Post-Millennials are the most conservative generation since World War II. How will this affect the future of television and film?
Post-Millennials are the most conservative generation since World War II...
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Are post millennials after 1999
Millennial are 1980-2000
so yes...
also why do we have "gen Z" AND "millenials"? are they seperate? why are there so many terms for this generation?
You just think this because you spend a lot of time on Sup Forums
What I read online that post millennial are from mids 1990s upwards
>Sup Forums's wishful thinking
If you keep saying it, maybe it will become true.
No, there was a survey.
This is stupid because nobody in the god dam world can determine what year millennials end and post-millenials start
It's all an elaborate scheme just to blame people on shit that's happening or happend
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Generation Z is the generation after millennials
Generation isn't really a properly defined term, it's really for marketing more than anything else. There's debates whether it should be 15, 20, or even 30 years. The creator of the word millennial always intended it to be 1980-2000 though.
It's a single study done by a marketing firm called the gild that somehow ended up getting published.
I've always heard that millenials were at least somewhat aware of the turn of the millenium.
Pretty sure someone born in 1999 is a gen z.
Millenials are actually turning 30 or older now
Well I'm 1997 and consider myself pretty conservative
This guy right here gets it, I'm tired of all this generational shit, just one more way to divide people.
Looking at broader data shows that they're as conservative as gen x, although they don't give as much of a shit about race or gays. Mostly a mixed bag on trans people though.
It's really up to personal preference or what you're using it for. Someone born in 1994 isn't really going to have a huge difference in mindset compared to someone born in 1997. Even Baby Boomers have a debatable end date for their generation.
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Worth mentioning is the study only looked at a small number of people all between 14-15 years old. I've been hearing this since the late 90s so I think it's very overstated to think a gen will lean massively one way or another.
>the kids that pirate everything, flirt with dick pics and go to grade school with fags and trannies are the most conservative generation since before the baby boom.
Middle School teacher here, I don't see this at all. Everybody was crying and hysterical the day after Trump won. I'd say about 1 in 3 say they are either gay or some variation of trans.
It's like when people thought all the Reagan kids would become hardcore racist neo nazis but were less racist than those before them.
Yeah I thought the same thing but what's more likely to happen is that the division between conservative and liberal is going to be more wider aka more extremists
This is a rising trend. People are drifting more to extremes on both sides. But I don't buy the divide is that large considering the 1880-1920s brought us factory men who identified with conviction as socialist, clashing with monarchists and robber baron-esque capitalist policemen and factory owners on the street.
> I'd say about 1 in 3 say they are either gay or some variation of trans.
What shithole do you work at?
What the fuck kind of journalism is this? It's sort of outrageous that these sites can write an article on a survey and not give any relevant info about how the survey was conducted.
Thanks anyway I guess
Well the daily mail has an agenda push and cnn is just cnn.
>most conservative generation since World War II
Bull fucking shit
Millennials are just a term that people in the workplace see baby boomers have used for anyone younger than them entering the workplace for a time it was Generation Y soon it will be Generation Z, and once it was even the last part of Generation X.
Since Gen Y makes up the bulk of people known as "Millennials" In the end they're likely to be the ones to get that label permanently.
Most gen zs don't even have fucking pubic hair yet.
And I can assure you, while they undoubtedly hate the fuck out of their hippie libshit parents and siblings, they're not about to throw away their future to a bunch of israel first big oil tycoon 'eat the poor' cocksuckers.
Sup Forums is dumb as fuck.
...what part?
Millennials and Gen Y are the same thing,
This has nothing to do with film. Why can't you autistic faggots stay on your little containment board?
>slurs out a bunch of noises and stereotypes like a retard
>says Sup Forums is dumb as fuck
I don't believe it, really.
It slightly does. Different audience means different movie themes. Different filmmakers means different films get made.
>Post-Millennials are the most conservative generation since World War II
Just wait until their parents kick them out and they actually have to live in poverty
Hey there conservacuck, triggered as always eh?
Here's to hoping a musilm cuts your balls as you lay witness to him raping your 9 year old daughter
cuck cuck cuck cuck
>Post-Millennials are the most conservative generation since World War II.
I think this is a reaction to Hollywood and the rampant SJW culture found there.
It's literally the pendulum swinging the other way.
But to answer your question, I think Hollywood will benefit tremendously. The WW2 generation ran the studios in the 60s, 70s and 80s and they made some damn good films.