>Welcome to Late Show I'm your host Stephen Colbert
>This week, Donald Trump...
*audience booes*
>... has announced [last news]
*audience chuckles*
>that's funny because [joke on Trump's body]
*audience erupts in jeers and applauses*
*Jon Batiste plays random notes*
Welcome to Late Show I'm your host Stephen Colbert
Other urls found in this thread:
>I posted it again!
This guy and Seth Meyers are obsessed with Trump. It's ALL they talk about in their monologues.
Because that's all their paid to do.
>*Jon Batiste plays random notes*
I like Colbert but fuck if that didn't make me laugh
Throwing The Colbert Report away was a mistake.
They didn't throw it away, they threw away late night with Letterman so Colbert could get a new set for the Colbert Report.
His new show is so bad that I regret ever liking him. All late night comics make fun of the president but he and Seth Meyers spend most of their shows whining about Trump.
Yeah its kind of a bummer. I'm old enough to remember late night hosts ripping on Clinton and Dubya almost every night.....but it was usually only 1 joke a night at most, and you could tell it was lighthearted, they didn't have any real hatred for these politicians. With Colbert and his ilk you can tell they genuinely hate him and theyre trying to drag him down any way they can. It makes it hard to enjoy a joke when you know the joke teller is legit seething with antagonism inside. I wish everybody would lighten up. Modern politics is killing comedy
>getting mad at late night schtick which is always the same every night anyways
>getting mad at comedians who made their fame making political humor
Colbert and the Pope are the reason that Catholics are changing religion
I remember when Trump won some people who didn't like him tried to look on the bright side and said that at last it would be good for comedians. I have no idea what the fuck they're talking about, The Daily Show offspring and Meyers use the comedy shows as a soapbox and don't even bother trying to be funny.
During the Bush era there were really only three liberal comedy talk shows -- Stewart, Colbert and Bill Maher -- and each show had a different format and all three had differing views. Colbert, Noah, Bee, Oliver, (until recently) Wilmore, and Meyers just try and fail to be Jon Stewart. Sad!
>president daddy is under attack
>must defend him!
Of course he did.
It triggers you people lmao
Fight on, Sup Forumsbeard
I'm old enough to remember that too and know that you're completely misremembering.
Dubya got tons of shit (deservedly) since he is a literal real life war criminal who escaped justice. He's a monster.
What exactly is your butthurt problem with white nationalism?
Why do you rage against it in every thread with even remotely right wing views?
It's a shame because he's funny and talented but he decided to be a boring political shill to latch onto Trump's popularity. Also the problem with making fun of Trump is that he is already intentionally and unintentionally funnier than the satire.
Why didn't they make fun of Obama the way they do Trump?
It's not just being antagonistic, sometimes it's straight out misrepresenting the politicians printed statements. That's fine if people watch the show knowing it's 'comedy' - but they don't. Millions of people get their political opinions from these shows.
I didn't notice it before, but they were likely doing that the entire Bush era too.
Name ONE funny conservative comedian. You literally can't.
because there's literally nothing wrong with bombing civilians and overthrowing countries causing a massive refugee crisis
Donald Trump
His mere appearance is enough to make me laugh again and again
Cause he's black and popular with their audience, that's literally it.
Talking about Obama killing kids with flying robots is just a bummer.
Because Obama was one of the best presidents ever and Trump has already become the worst.
All shitlibs must leave this website.The inherent nature of the website is alt-right and we don't want leftist scum shitting up this website.
Go back to pleddit.
This. Fuck off with your agendas.
Except it's not.Its just a few retarded education teenagers.
Why do you guys get so offended on behalf of Trump all the time?
Dude is a fucking billionaire it's kinda weird that you care so much about this shit.
we can still see you're just as much of a retard as ever though. dick cheney was the real president. gwb was just his dad's ears inside
What made it funny during Bush era and not funny with Trump?
Seriously, I used to laugh at Colbert and others during that time but I can't muster a single chuckle and instead start getting bored.
>he unironically believes this
some people see that society is falling apart. they see we're repeating the same things that collapsed the western roman empire. we see men getting surgeries and pretending to be girls. it's bullshit and is killing society. we're probably past the time of fixing it though. the last thing to do is hopefully exterminate every last leftist
I don;t think anyone gets offended. Some people are just tired of how liberal the media is.
