Does Sup Forums struggle with marijuanna dependance digeneracy?
Does Sup Forums struggle with marijuanna dependance digeneracy?
Never smoked the devils plant in my life.
I pity all you people.
No, I'm an alcoholic.
Hah sorry bro not me, but dude weed all you want lmao
I think im addicted. Im really depressed and the only thing that helps me get out of bed and get started with my day is smoking
I do. its awful. cigarettes too. I just feel like with the state of the world, and the person that I am, it probably wouldn't be of any great loss to die early.
It is the devil's lettuce desu makes my eyes red as his dick
I'm high as fuck right now & even I know that there is no 'I' in degenerate, you maple syrup swilling piece of shit.
Not really all that much. What really shits on my poutine is poor spelling degeneracy.
>not living the straight edge life
Step up senpai
Literally only reason I live is because I know I can smoke weed when I wake up and get home. All I look forward to.
Im not a fucking degenerate. Even alcohol i have never once drunk with the goal of getting intoxicated. Never had more than one drink in one sitting.
Just stop it using strength you fucking lazy retard
How do you become addicted to marijuana? Nigga just stop smoking! Just stop putting marijuana cigarettes into your mouth!
I like it but only because it makes jerking off feel even better and helps me go to sleep. But even then I only smoke about once a month if that.
Nah but I chew and smoke.
I'm high too canafriend.
Keep insulting that Canadian though.
No but Christ do this guys videos make me laugh, they're terrible.
Triple doubles
>1 post by this ID
>Peanut Brittle
Glorious. I get indica Jolly Ranchers from my local that are the tits.
Not lazy. Just cant go a day without thinking about suicide. Weed is the only thing to keep me from being depressed and not ending it all
Hey me too, what do you chew?
I like Redman Gold and any dip. Don't like snus.
Smoke weed 1-2 times a week. It's like alchohol, but without all the drawbacks
There's no dependancy. Me (and my friends) have quit weed for months and months at a time with no withdrawals.
People who smoke every day will start having serious issues, though. Psychological dependancy is a real bitch. But if your character is weak enough that you slip into smoking weed on the daily, you're already too far gone familia
gotta protect the benis
you wouldn't laugh if you got shot, right inna benis
I used to yes. In fact, I was a complete glutton with booze, weed, and benzos.
At my peak I was smoking 6 ounces a month, and 12 beers a day. Then I weened down to only 2 ounces a month, but was up to drinking over a fifth of whiskey with that weed. Then I tried to ween down the booze and weed, and ended up taking benzos all the time.
I had to get 100% sober.
Sounds like you have a shit life.
Let's talk about it user.
What do you do for a living?
Your ok ryan
People with strong willpower can smoke and not let it drag them down.
I like to smoke weed at the end of the day or when I have some time to myself. The problem is, whenever I buy it, I wind up smoking it all day long and I'm not able to get shit done.
Any way to fix this problem other than willpower? I'd really like to smoke weed everyday before I go to sleep, but I can't risk wasting a day.
Full time student in uni while working part time. Have an average life just been depressed my whole life i guess. Felt this way since i was 13 didnt start smoking till 16
Weed doesn't have that effect. Probably making you more depressed, don't be a fool downplayed by tricks.
Same boat here. I had a really bad heroin and crack/coke habit and had to stop consuming intoxicants of any kind because I have no ability to moderate my usage. On the bright side I save so much money because drugs were really the only thing I ever spent money on.
I work white collar so I use general snus at work because I can't have grit in my teeth. When I'm home I usually chew Grizzly Wintergreen because I enjoy the burn. I started out with Redman Gold actually, and I'll chew it when I'm out fishing or kayaking or something, but I find it, and most straight tobacco flavors to be too sweet to chew more than just once in a blue moon, personally.
Smoke Pall Mall lights, or menthols here or there.
Takings dabs of sour diesel tonight, Fuck you
I smoke from time to time, I usually can't be bothered to get off my ass to do it after work. That's why an 8th usually lasts me like 2-3 months instead of a week like my stoner friends, whom I barely even speak to anymore.
My names not ryan its tim
>Any way to fix this problem other than willpower?
Nope. Be a fucking grown ass adult.
weed is way less degenerate than anime.
ok, ryan
>Any way to fix this problem other than willpower?
Just put off smoking til you get your shit done for the day.
Sorta. Whenever i buy weed i just can't control myself and smoke till it's all gone. Went through an ounce in one week after not smoking for 7 months thinking 'Surely with THIS much i'll get tired and put some aside for later' but nope. I smoked so much towards the end i couldn't even vape without coughing so hard i almost vomited.
So i only smoke every 6-7 months, and never more than a quarter ounce at a time. It's a good balance i think.
*Cough* *Cough*
*Deep breath*
Brah, its not addicting
*Packs another bowl*
I shoot meth into my cock
Yes. I already led an empty hikki life ill-fitting a Sup Forums scholar and smoking weed everyday keeps me as a lazy piece of shit and works against any efforts I might conceive to rise above and reclaim my life.
Moderation is key
I used too. Quitting weed is probably one of the best decisions I ever made in my life. I went from being a jobless, socially anxious, gf-less, nearly friendless, overweight, NEET to a pretty regular person with a job, a gf, decent health and the ability to actually talk to people. The change was quick too, only took about 6 months.
Any perma-stoned Sup Forumsack here, thinking about quitting, fucking do it. Your life will become so much better. Yeah I still miss getting stoned every once in a while but not being a complete embarrassing failure is so worth it.
