Right now, vr is a glorified nuntendo Wii. My normie friend blew $800 on the htc Vive and sold it only a few weeks later after he finished showing it off to everyone.
But it has potential to take off, especially for viewing video. You could watch an Imax movie on the toilet if they work on that.
You could just go to the toilet in your IMAX seat, much cheaper
Michael Lopez
>You could watch an Imax movie on the toilet
Resolution isn't high enough. Vive and Rift give you 1200 x 1080 per eye. Imagine a 1080p display, but stretched over most of your field of view, how pixelated that is.
Though a virtual theater app -can- give you a sense of scale for the screen, it can feel massive, it's just not as sharp as you'd like.
Isaiah Bailey
I'm looking forward to the influx of bungee jumping and liveleak-tier accident VR videos. Easy adrenaline rush.
Grayson Johnson
Seems like in 2 or 3 years; that tech will be 10x better than now & cheaper; just like any tech. That's if thisnt a tech meme
Andrew Adams
As a Rift owner who's fairly impressed with it, no, it's not a meme, it has huge potential and yeah, it'll gain mainstream acceptance after another generation of headsets or two, when the things have wider FOVs, 2k or 4k resolutions, improvements to weight/comfort, etc
Aiden Lee
I have been waiting for Strange Days since 1999.
Landon Jenkins
I have a $60 Gear VR exclusively for porn and it's WORTH EVERY PENNY
they always say that for any type of media to be successful, it needs to be great at porn. So it boggles my mind how VR never blew up
Eli Powell
Wait until the nips make realistic porn for it, so you can fuck your waifus.
Julian Gutierrez
When are we adding taste?
Austin Rodriguez
it's only good for horror games played it with re7, felt so fucking scary, and I can watch horror movies without wincing
Mason Parker
I played a vn on samsung gear. I can see the potential for something good.
Nicholas Williams
that only works with android, right? whats a good Gear VR setup for iphones?
Kevin Watson
Never the public has decided that it is "too techie " and not familiar enough, they've rejected the concept.
It's headed for the scrap heap of history, just like Google Glass and 3D TV.
Ayden Reed
what about psvr?
David Morris
there's no good one for iphones. There's google cardboard but it's garbage
Noah Campbell
Jaxson Bennett
It will never work because it either needs to be viewable in 360 degrees, but then there is no longer a frame and cinematography no longer work.
Sebastian Powell
>it either needs What is the other option POV?
Anthony Turner
It's not. VR has basically failed just like 3D TV.
PSVR is the first casualty in the downfall of VR. Others will follow.
Luis Rodriguez
The other option is fit everything into a frame, so quite literally living room simulator. It's how videogames do prerendered cutscenes in VR.
Brody Bell
Cardboard owner here. Same.
Logan Brown
I hate vr because I'm a handheld peasant who'll never get to own one, but I must say give it more improvement and people will love it. >too techy Please. Right now, it's this huge thing on your face and even normies think that although it's a cool concept, it doesn't look very comfortable. They also need products that will complement the vr that will also appeal to the consumers. Tldr make it look and feel less absurd. Don't know about cinemas, though. IIRC, they are developing better 3Ds. That's it.
Elijah Hernandez
it needs to be wireless and much much lighter.
James Garcia
without controls for movement that emulate real life, VR will forever just be only a fraction different than watching on a normal screen
Adrian Cooper
I just want to vape & vr game all day. I'm so [current era].
Cooper Campbell
the main problem is probably the price. As long as it gets cheaper and you dont need a super PC to run it it will be great
I've got an oculus rift, and its alright I guess. The youtube 360 videos and other stuff you can find for it are pretty neat, though the camera quality used to make them is a very mixed bag. The ""games"" for it feel more like glorified tech demos right now, but the porn for it is fucking amazing.
Like another user said above, i'm not sure how this didn't take off and turn into a larger industry. Probably the price point, I guess. Hopefully it'll go down eventually so more people can experience it.
James Bennett
Oh boy it's the 3d's internet craze all over again And it's flopping even harder
Cooper Gomez
google glass and 3d tv were memes
vr is a concept that has been in our culture for decades. its not going anyway, its the future. the current vr tech is a stepping stone to that future
Bentley Miller
Its a sad thing to see, too. I was really hoping this would be the time for it to shine, but once again its plagued by shitty marketing and outrageous prices for entry into the 'full experience'. Thankfully stuff like cardboard and gear vr are out, and they feel more like a step in the right direction. Make it cheap, make it accessible, make it easy to use.
>mfw i've only got one good game to play and its a fucking space trucker simulator
Xavier Murphy
whats the game called?
Landon Smith
PSvr isnt real vr though, it's just another sony piece of shit like the Eye toy was.
And god you fuckers are stupid. I want to discuss whether VR will ever be an amazing MOVIE EXPERIENCE
Wyatt Carter
It won't make sense as a movie, movies aren't interactive, unless you make a pov movie about quadriplegic, the question would be when will Second Life be a viable immersive lifestyle with VR.