From /pol with love
>>Sup Forums110395419
From /pol with love
Sup Forums
get this shit out of here
Kill this stupid board.
Also /fa/.
Thats a big bomb.
Sup Forums here. Remember, only rural and suburban retards voted Trump. All city people voted Hillary.
/r9k/ is filled with depressed faggots who need to die anyways
for /u/.
mods you heard him.
4 /u/
For you.
Give Sup Forums the bombies dadddy.
good luck dismantling this bomb you fuckin folding paper faggots
Homos BTFO.
Sup Forums
Let it end.
Get this hothead outta here!
Mike "frag grenades for fag parades" Pence
Sup Forums's autistic sis needs a deep sleep.
Send it to /soc/.
i was gonna make that joke
mashallah habibi