Is he right?
Is he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
>bald manlet
he only thinks nobody grows up because he looks the same as he did on the day he was born
that really makes me think
If he's referring to people who spend most of their time arguing about politics and taking sides as well as college students who think they're smart because they have a degree then yes.
Fun Fact: this is taken out of context. Rogen was reviewing the film Grownups starring Adam Sandler, as was referring to the actors being older babies.
What's with all the rogan threads recently?
>having a degree makes you dumb
Anything else you want to get off your chest before bed sweetheart?
If you spend 4 years thinking about one subject, you're just a child with a degree.
Someone gets into him, posts a thread, others suddenly remember their interest as well. My guess anyway.
most people with degrees are dumb as fuck.
they're very well versed in that particular field of study, but it doesn't mean sweet fuck all if you lack basic common sense which a lot of people sadly, do.
>the actors being older babies
wtf how unprofessional is he? he went to interview them then just called them babies?
If that's truly your idea of college and not total bait, I see nothing to argue.
Sounds Like A Jaden Smith Tweet
You just do what you're told for 4 years and they give you piece of paper at the end.
Having a degree doesn't mean you're smart.
>went to college
>doesnt know the difference between the words "smart" and "educated"
He's a loose bullet-
most college people I know are far dumber than i could imagine. it doenst make you smarter, and just proves you are a dumb sheep
Don't you have a second job to get to so you can pay your debt?
>most people with degrees are dumb as fuck
>most people lack common sense
So everyone is dumb?
You should stop projecting and get to bed, bus leaves early in the morning.
well no because
>*brings the keyboard closer*
every 10 days your thoughts in your mind actually completely change.
i was reading this thread about how DMT can actually advance this process into only taking 6 days because your pineal gland- jaimie could you get that thread up? yeah but its because your pineal glands can actually make your thoughts evolve faster ... here we go
>*looks over at the screen*
look at that ...
yeah that user must be what? 40 of the posts? jesus those guys will blow you the fuck out
Most people isn't everyone. Thanks for proving my point brainlet.
That's not what's been implied at all.
>So everyone is dumb?
It sounds like just you are.
made me think.......................................................but at what cost?
Show me the Astrophysicist with no degree. Link me the linkdin profile of just one computer animator at Disney with nothing but this amazing street smarts you keep throwing around.
You can't. Because you're all losers.
>most people lack common sense
How did you jump to that conclusion so brashly?
I bet you're one of those fucktards who "studies" by reading the first line of every paragraph.
You just do what you're told for your whole life, If you not a neet or billionaire.
No shit. Look at our president.
No you. :^)
yes. if you've ever been in a relationship with girls in their 20s you realize people never grow up
its shocking
>manlet rationalizing his small stature
will they ever learn
I could never be in a relationship with that show. It's so awful.
You're not funny
>its a NEETS try to argue staying poor makes you happy and fulfilled thread
He looks like a literal giant baby, in all fairness.
I don't know, why did a few lines of bizarre dialogue in some capeshit movie become synonymous with Sup Forums?
>lil' Joey Rogan's all grown up and has something to say!!
Most normies are genuinely dead inside and lost their souls, so i dunno. Hard to judge.
>falling for the meme
>also being a homosexual
Wow that's gay dude
>its a dept salve wagecuck trys to argue being bound in life long servitude makes you happy and fulfilled thread
>you need to be smart to draw disney cartoons
ok this is bait for sure
>implying NEETs stay poor out of some misguided buddha bullshit and not because society is tailored to ensure certain demographics remain destitute and miserable
welfare doesn't count
You should run tell that to corporate America.
conservacuck blown the fuck out
people with degrees get more (you)'s, I did my thesis on it.
>computer animation
I have a degree, and I still honestly agree with this.
Only if he's talking about Sup Forums
>they're very well versed in that particular field of study
Nah, most of them aren't even well versed in their particular field. Ivy league university degrees are the only ones that really matter and even they're questionable.
Um try again sweetie
Everyone still retains their childish attitudes and enjoyments to an extent, they just suppress or ignore them because they have responsibilities
It's why old people are so eccentric, they're done with working and their kids are all grown up so they can do whatever the fuck they want and if that means acting like a kid again than fuck it
>There's no Grownups
Yeah there is, I have it on DVD
>always thought it was a meme to crop down his size
>look up height
>he really is a manlet
In term of millennials yes, look at the women's march
Joe: There are no adults, just grown up babies.
Bill Burr: Actually I know a lot of people in this industry who are adults. Total pros at what they do.
I don't understand how millions of women can all wear vagina hats and go march alongside beta cucks, while men are literally mutilated at birth in this country and have to prove their worth to society at all times
>degree makes you dumb because you think about only one thing for years
>proceed to do literally nothing, shitpost om Sup Forums and, every once in a while, read some pop-science or pop-philosophy book
>keep ignoring that excellence is a habit and that you actually have to think about one thing for years if you actually want to get good at it
I would understand these criticisms in another universe, but in this one we've had something like 100 actual polymaths (people who excelled in various, unrelated fields) in our entire history.
Considering what the common human will do with his life (in most cases: nothing) it is fair to assume that universities are the best education option we've got.
people who say otherwise are usually nobodies on the internet who are either shitposting or selling selfhelp shit.
Somebody please post the shopped version
yawn. 1/10. try harder.
>>having a degree makes you dumb
But they never said that user, they just said that having a degree doesn't automatically make you smart which you demonstrate marvelously.
yes spot on joe
But that isn't what they were arguing, just that having a degree doesn't automatically make you smart. Also you're focusing on degrees that require some kind of merit to attain, do you really think you need any kind of intelligence to learn that everything bad in the world is caused by the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy?
>>degree makes you dumb
NOBODY SAID THIS. You are a perfect demonstration of what that poster was saying: getting a degree didn't make you smarter it just made you more arrogant and more defensive.
>But they never said that user
You've missed the first part of the thread.
>they just said that having a degree doesn't automatically make you smart which you demonstrate marvelously.
Having a degree doesn't make you immediatly smart, well-read and knowledgeable in general, but I'd say that it is still a prerequisite.