What happened to dude bro frat movies?
What happened to dude bro frat movies?
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Teenager audience became numales and sjws and wont participate in it
The audience and actors have grown up. Some of them are really JUSTed now.
They still exist, it's just that no-one watches them anymore
What happened to t-shirts under shirts
They're very "problematic". People would lose their fucking minds.
I still do.
For cucks with no chest hair
Sjws killed it.
That X house party movie is probably going to be the last one.
Being a white male is problematic and you need to check your privilege, shit lord, just ask conneticut.
these guys are correct
Will social justice warriors go away in our lifetime?
There's probably fifty articles written by 'interns' about why American Pie is so transphobic and fucked up or whatever
>tfw college was boring as fuck
>a little drinking, a couple small parties
>no drugs or tits or sex everywhere
>most of the 'girls' were already married, or were studying Med, or working, so they were tired as fuck and didn't have time for anyones shit, even the chads
>everyone was either apathetic towards you and everyone else, busy as fuck, or basically friendly and helpful
I was terrified at first, but it turns out the movies are basically full of shit. I'm actually a little grateful.
The free love/sjw hippies became the boomers, as they eventually had to have families and degeneracy doesn't lead to a good family. Those degenerate families are the weird hippy types that created Lena Dunham.
But most of them realize they don't want to be some weird freakshow family so they adopt traditional values again.
It's all good to say you're pro-everything, but when your daughter starts fucking everything and you don't want her pregnant or filled with aids or forcing you to become a grandparent too early you adopt the old ways.
The SJW will follow the Flowerchildren and become more conservative with age. Those that don't will become those old weird hippies you see around who carry bags everywhere and live in sharehouses for ever, coaching the next generation to become like them.
you had an abnormal college experience then my man
And yet here you are posting on Sup Forums's pedophile refuge, at (presumptively the middle of the night) on a weekday.
How did things get so far for the both of us?
I don't know.
I blame the hormones in soy based products.
This is basically Uni for most people now, the only people doing hardcore partying are the drop-outs who are going to fail the year anyways.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2007. Shout out to Byron in Sophomore Honors English for giving me the curse of Sup Forums. Anyways I'm a total loser. Hope your doing better than me. Love you user.
This /thread
Take that shit to
kill yourself my man
still do it, otherwise the sweat becomes too noticeable
they were fucking shit and no one beyond the 2% of idiot dudebros related to them
Yeah my friends didnt goto uni so I partied with them when I wasn't at uni. I did shit.
Dropped all my friends except the few who were actual professionals and won the law medal, kek.
When we overthrow capitalism the SJWs will realise that all their issues were created by porky to distract them.
Literally every Seth Rogan movie is virtually a dude bro frat movie
Yep, or in winter when any extra layer helps keep off the cold.
college got too real
>alcohol poisoning
>campus shootings
>hazing going too far
>skyrocketing tuitions
>scads of FOB transfer students
>no gaurantee your degree will mean anything after graduation like in the old days
school isn't as fun anymore
They still exist, like pic related was released last year.
white people don't get laid any more. only black guys. was there even a single negro in any of those movies? just jews and the dude weed lmao asian.
american pie reboot with blacks when?
that dude looks 100% gay
Our whole government is a dude bro frat now.
There was that college baseball movie last year too. Can't recall the name
>go to university expecting american pie IRL
>it's just shit
>roommate is an autismo
>everyone seems to sleep on weekends
>rare occasions when people drink alcohol it's usually at restaurants for meals
Maybe times have changed but there's no 'cliques' or house parties, it's just chilled with some studying. I imagine ideal if you smoke weed though and your roommate likes video games or something.
American Pie 2 > American Pie 1 > American Pie 3 > American Pie Reunion > Shit > All Other American Pie Movies
I imagine a lot of the gags would be ruined by smartphones now.
I liked pic related. Not as good as dazed and confused but still pretty good
I think they were more charming to watch in the 90's/early 00's. Kids nowadays do that shit at like 15 years old.
exactly my experience, the weird thing was even though I'm socially retarded, there seemed to be even worse people than me there
The great recession applies here
Youth unemployment has gone HUUGE since 2009
And of the jobs left they pass less and are casual
No money = no party
They still exist kinda
That's based off a tv show
>talking shit about based Thad
stifler movie fuking when.?
it fucking writes itself.
go full blown anti sjw.
You need to work really hard to get a good grade. Parties and stuff are for losers that don't care about anything or rich daddy guys set for life.
is that James Van Der Beek?
Is that Andy Roddick?
They are plenty on nextflix.
>you had an abnormal college experience then my man
I was in a coed fraternity it was pretty much orgies and mushrooms on the weekly basis with occasional bouts of studying.
Grad school is where you actually work.
My college experience was essentially PCU with us being The Pit
>>everyone seems to sleep on weekends
>Those fucking autists who never partied
Yeah, you were a fucking loser dude. My college life was basically a non-stop pussy parade. Never went to class because I was always too hungover from the party the night before. Just needed to not be a dork, my man.