(You) think this is the real Quaid
NAME ME A BETTER sci fi movie ,so I can escape my shitty life choices.
RULES = no Anime
= no sci fi horror.
I was here first.
Go back.
District 9.
Or if you want something more similar to Total Recall, which blends action/sci-fi/comedy, The Fifth Element.
seen them both user both good, The fifth element is real good.
1.Total Recall
2.Matrix (1only)
3.blade runner
4.They live
5.star trek 4
6.fifth element
7.minority repport
9.escape from ny
10.2001 space odessy
If you're looking for lighter-hearted Sci-Fi, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Red Dwarf are general staples, though you need to have the stomach for old BBC shows to enjoy them at their best Hitchhiker's at least has a (relatively Americanized) modern-day movie.
13.Close encounter of
14.donnie darko
15.star ship trooper
18.mad max 2
19.in time
I loved the movie of "Hitchhikers"
The depressed door's being a favourite lol
Marvin's pretty great, though his design choice in the movie was meh to me as I grew up with the god-tier illustrated edition of the first book. Pic related.
You might just want to read the whole series, honestly, because it gets pretty good after the first book which is as far as the movie goes, and only starts to dull down a bit into the 4th.
Right, that's it, I'm watching the Hitchhiker movie for the first time since release.
If dubs, it is the real Quaid.
The movie did leave me thirsting for more. I may give the books a shot.
>whats the secret to life again user?
the remake had some interesting parts -- but was still bad
its like if total recall was warcraft 3 and the remake is league of legends
childhood is liking arnie
adulthood is liking richter
Leeloo Dallas: The Hunt for M.UL.T.I.PAS.S.
it is
>implying they didn't have to clean up after every take due to the gushing pussyjuice
if dubs (you) can tie me up
I don't know why Sup Forums doesn't talk about this one more
>everyone fucked prime sharon stone except me
Real deal here, he
Ain't got 6 kids to feed
sliver or basic instinct ?
mostly good taste user, imo
based on these you might like twelve monkeys, and brazil
why are girls with chokers so crazy?
I wanted to like brazil but I just cant get into it,
12 monkey is decent.
add Edge of Tomorrow
brazil is kino at its highest form
please give it another go
it took me a few chances to watch it but its fucking fantastic
its fucking morbid and it breaks tons of rules
its a little janky to get into though
do some drugs or something its WELL worth it
tons of Icarus and monty python esq jokes
It implies they want to be leashed or choked
And that's hot
>sliver or basic instinct ?
Total Recall, fampai
police academy 4
Nice choice
On an equally obscure note she's hot as fuck in a 1989 movie called Blood and Sand, definitely recommended to Sharon waifuists
no, that piece of shit doesnt deserve a place with these classics. its belongs to a list that has Looper, Jumper and nu Star Trek, its that kind of """sci-fi""".
>I wanted to like brazil but I just cant get into it,
you should stop being a pleb then. its a spectacular movie.
>District 9.
but thats sci-fi horror.
We dont talk about this
(you) got some nerve showing your face around here hauser
I really think the subject matter is important, and we are heading towards a world society exactly like it portrays, I just get bored halfway through.
sorry 4 being a massive pleb.
you just know lol, some indy knock-off.
I would totally fuck 80's Richard Chamberlain, no homo
watch it user
Giv da peepol the air.
He'll be the first celebrity death to actually make me sad.
He's been in nothing but stinkers since the 90s, you'll get over it.
Well, not that sad. But I'll def watch some Arnold-kino and lift extra hard.
good call user always forget about "Riddick"
ive only seen the first two, is the third anygood.?
spoiler please.
Third is a retread of the first movie with story elements of the second.
Its fucking awesome if you like the "survival" aspect of the series
Theres a 4th movie in development too luckily