He seems like he really wants a big throbbing cock in his ass.
Jesus mate way to be a fuckin drama queen lmao
during the Bush era they had better writers, way better correspondents, and the political comedy shows were still more concerned with comedy than pushing an agenda
Colbert just seems dejectedly resigned to his fate of putting out a crappy show until he's canned for low ratings
also Strangers With Candy was great
Because you don't know it yet but you already lost. The world is already multicultural. There is no "white countries" anymore. You're doing a battle that has been lost decades ago. You're in the wrong side of history.
Look I agree with you about stuff like jobs and the economy, but I just can't muster up enough fucks to give about shit like someone cutting off their dick or being a fag.
I just do not care
not since louis ck have I seen Sup Forums this triggered by an on-air personality
almost like they're paid to pander to a certain audience
>The world is already multicultural
well kind of it's more like a transition period and it will all depend on how we get to the one global society thing
Now for the reality version.
>Welcome to the late show I'm your host Steph-
>"Who put this shit on?" *flips on science channel and walks away*
>Donalt trump
he got a nobel prize, have some respect
>The world is already multicultural.
Oh wait, you don't think there will be EXTREMELY violent civil wars in the west in the next 50 years?
How fucking delusional you are.
Multiculturalism is a failure.
Countries that don't embrace the multicult and also have economic liberalism are the greatest countries on earth.
See based Japan.
>There is no "white countries" anymore.
There will be in the future you delusional kike.
Wait for the tipping point.
>You're in the wrong side of history.
Ah this tired meme.
well he is really REALLY fucking terrible, I don't even like Trump and I find him intolerable
>the last thing to do is hopefully exterminate every last leftist
Soon friend. Soon.
>Countries that don't embrace the multicult and also have economic liberalism are the greatest countries on earth.
>See based Japan.
Colbert has gone to shit. I wish Colbert was 'Colbert'
OYY VEYYYYY!!! Seth Meyers and Stephen Colbert don't NEARLY talk enough about that RACIST, XENEPHOBE DONALD DRUMPF!!!
*This message has been paid for by the JIDF. Please visit your local JIDF recruiting center today!*
I used to like Colbert Report (and Strangers with Candy before that) but by 2012 when he was doing these extended bits making fun of Mitt Romney's wife for riding horses you could tell he was reaching too far.
Now when I watch late night and the setups for these 'jokes' go on for minutes it's just pathetic. The standup jokes should be snappy so you can move on to the next one. I can't see how people enjoy this drawn out shit especially when the entire monologue is about Trump.
I tried to watch Kimmel the other night and he was setting up a joke about Trump and I kept waiting for the punchline and he just droned on and on explaining what Trump was doing so I changed the fucking channel. Tell jokes for fucks sake.
I have no problem with multiculturalism desu. It's how I met some of the best friends I have and my long time gf so I can't fully hate it.
But I REALLY struggle to picture a future where Muslims are accepted on a large scale. I can see Asians and not bat an eyelid, Africans and not even think about it, and same for every group mainly.
But I don't think Muslims can ever work out. I don't necessarily think literally banning Muslims from these countries is the answer, however some kind of limit and A LOT of background checks must be in place.
Most races and religions could live together just fine otherwise.
>gets btfo
>can only reply with a picture
What do you mean YOU people?! Smdh cracka
Leftists need to be thrown out of helicopters.
I'm patiently waiting for this to evolve into that Big Bang Theory meme, where the audience decends into madness and cannibalism
Its slowly getting there
Why waste fuel on such a grandiose death
>>*Jon Batiste plays random notes*
He really has no rapport.
>Late night show host talks about the president as part of their monologue
Holy shit this has never been done before EVER.
For fun.
Also economic growth is tied to number of leftists thrown out of helicopters.
>Countries that don't embrace the multicult and also have economic liberalism are the greatest countries on earth.
See based Japan.
So, what makes a dying country based?
Because fuck them for not having conservative propaganda in the 21st century
>it's "dying" because I have no argument
It's literally one of the greatest countries to live in on earth.