Marijuana makes me panic and freak the fuck out.. That's why I drink instead. Less panic, more calm. in fact, I'm even more functional when I'm drunk; I actually get up and do stuff.
Weed can affect people differently dude. I tried stopping a couple months just felt worse didnt try in school and attempted suicide. Started to smoke again and havent attempted since although i still feel really depressed. Feel free to think how you want about it but its helped me so far and im doing 10 times better in school
Was impossible for me and many others. I had to go cold turkey. Every time I'd try to just smoke "every once in a while", I'd always end up smoking 10x a day within about a week.
It's weird because I've been able to do the moderation thing with every other drug. Alcohol, tobacco, coke, opiates you name it.
How did you try and to yourself?
Inb4 ripping a huge bowl
This is true, but anime is possibly one of the most degenerate things in existence.
What a boring subject, smoke or don't smoke...nobody cares.
it is, plus the pedo part of anime.
I smoke every day after I've completed everything I needed to do.
I've always had problems with my appetite which led me to be a super hungry skeleton for most of my life. Also had problems sleeping, especially after I got back from deployment. Sleeping pills and melatonin did more harm than good so when I get out of the Army I tried weed. Now I sleep like a baby and can actually keep weight on.
What are your hobbies?
Besides video games with friends and the occasional drink.
Asked a friend for some pills. Thought i took enough to OD. Didnt just threw up and felt sick.
Erry day
If you can't smoke weed everyday, you're a fucking pussy.
i wish i could smoke it everyday...specifically dabs...but i have a job now, and being a productive member of society is more important to me now...still...i wish i got hit a few dabs and watch gundam for a few days...fuck
Never thought I'd lived to say the day some other nation out dudeweedlmao'd us. It's truely magic times we live in.
>what is self-medication
I told myself this lie for years too mate. How long did you quit. It takes months to see real changes. You have to fix your other problems during the time you are sober.
Weed makes you feel better temporarily and blunts depression, but it also traps you in a life that will never allow you to overcome your depression. Think about why you are actually depressed, it's likely because your life isn't going the way you want. Now think about your lack of success in life and it's connection to weed. You'll probably notice a strong connection.
Love sports. Play on a soccer team with sime friends. Usually dont have too much time for hobbies with school and work
Or employed.
I work and rent a house (with 2 other dudes). But I smoke constantly when I get off work. I'm not much for alcohol and would sucks if I was hungover everyday.
Weed helps me forget the world is shit for awhile so I can enjoy video games and funny youtube videos.
I'm an antique/collectibles dealer. Save those packages and leave them to your grandkids, they will be valuable later
Ive had more success when smoking weed than when not.
Making me nostalgic for my weed days.
I use to love getting fucking ripped and than binging some show.
Wish I could do it without falling back into that life again.
Fuck that sounds awful. What were your thoughts before you thought you were going to die?
Haven't touched weed for a few years now. Still smoking cigs though. Meh.
There are a few people that are actually like this. If that's you, by all means continue, it's your life. I've just found that 90% of people who say that are completely lying to themselves, I know I definitely fell into that camp when I was a stoner.
Nope. I don't smoke, I don't drink, and I don't do drugs.
Mostly because its ruined my family.
Felt like it was the right thing to do. Thought i might as well end it now instead of ending up a failure and a loser. This is when i had quit smokeing for about 2 to 3 months. My gradws were slipping and i got put on academic probation. Just felt like shit. Realized i after the failed attempt that i got to work harder in school if i dont want to feel like a loser or failure.
Somebody is a pussy.
same here, while i was in college, i would smoke all weekend and watch different gundam/toon series in whole
>except legend of galactic heroes, which i watched tripping on acid/shrooms over a few beautiful, i still tear up about it
but one user in here said it right, it keeps you in a life where you will never overcome or over achieve, im doing shit now that i would have never done...and making a bunch of money...but still, i miss it...such is addict life i guess.
No. Tried that shit when I was a teen and lost interest quick
I suspect that people desperate for social interaction are always drug addicts. They use their addiction as an excuse to hang around other dependants.
Welcome back son, remember, there will probably come moments in your life where you will think "life ain't so bad after all"
Struggle with? No.
Enjoy? Yes.
Don't care if I get called a degenerate, cause I stopped using heroin and smoking weed is much better for you by comparison
I'm doing research on suicide statistics for the department of health in Denmark, this is a highly politically related issue
mah man
Yeah. I can't believe I used to think Marijuana addiction was a meme.
My life is 100x better and more successful now. I basically cured my depression, loneliness and actually have a life I can be proud of, yet I still sometimes miss being stoned.
Psychological addiction is a fucking bitch.
My names not Ryan, it's Tim.
experiment and collect data using yourself as the subject pls.
Thanks dude. Havent really thought about doing it too much since
Quit lying, Kyle.
I did for a while. Now i just take the anti depressant jew
Man greg fuck off you still owe me $20
Top tier banter there my dear burger! ^^,
The older I get the more I smoke the Devil's Lettuce
But then again I've always been a fortunate NEET, doing retired people's stuff :DDD
Indians call it the poor people's paradise, and it's true that it does make everything mellow and fine
If you want/need to achieve particular things in life it's probably a good idea not to overdo it
But if you don't, then there's nothing wrong with being a lazy stoner
Good luck with your suicide/school shooting
me too user
Tips for quitting Sup Forums
Lobotomize yourself.
Learn to love being jewed into extinction
Help me be less degenerate and start a productive life
No, I'm not a faggot.
Used to think so when I was a daily user, then one day I kinda just tapered it off, smoke every once in a while when I'm with friends or have a day off work