George has no sense of scale edition
/got/ general
First for best character, Drogon
>tfw no catelyn mummy to brush your hair and read you stories about knights and ladies
why even fucking live
Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
>tfw no Catelyn stepmom to fuck you in the hopes she'll have a son with dark hair and grey eyes
Why bother breathing?
>4 blog posts in the last 2 days
No, Trump winning has energized him and filled him with determination to complain about football and puppygate.
>it's puppy season again
TWoW has just been delayed another 8 months
Can any bookfags recommend reading beyond A Storm of Swords?
I'm halfway through and I'm bored by it, I liked the first two books because of the characters and story but its beginning to feel like reading a medieval encyclopedia.
Also I think George is a mediocre writer at best and what I know about the series I dont think he has a clue where he wants to go with his story.
Keep reading becuase why not, it's a fucking book better than anything they can put on a screen.
Well, he'll post about Trump and probably superbowl in the next few weeks, maybe after that he might considering writing that book series that made him a somebody.
Reminder that Young Griff is the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne
Read AFFC+ADWD together following Boiling Leather plan or some other alternative. It's the only way those two are palatable.
Bow ye shits
Ice zombies created the wall to keep humans out. So the scale is good.
>to keep them out
No, to keep them in.
Why was it important that Shireen have black hair? Just to further hammer the Baratheons=Black Hair thing?
Because Ned figuring out that Joffrey and his siblings weren't Robert's hinged on coal always coming before gold. Always. If it's only sometimes, then he's just making an extremely wild guess which happened to be right.
So I've seen people around here complaining that the Valonqar being either Tyrion or Jaime would be too boring/predictable.
What do you guys think of the theory that the Valonqar is Edmure
It's Jaime. It is predictable to us but not at all to Cersei. That's the shock in it. The shock isn't always to the reader but sometimes the point of view we're reading from. Cersei will never see that coming. Not for a second has she ever thought the little brother was anyone but that disgusting imp. George points out that Jaime was born second for a reason, though.
but why
it's gonna be jamie, she is obsessed over it being tyrion, she hallucinates him eating her breasts and shit. So just imagine her shock and realisation that the valonqar ment Jamie all along.
the white walkers can't reproduce but require human stock they convert to increase their numbers.
agreed, it's obvious that it will be jaime
how do you know they can't reproduce
Do you think they take infant children for shits and giggles?
Hey, I haven't checked this general in a while. Any leaks?
>page 7
Not on my watch /got/
God it always pissed me off when they revealed that Lysa was the one who killed Jon Arynn. It makes zero sense in the overall context and was just added in as shock for a shitty Littlefinger plan.
Who else would have killed him? Cersei is far too stupid to see that far ahead.
i think means her blurting it out randomly made no sense
Or ya know, he was killed because he found out that Robert Baratheon's children were not his and the entire lineage of king is now voided. The seed is strong.
Who would have killed him was the point I was making there skip. Who would've known that there was anything to know? Arryn was literally the first non-Lannister to get so much as an inkling that Robert was a cuck
Bobby B was so based.
Lannister's find out that someone knows the biggest secret in the realm, has him killed. Varys finds out he knows, tells the Lannisters. Littlefinger finds out he knows, tells the Lannisters.
What makes zero sense is having a season based around Jon Arynn dying and Ned finding out why, only to learn that it meant nothing in terms of his death. 4 seasons later to find out that Lysa did it just to be with Littlefinger is so fucking dumb.
> In the books Dorne is mentioned as being more involved in specialist manufacturing (silks, etc)
> and rare fruits and spices. Plus they have a close link to the Free Cities. I think they're probably
> more powerful than the Iron Islands.
The Ironborn are the traders of Westeros, as they pretty much have no other option and this results
in most of the male population being skilled warriors, whereas in Dorne, the military class is limited
to the nobility.
> Except aren't the Riverlands the Westeros equivalent of Poland, they get fucked up in every single
> war because they seem to be in the centre of everything.
Poland was the 2nd largest country in Europe (after Russia) with the 2nd highest population (after France)
and was a main player until the 1700s, when it all fell apart due to the retarded nobility.
Brandon Stark + Ashara Dayne = Jon Snow
Rhaegar Targaryen + Lyanna Stark = Daenerys Targaryen
Eddard promises Lyanna
Returns Dawn to Ashara at Castle Starfall
Discovers Jon, trades him for Daenerys
Ashara fakes her suicide, becomes “Septa Lemore”
Smuggles Daenerys to Pentos to be with Ser Willem Darry and Viserys
Joins Jon Connington to raise and train Aegon the Reconqueror
>4 seasons later to find out that Lysa did it just to be with Littlefinger is so fucking dumb.
No, we find out later that Littlefinger manipulated Lysa into murdering Jon Arryn for him.
I'd ask why Littlefinger didn't want the info on Robert's kids being incest bastards coming out?
He was already Master of Coin and his position was guaranteed as long as Jon Arryn was Hand of the King, whereas Littlefinger might get booted out of a job once a new Hand takes over.
>I'd ask why Littlefinger didn't want the info on Robert's kids being incest bastards coming out?
Because the throne goes straight to Stannis then
Keep Lannisters in pocket.
Better than the entire mystery behind who sent the killer to stab Bran which was the premise and held much space in aGoT to be dropped and "revealed" lazily as a wild guess by Jaime as also a complete McGuffin
Oh god, I've just realized: they're gonna destroy the wall this year and the SJWs will celebrate it like it's Trump's wall.
Was that planned intentionality by D&d? I hate got so much.
Been thinking about the wall and while I do think it may be possibly used to keep humans in or out but I was thinking maybe it was to seal magic? Magic is obviously stronger beyond the wall, this is evident with The Others, COTF, etc. Maybe The Others did it so they could be the dominant species who know magic thus giving them an edge over everyone?
