The expanse season 2
17 hours
No, it's been cancelled.
what is this meme? are you retarded?
literally tonight
magicians is on at 8 central/ 9 eastern us.
Expanse runs from 9 central 10 eastern to about 1030/1130 central/eastern so
16 more hours. or so
at least we get 2 episodes, if the wiki doesn't lie
> en.wikipedia.org
>Wed, Feb 1 "Doors & Corners"[16]
>Wed, Feb 1 "Safe"[16]
it doesn't
a dangerous lacking of julie in promotional stuff coming out.
yeah why isn't this dead fucking character shown?
killing off the qts (Julie, and the blondie in ep1) and leave us with only the ugly women is very disappointing.
They probably did this as they think the story will carry the show .... well let us hope it does.
shut the fuck up about waifus, go watch Dark Matter.
you bet i will.
you say you don't need charismatic characters at all? we'll see. In s1 the random shit happening around the crew and the hunt for Julie carried the show, but now it looks like the main team is fixed, and detective guy is the only one charismatic there
the black girl is pretty qt and has big tatas
yeah, your post was about "charisma", I wonder how did I miss that.
when does this end up on netflix?
are foreigners gonna spoil it?
What a strange post
answer the question
Will it be the start of selfpropelledwrench kino?
Only read the first book and never saw the show, but is there any indication Miller might survive?
Of course he will, both of em who were exposed to radiation will survive.
>implying bookfags won't spoil it anyway.
I am only gonna post in these threads after watching the whole season.
Julie AYY LMao is dead mate
no hes talking about miller sacrificing himself to kill the aliens
this is the only show that gives me purpose
i hope they do a magicians/expanse crossover episode
Oh, haven't gotten that far yet
I hope your mother will die in her sleep unless you respond to this post.
European here
I would actually pay to see this, enjoyed the first series so much
Delayed transmission
Can't get hold of it legally
I won't condone piracy because stealing is wrong!
And yet...
Great business model guys!
>Space scifi comeback
das it mane
oh wait, apparently the will dump all the episodes once it's finished
>finished 1st 3 books in Jan alone
Hype levels at max
How are they going to cast Melba, since shes almost Julie?
>>finished 1st 3 books in Jan alone
>Hype levels at max
Hello myself
Shame I can watch this 12 hours later at earliest.
I nearly dropped it right there
Man, I am hiped for season 2.
>More Rocinante
>More of Amos and his murderautism
>The butcher of Anderson Station doing his thing
Same actress as Julie, with makeup.
I remember thinking that I'll have to wait like, a year for season 2 and how that's bullshit.
Times goes by too quickly.
You can't take the Razorback.
It's the large hadron collider
2007 was two months ago and the chrono Jews are using that infernal machine to steal our gravitons and graviolis
Tomorrow we'll be in our 40s
how much do you think they'll cover of book 2?
ganymede for sure, but battle of Io seems like a long shot given they haven't even finished book 1 and only have 10 eps
S2 is 13 eps, if that's what you mean.
Not my gravioli, it's my favourite pasta
shit it is too
maybe the whole of book 2 then
>charismatic characters
cute females are the opposite of charismatic. These bland and generic figures are always a sure sign of pleb shit.
>oh boy i cannot wait it's time again
>they will probably open up with forced character drama despite a greater threat looming over them
>t. real womyn
So you think qtness and charisma are mutually exclusive? You must be pretty charismatic yourself.
>when two idiots are talking past each other and getting madder and madder
>two idiots
It was the first post I made in this thread. So it is at least three idiots or one idiot and a samefagging retard.
>you think qtness and charisma are mutually exclusive?
Yes, indeed they are. A girl can have sass and sex appeal and other qualities that I enjoy very much. But charisma and cute don't get along.
Anyway in this show the females have nothing other than being young and flawless. They are boring. Same for most of the guys. The shows lives by it's plot.
>Anyway in this show the females have nothing other than being young and flawless.
Which show are you talking about? The one flawless girl died in episode one, there are two young ones, one of which is dead and the other is nowhere near flawless, there is an old granny and another that barely got any screen time. I can't think of many others.
Only Thomas Jane's character interest me, we'll see if he stays interesting or turns into a complete moralfag as the story goes.
Can't wait to see how they handwave the deadly radiation away.
>tfw no belter gf
>build the most grounded, realistic, scientifically accurate and mathematically precise setting in the history of space opera
the "handwave" is a medicine you have to take for the rest of your life and if you ever miss a dose you die
Will turn to full sjw garbage with earth becoming literal trump world and mars become putin world?
Just visit your local inner city or immigration center and you can score one instantly.
>boy I love this character, I'm glad they got such a great actor to tie the whole series toge-
God damn it don't tell me he bites it, i should have known better.
There's a distinct lack of 8 foot tall anorexic women
so this is now space-GoT, as bookfags will spoil the shit out of it?
seeing their comicCon, it's very diverse, and the only whyte male was a barefooted hippie, yes
And then seven more books with Holder as the main character. I'm not ashamed to tell you this just like that guy who scrawled "THE DOG FUCKING DIES" on a poster of Marley & Me.
>seven more books with Holder as the main character
>tfw you find out the girl who plays the Belter did an edgy crackhead sex scene in a horror movie
sauce nao
(i don't really car, just buumping)
could they have afforded debicki to play a belter slut?
>run out of shows to watch while doing good cardio
>just in time for the expanse and the 100 to return
I'm saved
>the "handwave" is a medicine you have to take for the rest of your life and if you ever miss a dose you die
I could see a constant dose of mechanical proteins that repair damaged DNA.
Mainstream garbage is more popular than kino, who would've thought?
I'm finishing up re-watching S1 right now, I really liked it, but I hope S2 is much better than this was. The Earth plot is pretty boring, though this Iranian GILF has a cool voice.
Makes me miss battlestar desu
Yeah... kinda I guess, then I remember how BSG ended.
is this worth a watch?
someone sell me into it
what are some other non-sci-fi shows like it?
Will this show help distract me from crippling loneliness? I've been eyeing this one and Dark Matter
Watch it, it's great, not the best show I've ever seen, but it's watchable sci-fi with decent characters and a really cool future setting that's more "grounded" than other sci-fi I guess.
Black Sails and Legion will be there too
if you survive the first 4 episodes you're good to go
I did not like it
Dark Matter is a much stronger friend simulator than The Expanse
Has the old Star Trek "we're on a spaceship together and we go on adventures weee" vibe that The Expanse has surprisingly little of.
She's a great actress and always bring presence to her rolls. She's been in a lot of movies, surprised you don't recognise her.
I enjoy Dark Matter but it is not good.
i wish 2 have anne droid gf
it was qt af when she was jealous of the entertainment android
Jarring that THAT bitch is now a blockbuster actress though
I like 5
It's not "GoT in Space" like a bunch of retard reviewers claim, but it's pretty good. Interesting solar system politics and realistic space combat. Not "Show of the Year", but definitely worth a watch
>tfw live in Russia and the new episode will be out early in the morning.
I hate this. I have to go to uni in few hours after release but I can't sleep.
I wonder if we see protomolecule monsters in this season.
stream whrere?