ITT: tropes you love

ITT: tropes you love

>main character fucking dies unceremoniously more than halfway into the film

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go away Queen

>random movie I'm watching says one of the following words/phrases: big guy, masterplan, plane, for you, CIA, with no survivors

>protagonist and rival of opposite gender get romantically involved

name one (1) movie where that happens

yeah i like this one when it's done well, when it just spontaneously occurs i want to stop watching

That one De Niro film.

Dallas in the alien, I thought he was at least main supporting actor up until he gets eaten.

also the Godfather.

no country for old men

jackie brown (kinda)

LA Confidential


Psycho would be a classic example.


Meant for

She dies less than halfway into the movie though.

i like that japanese trope when charcter is dying and then he or she recites a death poem. brings a tear to my eye every time. happened like ten times in pic related

i also like the yooooOOOOOOOOOO

Name 3 movies where this happens

what are some

can't think of a single movie where this happens, this is more of a book thing

Any James Bond movie.

I mean where it's good

Goldeneye, Mr & Mrs Smith, Tomb Raider

Place beyond the pinea

live and die in la

and Il grande silenzio

>failed messiahs

Aliens don't eat people, retard. They kill them or save them for impregnation.

>Modern army meets ancient world army and completely annihilates them

Came here to post this..
I was shocked by but loved that scene

No Country for Old Men
Place Beyond the Pines

Horror Hotel
Wuthering Heights
No Country For Old Men

>how to ruin a movie in one super simple trope

Only when the protag is a dude.

I like it better when they are the same gender, thank you very much!

My dad was in this movie

He was also in Colors

My dad was colored and he was died in LA after living there for 47 years.

Same but only if it's male.I liked Blade Runner, I liked Loki and Thor's relationship, stuff like this is good and brings tears to my eyes if it's done right.

The Departed


>Man character doesn't give a shit about fairness or honour in a fight
>Bites, hits to the groin and eyes, shoots guys who have no gun, etc.

>Protagonists pride and ambition causes his downfall


Doc Brown dies like 5 minutes into the film

>hero and likable original villain team up to fight new, asshole villain

I love whenever this would happen on 24.