them to go full on mad. I want their jimmies destroyed. I want Trump.
Some people just want to see the world burn
>literally spagehtti
Thank you for #correctingtherecord
This is wrong, Trump has the best policies of any canidate.
correct the record detected
I'd vote for him because he's the best canidate and a good monarch.
Something is telling me you either are a nig or a shill.
Only Hillary has shills.
Nope, Trump has them too. Where the hell do you live? Ever heard of the_donald?
Uh, no. Only Hillary has shills. Trump doesn't need them, just like the world doesn't need the EU
This. But Europe needs some unifying force. The UK should just run the EU they're not cucks as they have shown.
when will this meme end?
Yes it should be a monarchy.
No one says 'uh' on Sup Forums. Remember that next time shill.