Ill start
>The A-team (2010)
man that movie was comfy
Ill start
>The A-team (2010)
man that movie was comfy
Other urls found in this thread:
Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny
Although this sequel is supposedly confirmed I still don't quite believe it
District 9
Sky High
it's over and done
>tfw we'll never get a Sean Bean as Odysseus in his own movie (The Odyssey) with the size of Troy's budget
just kill me already
A-Team was fucking rad.
I made the same thread the last time I watched it
why is that dance so frustratingly hot
The A-team and The Losers is kind of underrated imo
Carnahan is great and A Team is true Komfy Cino
Not every movie needs a sequel
>The Losers
argh i forgot about this! should i watch kino or the losers?
who am i kidding, i'm going to get drunk and re-watch the US office for the 8th time
Literally came in to this thread to say this
The Two Jakes. I'd really like to see Cloverleaf, though I know it'll never happen.
how to spot a mentally regressive manchild
Is she trying to get into porn? She's got the dead eye stare down.
lord pls this
spiritual successor, hope it good.
Dracula: Untold
I enjoyed it, and the ending certainly had me wanting more. I read though that they have dropped it from the monsters universe and now The Mummy will be the first film. Biggest load of bullshit if you ask me.
>tfw never ever
Shrek 5 deserves a sequel
still waiting for part 3
way of the gun
"Bill & Ted's Epic Fail"
Dubs confirm
Shit movie for shit people, redheaded Amy poehler served no purpose and didn't even flash me.
Was making me diamonds part of your plan?
its the resting bitch face
Not even shitposting. The next book in the series, Driven, had alot of good stuff. I wish I could read it again, but I leant it to my sister and she lives back in the States.
muh dick
this the odyssey is comfy af
>I wish I could read it again, but I leant it to my sister and she lives back in the States.
How could ever possibly get another copy of the book?
By the correct director, anderson.
lets just pretend the 2nd one didnt happen
>they dropped it
Why? It wasn't anything super special, but it wasn't bad. If they want to do it before Charles Dance kicks the bucket, they better get started.
Charles Dance needs to be in more things. He was in The Last Action Hero for some reason.
I don't live in the States, user. I also work alot and my country wont deliver a package if you are not home.
Thought I was the only one who enjoyed Sky High, used to watch the shit out of it when I was younger. Made me feel good, no idea why.
Wrong again. If there's one thing cinema needs more of, it's sequels
>Those "Actors"
It won't be and you know it
They made tons of Die Hards
My nigga
Do you not live in a town with a bookshop?
The Tenacious D HBO series pretty much follows on from POD. POD is a prequel to it.
Non that have American books, the one close to me does have a Trump section though
they took the mythology out of troy, it worked for troy but imagine the odyssey without supernatural elements
it would be nothing but a sailing trip
>Bill and Ted cry in a phone booth for two hours
who is that chick
fucking THIS
If only there was a way to get the book online, like an electric or digital version of the book or something like that.
No she tried to get into acting and failed. The closest thing was hosting some show on I think E!. Now she does youtube movies with other youtubers since that's the best option she has.
Star Wars
still would tho
although her face changed quite alot, comparing OP's webm to her recent vids, shes starting to look her age
She was a guest on the Jake and Amir podcast and she was pretty lame. They tried to do bits with her but she didn't participate and just kept the conversation grounded. Always bothers me when they have someone who won't play along.