movies you fucking hate.
Movies you fucking hate
I haven't seen it, but I hate it too. Total normie Reddit crap.
dirty hipsters detected
It was fine. I wish they had gone with '90 deadpool but i guess thats not what the fan wanted. At least he didnt have 7 split personalities.
I liked it. I was really glad I saw it before reading anything about it on Sup Forums, because it's obvious that there were lots of guys trying to shit on the movie without seeing it. They probably convinced a lot of people the movie would be bad.
Sand paper dildos, you fuckheads. Literally an analogue to dragon dildos and those retards still felt like the movie wasn't for people like us. They're morons because they heard the movie was "reddit" and then they just shat their pants like babies.
Literally every Marvel movie
They all come across as soulless cash-grabs, devoid of any creative input, personality or individuality. Marvel movies have no role other than to further the media franchise and pander to children and man-children who cling to nostalgia. Sure a couple of them have been rated well by critics, but to me none of the movies click and by the next day I'll have forgotten all about the sanitised humour, generic action scenes and boring, one-dimensional characters.
You can't just go to the kinema and enjoy a Marvel movie as a standalone experience now - they're all tied into a 'cinematic universe' that makes every film basically act as a 2-hour prologue for the next. Even before the first Guardians of the Galaxy/Ant-Man/Dr. Strange flicks are out they've already planned the sequel and how they can shoe-horn the characters into the Avengers.
I would mention their forgettable scores and colour-grading but I feel like that would just be rehashing meme video essays that everyone on this board have already seen.
They actually did it. They actually fucking made a movie about Reddit. No dog whistles, no allusions, just pure straight Reddit pleb shit. Every fucking line is a meme. EVERY SINGLE ONE. There isn't one joke or quote in this movie that wouldn't get you at least 50 upvotes. If you plan on voting for Bernie Sanders this flick is for you. If you own a fedora this flick is for you. If you like taking turns with your girlfriend getting rammed in the ass by imported black cock this flick is for you. If you're a normal fucking person who votes Republican and enjoys films about ideas, characters, and interesting settings this piece of shit flick is not for you and given the fact that there are no movies like that anymore because critics and audiences can't get enough meme superhero space shit you're better off just finding another hobby or killing yourself.
Have you actually seen the movie?
Most Deadpool hate is due to exposing humour that's otherwise commonplace here, to normies. And merchandising ("lol randumz!! chimichangas!!")/Daniel Way's run of the comics.
Also the scene with the fucking baby hand was kino.
It had sand paper dildos? LOL LOL
Definitely gotta see that!
confirmed for not seeing the movie but spamming the "reddit: le movie xD" meme
>confirmed for not seeing the movie
Are you actually retarded? It's pretty obvious that I didn't see it. If dildo jokes are what makes it funny, I have no intention of seeing it you 13 year old.
ITT: people who hate fun
It's very true to the Deadpool comics in that the humor is very hit-or-miss, and when it misses it misses really fucking hard.
my only complaint about this movie was that it had way too many jokes, every second line out of his mouth was a joke, and not always funny
other than that it was pretty enjoyable and refreshingly violent and didn't take itself seriously, while still having some really cool scenes
My girlfriend and I tried to watch dead pool and ended up turning the movie off halfway through. I'm a long time comics fan, though never specifically dead pool. She and I both enjoy marvel for the most part and the visual style of Dead Pool is great, but this was just written so badly it was unwatchable. Every single line out of the character's mouth and his girlfriend's mouth was a dumb, crasss joke. There was just no room to breathe or care about either character as a human because they never ever talk like actual people. Completely over written.
Ryan Reynolds was born to play Deadpool
Only a few of the jokes fell flat. Other than that it was a perfectly good movie.
>the story of an autist with scorpion jacket driving a car
music is the only good thing there
Of course not, where do you think you are?
This. Haven't seen it, and you'd have to pay me four figures to even consider it. Looks like pure garbage
>Ryan Reynolds was born