One big racial family.
Lol you couldn't be more mad.
>*Jon Batiste plays random notes*
Thats the truest part right there. Jon Batiste might be the worst band leader in the history of late night.
I couldn't stand this show after its first two months. Why are you guys still watching this?
Brian Regan or Bill Burr
How come it's racist to compare Obama to a chimp but it was perfectly OK to do it with dubya?
Lol what a fool you are
, >disagreeing with one statement makes a site contrarian
I'll admit the screengrab made me laugh
Nobody cares about Trump the person; we care about his policies and what he stands for.
We care about ejecting the illegals who are a net drain on our society
We care about tightening our policies on immigration from countries that produce the vast majority of terrorism on our soil
We care about protecting the second amendment
We care about putting America first
How is this difficult to understand?
If I spent ten minutes of my show criticizing Jews, every single night for years, it would be a textbook propaganda campaign.
but we didn't get the colbert report, we got 30 mins of shitting on one person and 30 mins of interviewing b-lists actors.
This type of political comedy was fresh during the Bush era. It's just way too stale now.
>we love him because he's racist like us
that clears it up, actually
because its unconstitutional to deny anyones practice of religion no matter how much you disagree with it cleetus. this country was founded on our freedoms and Trump is trying to take that away from the people. This is why he will not be president for long people are already getting fed up you're just too blind to see the real truth, think for yourself and not get all your "facts" from Sup Forums
if its unconsititional then how come its happened so many times?
>le reply to everyone meme
>because its unconstitutional to deny anyones practice of religion no matter how much you disagree with it cleetus
The constitution of the United States only applies to US Citizens, and plenty of religious practices aren't allowed (e.g. female circumcision) and some religions (i.e. cults) are outright disbanded or outlawed.
Also the "muslim ban" is based on nationality not religion you idiot
It's also unconstitutional to ban citizens from bearing arms. I see no reason why the unconstitutional ban on foreigners entering with pistols continues to be allowed. It's criminal.
>late night show host talking about current events
If the Chinese Exclusion Act was constitutional, so is Trump's ban.
>female circumcision isn't allowed
>male circumcision is done by default and literally encouraged by doctors across the country
This is why I voted Trump.
I want to see this place burn to the fucking ground.
this has to be b8
>no actual rebuttal, just the throwing of a now meaningless label
Typical liberal zombie
I dont know is it wrong to want leftist to move on from the election and stop being so butthurt?.
Is not just colbert, Like everywhere we see is someone having a meltdown or hating trump so much you cant even do your job properly.
>welcome to Sup Forums
*everyone keks*
Great rebuttal to the points presented you fucking moron.
I just cant believe this guy is on CBS payroll.
I mean come on he doesn't now when to shut up.
Whats up with batiste why is he so annoying
>all they do is talk about potentially the most historical political coups in the history of american politics
Historical context most likely.
your quesion isn't that difficult to have answered . Do you feign ignorance or are you actually that much a dumb cunt?
>Nobody cares about Trump the person; we care about his policies and what he stands for.
pretty sure everyone that isn't part of your circlejerk is super concerned about both.
>Colbert who has let himself go and now the size of a small moon and balding
>Colbert waddles onto stage like a retarded penguin
>*coughs* So, President Micheal Savage
>Audience boos
>*coughs and sounds out of breath*
>audience lightly chuckles
>Colbert falls to his knees in a coughing fit gasping for air
>chuckling stops
>a minute of this goes on
>Audience is now silent and looking at each other in confusion
>some stage hands rush on and take him backstage
>now co-host and former Youtube Star CJ from Red Letter Media has to take over the show for the day
>its announced that day that Colbert has died
>CJ takes over the show completely brings on co-host Bob Chipman
>The show dies out completely
>Elections swing around again
>Sargon Of Akkad becomes POTUS
>Democratic party is disbanded
>ACLU is disbanded
>America becomes a bastion of hope in the Islamic wasteland of the world.
what do you reckon dave thinks of the new late show?
>I've got personal anxiety about the perceived adequacy of my penis
This is why I voted Trump.
American """""comedy""""", everyone.