Did you hear about the new Israeli sports car?
Not only will it stop on a dime it will pick the fucking thing up too.
Did you hear about the new Israeli sports car?
Not only will it stop on a dime it will pick the fucking thing up too.
a jew walks into a wall with an erection and breaks his nose.
A pair of rabbi's are walking down the pier after a long day of doing whatever rabbi's do.
They reach the end and decide to take a seat on the end of the dock, the first takes his shoes off and dips his toes in the water.
"Oy Vey!" He shouts "Dat wattuh sure is cold"
The second rabbi bends over the edge face first and pokes his nose in the water.
"And deep too!" He adds.
I always fucking read that in Lenny's suspicious voice.
same tbqh
Nice decades old joke, you fucking shitstain.
>teehee, jews and money xDDD git it guize? xDDD
Just goes to show, you fucking idiots think you're funny by being edgy, and you're not. You're all just fucking pathetic 16 year olds. I'd tell you to kill yourself, but I know you'll grow up to regret this phase, which is even better.
don't you have some hospitals to bomb or something?
What did the Jewish pedophile say to the kids?
"Hey, wanna buy some candy?"
>after a long day of doing whatever rabbi's do.
Mutilating and sucking baby dick.
Oh look guys! He posted it again! "Israel bombs hospitals!"
look what those pieces of shit do AROUND THE WORLD with bombs. We bomb a former hospital, chock full of explosives, arms, and insurgents, and you STILL shit on Israel. Round of applause, ladies and gentlemen. He's a real funny guy. Really funny! Look mom, he posted it again! xD
you put way too much effort in that response nigga
So fucking sorry I have a few hours of spare time to talk about important shit.
A jew, a muslim, and a christian walk into a gay bar.
The muslim shoots 50 people.
How many jews could you fit in it?
6,000,004. Two in the front, two in the back, and six million in the ashtray.
a priest and a rabbi are sitting on a park bench watching kids play
Priest - "Hey Rabbi! Wan't to help me screw these kids?"
Rabbi - "Screw them out of what?"
Ruined it
A Catholic Priest and a Rabbi are walking down the street when a child passes by.
Priest:Boy, I'd like to fuck him
Rabbi:Out of what?
A muslim and his wife walks into a bar. His wife has offended the bar owner with her presence, she is then stoned to death outside.
Why do Jewish men get circumcisions?
Because Jewish women won't touch anything that isn't at least 10% off.
What's worst than the holocaust?
6 million jews