>mongolian cartoon image board hovering man-children sexists totally BTFO
What's your excuse as a man??
The useless degrees women get are nothing more than glorified napkins
>Woman live longer
Well of course they will if they don't take any dangerous jobs or get drafted into war.
>35.7% of adults are obese
>71.2% of adult men and 57% of adult women are obese
lel this graphic.
Female, here. Doing this doesn't help. Neither women nor men are intrinsically better than the other. Posting things like this only radicalizes sexists more.
Either that, or obvious bait is obvious.
Oh, actually, here. You can have these boobs, I guess.
>implying education is a real degree
if anything this should show that men are the ones getting the raw deal
less graduations
less life expectancy
more bad habits
>Neither women nor men are intrinsically better than the other.
I disagree, I say I am superior to literally every woman alive simply because im a man.
There are no women in Canada. This is a lie.
>>mongolian cartoon image board hovering man-children sexists totally BTFO
Women are allowed to live because MEN allow it. If we ever get tired of your bullshit, we will literally rape and murder you, and not necessarily in that order.
refute this then muh stronk wymn
Okay, then. Have fun with that philosophy.
>pretending to be alpha
Nah, men are better. Electricity, computers, rockets, etc. I know a lot of men pretend to be interested in what you have to say, but that doesn't mean you have anything to contribute. Other than the obvious, I mean.
If they're so much better, then how did we manage to subjugate them throughout all of history with Patriarchy? Hell depending on who you ask, we're still doing it.
Whatever makes you feel better, user.
Here you go.
if women are soo much better why did a man win woman of the year?
>Have fun with that philosophy.
Not a philosophy, it is a fact.
Women are weak, both physically and mentally, an all female society will inevitably end badly due to how useless females are at everything, to the point that the only good things they can provide for society is to bear children, do domestic housework and providing sexual relief to the males.
NEED user B O O B
Please be in Hamilton
need timestamp with Boob....
It's not feels, just reality. Pop quiz: who created this image board: man or woman?
Meh, I'll fap.
Check mate!
>71% of all men are obese
>There are only 72 ways to die
Shut up shitskin and leave the thread, no boob for you
The obese statistic is not true. It's literally tho other way, women are a lot more obese than men.
Damn women are cheating.
You're thinking of the wrong Scandinavian country, summerfriend.
Whatever makes you feel better, user.
I'm not posting my tits, anons. It's not going to happen. Here's some porn from my collection, go fap elsewhere.
Depends on your definition really. A healthy man should weight roughly 30-40 pounds more than a healthy woman, while the woman should still have a higher body fat %
>literally an image demonstrating how privileged women are
Because it was a transgender?
You know the rule; tits or gtfo.
You haven't provided tits with timestamp as requested, so get the fuck out!
I know high IQs are racist and everything but that's the metric we use to determine intelligence, not level of education.
Men generally have higher IQs than women, that's just a fact
I guess male privilege is a myth, then.
What makes you think you can REEE someone into leaving an anonymous image board?
>Whatever makes you feel better, user.
Not an argument.
It sure is summer, isn't it? You must be new.
Why would I argue with someone who can't think critically?
I've been coming to Sup Forums for 8 years. Never has a post made me want to leave.
Refer toIt is pretty obvious that what I said is true, women are quite useless at mostly everything that matters.
Heres a source using dxa
Wait, why do you have a female in your porn collection?
Something doesn't add up here...
OP is a tranny or some sort of genderfluid cuck.
Who's tits are those?
Look at the flags of the posters. All the pinko shitcucks are from lame ass Uk colonies like Australia, Canada, New Zealand. ect. And all the alpha posters are from USA.
>Neither women nor men are intrinsically better than the other
Men are better at the shit dumb women want to compete over. No guys are trying to claim to be better at being pregnant.
Also tits
>women are smarter
Based on which criteria? Women make decisions based on emotions rather than a rational weighing of facts. If the criteria are their academic achievements, women have yet to outperform men in science, engineering, construction and management. Women's Studies and art colleges don't teach any of these things, so it's no wonder women are falling behind.
>women live longer than men
That has always been an average based on the jobs that people have. Men work in riskier businesses where fatalities were common, something that fortunately has been fixed but doesn't mend the strains of heavy lifting for decades on a man's back.
Women tend to work office jobs, where mortality rates are limited to their stationary job causing obesity.
>more men are obese
Based on what, BMI? That does not account for muscles or body type.
If you don't post your tits with a time card then you are just a dude pretending to be a woman.
You post your tits because if you post your face we can dox you, if you post your vagina you are a whore.
So tits or GTFO
Name 73 ways to die. I'll wait...
I'm bisexual.
I don't know, sadly.
Art degrees and patriarchy studies no count
More obesity among men because a muscular man weighting 230 lbs at 6 foot is over weight
Life expectancy for men is less because men do harder more dangerous work/also a man is more likely to commit an hero
Ivy League doesn't mean shit
Don't try and have a pissing contest if you aren't equipped. 1/10 because I replied.
