So how bad will Trump lose the election?

So how bad will Trump lose the election?

I'm being realistic, recent polls are showing the gap getting bigger and bigger. He's got no chance at this point.

How bad he lose come November?

Other urls found in this thread:

How bad will he lose*

fake polls

This answer I gave some minutes in another thread still has value:

Trump is a unique figure. Everyone who backs Trump here, they do it for the lulz.
Trump rustles jimmies. That's all that matters here.
There's no common political stance here except contempt towards everything that is party lobbyism and left wing ideals.
Trump makes left wing people and parties people go completely mad.
Trump is a meme, a rather powerful meme, and if he becomes president, the ultimate internet generated trolling attempt.

In other words, you can't do nothing because facts don't matter to the Trump voter.
Only the lulz matter.

>rural Democrats and moderate independents still on his side after the primaries
>Virginia, Ohio, and even fucking Pennsylvania up for grabs
>almost nobody that genuinely supports hillary

>gap getting bigger

So you're in denial?

He's not leading any poll, anywhere.

Before you all call in "muh BREXIT!":

Polls said Brexit wouldn't happen. It did.

Realistic wise no worse than Romney or McCain. Black turnout won't be as high as with obama and spic turnout doesn't much matter because there population is dispersed in high population centers like new york and California. Texas and az and new Mexico

Well she killed Sanders in the popular vote. There are millions of people who love her.

What's this then?

>she killed her only other opponent

He's doing much worse than Romney was. Hell, he was supposed to win, and he got completely trashed.

>Trump killed a bunch of irrelevant politicians

Most likely he will do well or very well in the popular election, but fail because the electoral colleges are against him.
I am going to vote for trump. I know Sup Forums is satire but I am not joking.

>Do very well

Johnson even has a chance to beat him.

I'm guessing he's going to lose by 5-7%.

Maybe 10% if he goes off the rails in the debates.

I am voting Trump as well, and who said Sup Forums is satire?

>national polls
>in June
>before debates

Gas yourself you fucking shill

He's going to win OP. The reason you're here is because you are worried the criminal Hillary will lose. You have good reason to nervous.

>>>s a g e

op is a faggot

Not everyone who isn't metaphorically sucking Trumps dick on a daily basis is a shill.
Some of us base predictions off of polls and observations, not which candidate makes for the dankest maymays.

Nope. The polls are absolutely being faked. People who talk about the polls are either gullible or shills.

This is low quality shilling.

Not like "kinda" bad, but "you should pull out your uterus with a claw hammer" bad.

Not shilling bro, I'm just being real here.

He doesn't have a remote chance of winning.

Hillary is still winning even being under investigation. How will she lose?

Nice contribution!

>don't matter

Wew lad.

The Trump meme is dying

He still hasn't had an actual debate with Clinton and VPs haven't been chosen, yet.
He will obviously do better than any other Republican candidate that was formerly in the running, I just hope he doesn't fuck up on his VP choice.
It looks like Warren will be Clinton's VP and that will obviously bring in a lot of Sanders supporters, but not all of them since a lot of them hate her for not openly supporting Sanders.
It's going to come down to the independent voters as always, I just hope they realize that Clinton is complete scum and Trump is actually something new and possibly different.

>3.1% margin of error
>Losing one category by 82%

Jesus Christ he's failing.

All memes live and die
His time comes in November

He will literally never recover. He was doomed to lose from the get-go.

Why do Trumptards get so triggered when you tell them the truth?

It's fucking this your first election cycle?

Fucking children....

Warren is already her VP, Bernie supporters LOVE her.

Also, Independents go to the Democrats more.

Indeed it will.

Because they're in denial that their leader is doomed to fail because he's fucking up so hard.


Mate the election is practically decided by now. History shows that whoever has a lead in the summer always wins it.

The same polls were infallible here back when Trump was ahead. Back before he got the nomination and people starting getting serious about who they plan on voting for rather then basing it on entertainment value.

Every single poll can't be biased. You guys are in denial as bad as sanders supporters were and it's sad to watch Sup Forums stoop to their level.