Would anything have changed for Stannis if he dropped Mel and kept the seven?
so mexicans are akin to the white walkers?
he would have been killed in the battle with renly.
his daughter would also still be alive.
>Daenerys is a secret Targaryen all along
>his daughter would also still be alive.
She's a threat to Renly's claim. She'd meet an unfortunate accident pretty quickly.
I like to think that had Renly and Stannis talked after Bobby's death they would have teamed up with Ned and claim the throne, with Stannis being king and Renly as his heir
Shireen marries Rob or Jon
R'hllor and Asshai are GRRM's failed adaptation of Lovecraftian cosmic horror.
Maybe the White Walkers just wanna come and clean the toilets.
I can't see renly ordering the murder of a little girl, seems like an out of character move.
and how exactly is she a threat to his claim if stannis is dead? surely renly would be in line before her, and he just has to finish inside whatsherface a couple of times to get his own heir.
What if they can reproduce but realize it's smarter to use other people's kids than their own.
If you can convert your enemies iny o troops, why sacrifice your own people? And what if just like with Elves or other long living species in fantasy, they aren't very fertile and it takes a very long time to bring a child to term? So even more reason to use other people
>I can't see renly ordering the murder of a little girl, seems like an out of character move.
book Renly doesnt give a shit about her. The show really makes people forget that Renly wasn't the nicest guy
who is /got/'s queen of love and beauty ?
>would kill his brother to steal his throne
>not his niece tho
Yeah, you don't get Renly. Also, the laws of succession vary. Targs had their rules which meant that a king's brother comes before a king's daughter. However, with every other lordly house this is not the case. I don't really see Bobby B exchanging his rules for Targ rules.
i should reread the series desu, i was holding out for a release date on the new one. i'm coming to accept that it may never be finished
killing a brother who can raise a sword against you is a farcry from killing a defenseless little girl. you're right though, i admit that i never really understood book or show renly. i never got why he couldn't just fall in line with stannis.
Daenerys is Blackfyre
Jon is Targaryen
Young Griff is Stark ( son of Brandon )
>I don't really see Bobby B exchanging his rules for Targ rules.
The show definitely had the Baratheons following Targ succession, Renly said something about being 4th in line to the throne, meaning he's behind Joffrey, Tommen and Stannis, but ahead of Myrcella and Shireen
post maise.
>20 minutes into GOT marathon she gives you this look
what do?
>me on the left
2 butch dykes?
She's 100% straight
wake up
is this charlotte hope ( myranda )?
more of that set if it is?
How many anuses do you think this tongue has licked?
If Stannis receives the letter from Eddard in AGOT and Renly supports him so Cersei abdicates the throne to him ( or dies )...
Who does Stannis name as Hand?
Does he keep Eddard there because he (obviously) support his cause, given the letter?
Does he still go with Davos?
A Florent?
A Tyrell to keep the realm strong?
Considering that Stannis wouldn't go through his character development, he'd probably name some Florent fuck hand.
ive got to ask since d&d in their infinite wisdom decided to cut out Stannis being the reason for the incest investigation and knowing about it without Ned's letter reaching him, how does he find out on the show since Ned gets captured and his letter doesnt leave KL
>his letter doesnt leave KL
But it did, Stannis said so and said that unlike Ned he'll send letters to everyone
Depends on when, if you mean from the beginning, Renly would be the king.
Was anyone else disappointed when Jaime did his "everyone else but me and Cersei can burn for all I care" speech? He was finally coming around and being a likable character. Hell, I liked him more than Jon Snow, and was redeeming himself for his crimes. I forget most of the time that he crippled Bran, and now this shit. I haven't read the books, so I don't know if he never experiences changes or development, but I think it just kind of sucks and it's like they're forcing you to only root for Jon and Dany
I want to go home and rethink my life.
I'm willing to believe everything except for Ashara is Lemore. Tyrion studies her extensively. He would have noticed Ashara's purple eyes.
>Preston video
>everything is explained away by Bloodraven or glass candles
The real reveal will be Bloodraven/Quaithe/Marwyn made him do it.
Wtf does that girl have herpes?
What is a beard?
The first two seasons were comfy as fuck.
What went wrong?
>ywn cuddle with the barbarian qt you met north of the wall just to keep warm
Maybe I just like winter too much
>how does he find out on the show since Ned gets captured and his letter doesnt leave KL
On the show the guy Eddard send wasn't sent with his daughters.
So we can assume that he actually got to Stannis.
>What went wrong?
no more comfy ygritte scenes = shit show.
>show Ygritte
Why do sansafags seem to hate or dislike any of the women around Jon or that he might hookup with?
They hate Ygritte, think Val will die and has no sexual tension with Jon, think Arya is overhyped and just a killer who'll lose herself, and hate the everloving shit out of Dany
Gilly is the patrician wildling qt choice to go with.
They don't give a shit about Gilly, and the few sansafags who read the books don't seem to care Jon switched her kid
everyone hates dany, arya IS overhyped, and Val doesn't have any sexual tension with jon, only jontards thinks that.
Sansa being shit has nothing to do with any of this.
ygritte is best waifu tho
>everyone hates dany
Silent majority vs loud minority user. Normies LOVE Dany
>everyone hates dany
*most everyone in /got hates Dany
If you seriously think that the vast majority of fans don't like Dany you're deluding yourself user
>s just added in
It was set up in the first fucking book, Jesus Christ these idiots.
dont forget how they want Tyrion to suffer just for touching her on their wedding night or how they say he deserves to die in KL for Joffreys death because, hes pissed that Sansa left him to die.