If you prefer to believe I'm a man, then you are free to do so. It doesn't have any effect on me.
ok, then why won't women go die like dogs on the front lines of wars?
Also, why does all battles with large numbers of women in the fighting involved always end up losing? I mean if women is as cmart as they claimed they are, they should out tactic the men
Actually the average is the same, however men are more likely to be genius and at the same time more likely to be retarded.
Not only that but Men reach developmental milestones later in life. Men really do have lower IQ's in school, HOWEVER, reaching major mental growth milestones later in life is associated with a higher IQ.
Women are also better at linguistic skills, however men are supierior in spatial problems (like thinking up machines).
IQ is now sexist as of your post.
Not a fan of BMI but the % body fat data is interesting
Women are all cunts. The sooner they're replaced by robots the better.
Nothing more hilarious than an infograph showing all the ways women are favored over men claiming that women are better, but are somehow oppressed.
>talk to couple of girls in the same degree as me, it's a kinda bullshit degree but it has some technical aspects
>all them had problems with the couple math classes the major required
>math was like a stats class and maybe a linear algebra class
more degrees != smarter
Even the cunt who made that infographic knows deep down that if all men in the world disappeared one day everything good in the world would end and it would be nothing but a bunch of girls fighting among themselves for survival in a post-apocalyptic hellscape.
There was actually a pasta I saw one some MRA website years ago that described in detail this process, with I could find it again.
>getting a tertiary education means you are smart
>taking advantage of affirmative action quotas means you are smarter than those who get in on their own merits
Affirmative Action for women. Having a pussy gets you an advantage to acceptance. If you accept more in. You are likely to get more graduated.
men have higher stress and more dangerous jobs. leading to a lot of them dying early and throwing off the average life span. used to be the opposite. When lots of women died in child birth.
Fuck off libtard with your condescending pseudo intellectual garbage talk. You're trying to prove a point, and the burden of proof lies on you.
>>men go to college more than women
>um, sexist much! this is why we need feminism! there is something wrong with our society when something like this happens
>>women go to college more than men
>well women are just better than men! haha, there's nothing wrong with our society get over it!
I occasionally see some alpha posts from said countries. But yes, mostly cucknados.
I'm not trying to prove anything, just offering my opinion. I don't know why it makes you so mad.
Opinion =/= Facts
Everything you have said is now invalid. Good bye, try harder next time. Cunt.
>the 72 causes of death
There's only 72 ways to die?
The species evolved to give certain traits to each sex, but in modern times the humans mindfucked each other to believe in complete equality. But it's like that story where the emperor spends all his days without clothes. At some point, the illusion has to end, when it becomes unsustainable anymore.
that's an awesome graphic. I wish I could watch shit like that
>the roleplaying leaf is back
>this many people falling for him again
fucking christ
Just so you know, there are those of us out there who agree with you. Men and women are not intrinsically better than one another.
Sup Forums doesn't consist ENTIRELY of frustrated virgins
No, there are distinct things both genders are predisposed to being better at. There are always exceptions but saying things like women on average are just as capable as men in regards to things like heavy lifting or high level science is just not correct.
Yes women can do these things, some better than most men but that doesn't mean one gender isn't intrinsically better than the other in some ways.
>women attend more ivy league schools than men
Maybe women have richer parents or MAYBE its because affirmative action?
what the actual fuck, i just googled this pic a few hours ago, what is this sorcery?!
Your opinion is also not facts. Obviously, dude.
If women are so much better then men, then why do they need affirmative action?
Sup Forums is a shitposting collective consciousness
did you really think *you* came up with your shitposts?
dude... you realize the whole "tits or gtfo" thing was about calling out a fag pretending to be a chick for attention... well... you're the one who gave this "chick" the most attention in this thread. If someone says "femanon here", you aren't obliged to respond to it. This thread is 28.7% filled with your autism. You need help, fucking sperglord.
If they are so great why are they so easily oppressed?
Men sacrifice for women to make it all happen. They are so misguided.
That's fucking awesome.
i would put more money on the fact that ivy league schools are a horrible decision if you are just trying to make money, and since most guys want a good mate and getting a good mate depends highly on how much money you make they decided to go to state college instead.
That being said ivy league colleges are slowly becoming a joke. Its like impossible to fail out and since its becoming majority women theres literaly no one to stop the SJW rampage at those colleges because outside of mentally unstable SJW's women tend to avoid confrontation.
>sociology/african history/gender studies/other worthless humanities degrees mean anything
Actually that's wrong. Women are more likely to be retards and less likely to be geniuses. Next time do some research before spouting your meme opinions.
>going to college means you're smart
>file deleted
if i paint this with a blue tint it sudlently turns into
a "Why men need moar money for the demm programs"
Is this chart for US statistics or worldwide? Worldwide would be pretty biased seeing as how women aren't allowed an education in most of the third world
ie sometimes too ugly to attract a male so you settle for a female. I know at least a dozen girls just like you