>implying polls matter in FUCKING JUNE
>implying polls matter in an environment where trump supporters are demonized
>implying polls matter before the general
>implying this isn't an attempt to squash the trump meme
>implying this isn't the same anti-trump meme we've been hearing from the start
>implying implications
>implying implications implied imperatively

>Mate the election is practically decided by now. History shows that whoever has a lead in the summer always wins it.

no, retard. try actually learning history before appealing to it at random. maybe you were just hoping that what you said would be correct?

as far as polls go the average split in the popular is currently +6 Clinton, and the split in swing states is slightly tighter. the odds are, in fact, in Clinton's favor, but the gap was closed slightly by Trump this week (was +8 Clinton last week) and as far as betting odds go it could really go either way. to say that "it's already over" is delusional.

inb4 you call me Trumpfag for stating basic facts

yeah hillary has the clear and significant advantage, but who the fuck is surprised by this? we knew we were going to have an uphill battle.

Only polls that matter are state polls. Trump has slipped in Florida but still competitive in many swing states.

Have we turned into berniebots in denial?

>This much damage control

I would say the outliers could be biased, but I doubt it's not too far off.

>Swing state meme

You realize she will probably get more than 100+ electoral colleges votes than Trump? Popular votes do not matter.

Yes, you have.

>African American

Those ineligible to vote due to felony convictions


Those ineligible to vote due to illegal immigration


Those unlikely to vote because muh weed and Sanders

Shill harder, Shlomo. Maybe it'll make a difference.

>Calls him a shill

You're in delusion mate. They will vote this election. Trump is universally hated.


Oh look, it's another concern shill episode.

Honest prediction: he will get terrifyingly close in October, polling even in popular vote and polling ahead in many of the battleground states, then he will drop off and lose the popular vote by a decent margin of 4-6 points or so while losing the electoral college by a landslide.

Thanks for this post. -H

There's months to go. The conventions haven't even happened yet. Votes during the primary showed record turnout among Republican voters and record lows among Democrats. Hillary is a deeply problematic candidate, possibly more flawed than Trump. There is a massive worldwide groundswell of support for nationalist movements in western countries, even if Trump doesn't win, that isn't going away.
Hail the new dawn.

yeah this sounds like the most likely scenario

This. Trump has pissed off so many groups of people that even those who don't like Hillary will vote for her simply to spite him.

Unless she gets indicted, then Trump will win. But counting on that is LITERALLY what bernout are doing.

His polls cant stay or it will seem rigged in his favor. Trumps polls will sky rocket 2 days before election. Screencap this post.

So, the way Sup Forums seems to work goes like this

>when there is actual important stuff happening shills are ignored and real supporters step up, see brexit; see primaries
>when nothing is happening, the actual supporters don't have stuff to discuss, so half of the board is shilling and not even the good funny kind, its honestly lazy and unimaginative

I barely cared enough to make this post just to tell you that OP is a mighty faggot. Don't fall for weak bait.

Any poll that you see that is weighted is code for rigged. You can't trust the polls anymore, they're trying to manipulate people through them.

Poll numbers are facts. Trump supporters hate facts. Even when he loses there will be a portion of the populous that will still say he won.

>record turnout
That meaningless-ass phrase. Math works like this: if the population goes up, and the exact same percentage of people vote, then each and every single election will see "record turnout."

Fuck, I wish people would stop throwing out that moronic, meaningless phrase. Not-record-setting-turnout is significant. Record-setting isn't.

Trump supporters are literally shills ironically calling everyone else shills.

Soooooo Hillery will be your President.


You're fucked burgers. Enjoy your cultural enrichment.


>ironically calls Trump supporters shills

wew, lad

The people who study this are aware of that. They measure the number of registered voters who are likely voters, and they measure the number of first time voters. More of the Republican base turned out to vote than they had for a long time, and a lot of people registered to vote explicitly to vote for Trump.

The same is not true of Clinton, the Democrat base is not excited by her, and a significant portion in the Bernie camp are close to open rebellion.

>Autumnal Peru
We actually have a chance of freeing ourselves from morally corrupt globalists
you're stuck with Trudeau for the time-being


SHILLs on this board will have you believe that Trump is on a downturn, but just wait.

STAY the COURSE lads. We will be VICTORIOUS!

SHILLARY spent 10.5k in anti Trump propaganda. We are seeing it now.

Look at that teleprompter right in front of her. Wow. I didn't knpw she used those.


Because the people saying it are morning talk-show hosts who mostly study public speaking, fashion and make-up. That is a meaningless phrase casually tossed around for the sake of yellow journalism.

CAN it have meaning? Sure. DOES it have meaning? No. It's just blah-blah to fill headlines.

what an interesting reptilian feedback mechanism

This isn't damage control

Is this you kids first election cycle, or something?
Polls don't matter this early on. Hell polls aren't indicative of who is going to win even a few days before the vote.

>So how bad will Trump lose the election?
literally killed

Not a shill.

This will be the case.

