Will there ever be a better adaptation of of LoTR?
Will there ever be a better adaptation of of LoTR?
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I wish the Kubrick version starring The Beatles got made, shit sounded so bizarre.
Possibly as a TV series which can lend itself more towards world building and minor characters.
But in the current Hollywood meta? No.
I hope to god no one ever tries to re-adapt LoTR. It would be such an obvious money grab since Jackson's were as close to perfection as you could get on the big screen.
Wait, what. Was that actually a thing?
Even if a director could do it perfectly, would you really be able to imagine anyone other than Ian McKellen as Gandalf or Viggo Mortensen as Aragorn?
Yes. I could image Christopher Lee as Gandalf. Like Tolkien promised him he could.
Christopher Lee was a such a bad ass, oh fuck, his loss still hurts
now? no, but give it about 25 years at least and we'll have some prime talent
kek they casted that shit so wrong.
Here's the KINO kubrick/beatles casting
why bother
just let it be
>Animated series
>100 episodes
>Beautifully hand drawn
>Whole episodes where nothing happens aside from singing, eating and scenery
>PSA at the start of every episode reminding viewers to get their tea and pipes
The most comfortable thing every produced
outta my way live action fucking shits
I feel like if they do another animated LOTR endeavor, they've gotta make the hobbits cute with child-like voices. They just have to. The hobbits in that one came across like old ladies or something.
Hobbits are pretty much just short old men
I fully expect a remake in 10 years. Probably a motion capture all digital one. Its easy money for a studio
>posters will never be badass again
At this point any new adaptation would be full of black or chinese actors and I'm not really interested in that.
I'd watch it
Yeah, they are literally a branch of men according to Tolkien and Frodo was 50 when he left the shire.
>Possibly as a TV series
Sup Forums extremely overrates the quality of tv productions.
Exactly. It really wasn't that long ago when jews allowed movies to be made with only white people.
>"Well, eagles work like...here look at this"
>Gandalf gets out a piece of paper and folds it in half before poking a pencil through
That wasn't in the fucking books
Yes, in personality they were old english peasants, but they had the look of children. Pippin hangs out with a boy in Minas Tirith and they're like two kids side by side.
what this guy said