seriously how kino is the opening to conan?
its masterfully done
seriously how kino is the opening to conan?
its masterfully done
I should really watch them again
Arnold's Conan the Conqueror never, Milius is 72. Just die in my sleep already
There will never be another Conan movie ever again.
and because of bulshit PC culture There will NEVER be a good adaptation of John Carter
Watched it earlier today for the 2nd time this month. Dat camel punch.
>because of bulshit PC culture There will NEVER
Times change, user. It may seem like the world will be this way forever, but I assure it will not.
>PC culture
Then how do you explain John Wick or Neon Demon then?
I think pretty soon there will be an attempt in Hollywood to shoot films that capture the look of this movie again. There's money to be made in it because of millennial nostalgia and because it will seem fresh to gen z.
This film was shot in technicolor on Eastman Kodak 100T 5247 35mm film with Todd-AO lenses. This is a spectacular combination of photographic elements. It's why this movie seems to bring the fantasy genre to life more than just about anything else.
Mark my words: there will be a new technicolor fantasy (or perhaps sci-fi fantasy) film in the ten years that will be regarded as a classic.
>started playing Conan Exiles
>saw this thread
Neither of those films present any strong message the "SJW" boogeymen would care about.
would it be possible to get that same effect with a dslr?
The autists can't handle the long cinematography shots though.
>toaster can't even run Exiles
>just watched streamers enjoy it
This is definitely not best in life
Kino Conan film now!
john wick was mindless action. conan was a celebration of masculinity. they are not the same thing
Yes, it's possible to emulate technicolor and film grain. But I argue the difficulties of shooting each lead to more careful film making.
You can also use a mirrorless camera with many older film lenses and get great results.
Have a look at this
man making movies seems so fun
i wish i had the cash to do this
Just for fun.
Conan 2011
Original Blu Ray
And regraded to look more...Conan-y, I suppose.
It's not really that expensive to do something like that, and of course you don't need fancy equipment to just make some fun movies.
You can get a decent mirrorless camera for less than $500. And then you can adapt vintage lenses to it that cost less than $100 each. That will get you a long way to making some cool stuff.
I like to give people a chance. They'll ween themselves off of the 2 second attention span if you give them a try at it.
I was just thinking about this movie and how i just for the world of me can't remember anything about it
How forgettable can a movie be goddamnit
im currently saving up for a maybe 5d mark 2/3 because it was used in fury road
why mirrorless? magic lantern looks so cool
i also think the nikkon 5300 and Panasonic G6 can do 60 fps at 1080 for like sub 500 $
what do you think user?
80s/90s where schwarzenegger kino
Music was so fucking good.
Everything was.
I like momoa he just isn't evocative like arnold, he had energy to fill up the screen even when he wasn't doing shit and then those facial expressions.
Arnold has been ready for it for some time now, and there has been a lot of talk about a King Conan movie.
I'm still optimistic that they make it happen all the while de-hyping myself for it. It doesn't have to be a master piece. Just good enough. I want to see Arnold as King Conan.
There is still hope.
the kikes in hollywood are so fucking dumb. they kept trying to put him into a terminator role that didn't work when an aged arnie is fucking perfect for a king conan role. what are these retards thinking?
>Conan the Great
Wait, what? Do the japs not have a good word for Barbarian? Should have just called him コナン ザ 外人
they call everyone barbarians so it would be too broad of a definition
>never got around to watching any Conan movie as a kid
>decide it's time to watch the first one a few months ago
>it's a montage of Arnold doing things under orchestral music with barely any dialogue throughout the whole movie
Fucking Charlie Chaplin had more substance than this. How did this borefest ever get popular?
yeah it's pretty hard to remember anything about it. Same with John Carter desu senpai.
The retards are thinking about virtue signalling and minority "empowering". The next two years are critical. Maybe they are stupid enough to make a Conan movie with Arnold in it but it's gonna be similar to Fury Road. The main character is "Red Sonja" except she's wearing a red burka and Conan is there to give her help.
I don't think Arnold would sign up for something as shitty as that though...
Confirmed female.
Entire movie was kino.
It's a real shame that Schwarzenegger embodies Conan so much, it's hard to imagine anyone else playing him. And there are so many great Conan stories yet to be adapted. The first movie pretty much got everything right.
The commentary is so good
While not a masterpiece C1 was great. C2 was almost like D&D comic book though.
Kek, this
Man, I miss Schwarzenegger movies.
Incidentally I saw him having a good time and getting shitfaced after a downhill race where I live 2 weeks ago. Dude is still in pretty good form.
Mirrorless gives you more flexibility in lens choices, especially if you want to use vintage lenses.
But there is a crop factor to consider with these cameras. It's a pretty deep subject you'll have to explore on your own to get what you really want.
Let's hope the movie is the movie this postis talking about.
>getting shitfaced
I bet he wasn't as drunk as he looked like. He's had heart surgery.
Idk. But he was making a lot of noise and kept telling everybody to drink.
People say stuff like it's the manliest movie ever etc, but they seem to forget that it gets emotional and philosophical a lot.
>Valeria's dialogue about two people finding each other
>Subotai and Conan arguing about religion, then about Conan's childhood just before the final battle at the Mounds
>Doom's speech about the power of flesh over steel
>Max von Sydow's speech about a father's love for a daughter
I fucking love this movie so much
My favorite part is when he bites that vulture's neck
user manly things aren't devoid of emotion, they're just used at right time in right way.
Such as in times of losing a sword brother, or someone sacrificing and acknowledging it. Things done with respect.
thanks for your time bro
>but they seem to forget that it gets emotional and philosophical a lot.
man feels, women talks about feelings
man knows, women are told by others
man takes, women desires
It's one of the most philosophical popular movies around. It has genuinely good ideas in it.
I watch both Conan movies every year at least once.