Nationalism is dead here man. It died in 2008.



Polls matter this early...are you deluded?

>Polls matter this early...are you deluded?
No they don't.
You're either a bad troll trying to demoralize this bored, a payed shill, know nothing of politics, or literally fucking retarded.
Either way your opinion literally means nothing.

Sage goes in all fields.




What the fuck weirdo hovel spawned you? Your post style is weird, not natural for the chans. Fucking gas yourself.

shit bait

more shit bait.

leave troll.

They fucking matter because it sticks in your mind, even this early.

I keep it simple. You're all in denial that your leader is about to fail.

I dont understand. Who are these people that like hillary?
I get bernouts, I know who likes trump, but where the fuck are these millions of hillary supporters? I never hear a peep from them.

Fuck Trump is losing in the polls?

That's it, I'm a #CruzMissile now!

The true silent majority.

>History shows that whoever has a lead in the summer always wins it.

Yeah m8 I remember when Dukakis and Kerry won the nomination.

Trump statistically gets more support from independents. People said the same thing about polls during the entire primaries and Trump's inability to win during the entire primaries, they said the same thing before Brexit look how that turned out.


>1-3% off

>Smaller margin


>smaller margin
>shills can't even into math

Yeah but Bush wasn't a xenophobe you moron. The media didn't hate him as much as Trump.

The media absolutely hated Dubya (and most Republican candidates), he was called a racist Hitler 2.0, a warmongerer because of what he did in Iraq, Farenheit 9/11 came out before the election, people talked about him getting "crushed" in debates and he still got reelected.

It really depends on how many black eyes David Brock receives between then and now. Just correcting the record.

Increasingly nervous.

Hello increasingly nervous man.

Wrong bush

It still holds true for 2004, and people did accuse H.W. in 1988 of running a racist campaign.

The millions more votes is a damned lie. Just like everything that comes out of the correct the record social media specialists clogging up the public discourse with manufactured consent.

The "muh millions more votes" from the clinton camp intentionally ignores the 20 plus states that had caucus votes, of which Sanders dominated. And caucus voting states like washington have 7 million plus democrats that overwhelmingly support Sanders. Ofcourse if you subtract all your opponents victories your own numbers would look better. But it wouldn't be true.

Fuck Clinton. Fuck David Brock. And fuck every little bitch being paid to shill for the fucking corrupt political machine of the monied uniparty.

Bernie supporters are in the silent majority now. Unless Bernie shocks us all and runs 3rd party, you can bet your ass many Bernie supporters will be voting for Trump.

The democrats are headed for a wake up call and a referendum on their piss poor attitude in November.

Hillary Clinton is a bad bet.

Election is still months away, you seditious faggot.

>I'm being realistic, recent polls are showing the gap getting bigger and bigger

Actually, the recent ABC poll had a biased demographic. They chose an additional 10% democrats and then acted like it was a big deal when Hillary was ahead by 11%

Not only that, but if you look at state by state (the electoral college) you'll find that Trump and Hillary are almost neck and neck in every battleground state.

Also, Democrats turn out in lower numbers. Meanwhile Trump has mobilized the white working class in such a manner that there are lines going out the door in rain or snow to vote for him.

Meanwhile, Hillary is still struggling to get the Bernie faction under control .

fuck off man you need to at least be more subtle. the more their hope builds the sweeter their tears will be

Hello shill.


Both are opposites.

Polls still matter.

lol not even going to point out the gap in your logic there. yes, the polls are rigged, trump definitely has a chance, keep believing goy. and don't forget to buy more trump merchandise!

>win less than half of the popular vote of less than half of the registered Democratic voters (less than half of the total registered voters)
This is what Bernie Supporters actually believe.

Maybe if you understood that by every conceivable metric you are a minority of a minority you could actually attempt to reform government in the way that minorities can reform government: raising public awareness, debating, protesting, and policy campaigning. Believing that you are the majority despite losing elections just makes you impotent. Frankly, I'm glad to see your brand of social ignorance disappear in a wisp of butthurt just like it did with the Occupy movement, but if YOU don't want it to go away, then I suggest you change tactics.

>Polls still matter.

They matter only to a small extent, they didn't even matter THE DAY during Brexit, let alone 5 months before anything actually takes place.


Nice shop.

>one unreliable poll

Kek. Keep trying.

Trump will win

>>one unreliable poll

More like half-a-dozen of them, and expert predictions as well. But thanks for at least admitting that they're unreliable, shill.

>He thinks polling in the U.K. is similar to the U.S.

yeah.. no.