Is anyone else starting to hate this show?
Vikings at the beginning had a good premise, sailing and conquering new lands beyond the sea for adults. Then the focus spiraled downward by comparing religions, now its seem a liberal fantasy- Islamic leanings, shared sex partners, gay kings, etc. What's next, a soldier maiden "free the nipple" parade? Snow niggagate?
Is anyone else starting to hate this show?
>"free the nipple"
Ironically History censor all nudity
It's been retarded since the start
>muh Vikings were badass warriors
Yeah I'm not interested anymore. Too much cuck, SJW shit going on. It's always had that undertone from the start but it's getting out of hand now
Go read a wikipedia page, basically wormed their way into every major european culture.
Ironically somewhat comparable to modern day syrian refugees.
Shit died long ago
Literally DROPPED Vikings when Harbad showed up for literally 10 minutes just to cuck all of Kattegat.
That was when I knew I had enough of that shit, as much as I liked Ragnar and Bjorn. I just thought it was too gimmicky.
>tfw Ragnar is finally dead, but the show still sucks
What happened to Ecbert vs Ragnar?
They built up the drama and just fizzled out.
>for adults
>be viking
>murder, rape and rob helpless peasants
>write sagas about how badass it is
>face actual army
>shit your pants and run away
>millenium later be symbol of fearless warrior
>only chinese cartoons r fer adults xD
You're fucking pathetic
>show still sucks
Wat did u meen by dis? Ragnar was literally the only likeable character on the entire show.
>He think people who watch anime consider themselves adults
Get a load of this guy
Show is only getting better. Season 3 sucked and so did the first half of 4(except for Halfdan and Rollo). I just hope that Lagertha and Björn dies, they are the ones that dragging the show down.
Same problem super heroes have, the origin, or in this case the history of the show is the greatest part. At some point you have to start making shit up, which is always terrible.
Yeah exactly, but it's ok because "Muh Odin". Also early on in the series when Ragnar took over as Earl and Lagertha was in charge when he went raiding, she excused that wife from cheating on her husband and having another mans baby because the guy she cheated with had a similar name to a God. Nearly stopped watching then. Even told the husband to be grateful and to treat his wife with respect or some shit
>watch first episode
>"We're going to invade Russia"
No thanks.
>*long silence*, edgy response
>dude, I want to settle down & farm
>dude, I want to fight again
did they really said 'russia'?
Ragnar proposed a threesome to Athlestan in season 1 and he did basically the same thing as Floki by sparing him. He even actually converted to christianity. Those things aren't new but Sup Forums is sperging out because muh muslim boogeyman
>be viking
>live entire life around unattainable heroic ideals
>rape and kill innocents for glory
>take many slave women as wives, try to make as big and strong a family as possible so your name will carry on
>use your spoils to patronize a prissy troubadour, make sure he gets all the details down right
>die soon after your tale is written down, hoping that you will one day be immortalized as a legendary hero
>one thousand years later
>your dusty saga is taken off the archive shelves
>glanced over for five minutes
>"yup, looks good, just make it palatable for the 25-35s"
>get cucked before millions of modern viewers
I swear they said baltic lands, not russia, you know that's like poland and shit?
the muslims are literally in one episode and they pillaged the entire town and enslaved the women, pretty sure that is the opposite of sjw. literal retards on this board
Yup. Dropped this show. As soon as I saw floki sucking sandnigger balls I couldnt even do it anymore.
Killed christians at any opportunity he saw but muslims are "muh respectable people" show is trash
>*long silence*, edgy response
>cheeky stare at other antagonistic character before threatening
>using simplistic language and strutting around everywhere
literally why I watched lol
I hope this is b8
vikings did travel by rivers into rus lands and used that connection to trade with muslims.
not an argument
>You now realise this was when the show was supposed to end, this is now your last memory of the show
Confirmed b8
the scene where Ragnar buried Athelstan was pretty GOAT tho
So how's the fourth season? Dropped it after the third as I felt it was getting worse and worse as time went by.
It's been getting progressively shit for awhile. Ragnar was carrying but now he's gone, and I swear the last ep had the most retarded battle scene I've ever seen.
some of the previous ones which were considered just small skirmishes were shown to be on a much larger scale than what we got with that shitshow.
The episode after Ragnar faking his death to get inside Paris is where it drops off a fucking cliff.
I've known Vikings were overrated since before Wikipedia.
Their popularity is mainly due to metalcucks wanting a big blonde bearded man to eat their asshole out.
Vikings/Nords are snow niggers.
Savages that can only bully people that didn't want to fight.
Vikings remind me of what imagine Australians are like when they go to european pub crawling/backpacker trips.
They said Russia