Who else here is running out of tv series and movies to use as an escape from your crippling depression lol?
Any good recommendations for some UpliftingKino?
Never mind. This was a stupid thread anyway lol
user what kind of stuff do you normally like?
HWNDU stream
Find affirmation in depressing films.
I think OP killed himself.
Whenever I'm feeling extra depressed I go and watch Gladiator or Braveheart or some shit. Something about those types of films awakens a primal urge inside of me to 'act more manly' and reminds me that life is short and I typically feel better after watching them. Give it a try OP.
go back to where you came from frogposting scum
stop trying to escape your depression with shitty movies and tv
read literature and watch arthouse
let art teach you something
Synecdoche, New York
you murderer
Swiss Army Man was pretty uplifting IMO.
Do yourself a favour, go to the movies right now and see La La Land. You will 100% walk out feeling happy.
the elephant man
I have le CRIPPLING depression and le CRIPPLING anxiety. You people are a bunch of unconscious clones and I'm glad the new world order free masons are experimenting on you, you deserve it.
I don't like you
I don't know you
Watch pic related.
If it doesnt spark your thirst for adventure and wonderlust than just give up
i highly recommend eddie the eagle.