Superior Female Doctor Coming Through edition
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Superior Female Doctor Coming Through edition
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I've been banging the drum for this practically ever since Capaldi became 12 and I'm not even a "female doctor at all costs" kind of fan.
Forgive Dave.
What are the odds on Adam being the next Doctor. I mean he's on set everyday anyway
No one wants a female Doctor kek. Not even women wants one.
I'm still waiting for Faye Marsay to make a return.
would be a lot cheaper for them. He would do it for free.
I wonder what persona his Doctor would have
Just give him a list of spoilers he allowed to release to dwsr. He'd be as happy.
His doctors arc would be him trying to get the courage to talk to his female companion
This sounds like a convincing story arc. Can we make this happen /who/ ?
Orford the thirteenth.
We've had the grumpy doctor now we'll have the socially anxious doctor
Reposting the strawpolls:
Mentally unstable Doctor might actually be interesting, if it was shown in a realistically harrowing sort of way and not Moff's "aren't I quirky and unpredictable!" schtick.
>yfw he gets it then The Sun outs him as a babestation viewer and he has to quit
Damn he's such a player
The female audience of DW consists largely of Tennant/Smith fangirls who didn't want Capaldi either (and who can forget that massive twitter butthurt after "introducing John Hurt as the Doctor"?). All they ever want is "A DOCTA I CAN FAWW IN WOVE WITH".
>Female Doctor
How about Meera Syal?
Actually, she could be pretty good... I still think Raine>Atwell>Everyone else>Hart, though.
D'you think her character and the older bloke will make an appearance in the future?
If we get a female Doctor, there will be a young and pretty male companion, without doubt.
The fangirls can fall in love with him.
I hope they'll have Mackie or Lucas to carry over. Clean starts are the suck.
And since they wanted to return to good ol' RTD style, they probably should keep one or two lighthearted companions and stuff.
On a side note I love how cheesy 70s-style this constume looks.
>people would rather have a female Doctor than a black Doctor
Someone should screenshot the whole thread when we learned he was leaving with every posts before crying wolf and people raking out. Until it was actually announced.
Make a page on the wiki with the screenshots and name it "The Day Doctor Who Died".
The next Doctor being female is a foregone conclusion at this point. If they want to wait to announce the actress fine but, for god sakes they just need to come right out today and say "The next Doctor is going to have an extra fun hole. Deal with it, BITCHES"
one of these is going to happen and I don't know what will frustrate me more:
>The writing under Chibnall will be about the same or even worse but, people who've hated Moffat only for social justice type reasons will dish assloads of praise for Chibnall and co
>The writing significantly improves and I have to swallow the bitter pill of praising the writer of fucking "Cyberwoman" for bringing the show back to form. Plus, the fact that how goddamn frustrating would it be that Capaldi departs pretty much right before the writing goes noticeably up in quality?
>I will be frustrated if someone who write something bad will improve
You are pathetic.
Which stage are you in now?
there's no ehh option
Absolutely acceptance. We want a titty Doctor NOW.
Is this WhoTube kino?
the 9th doctor being underrated is a ridiculous meme. hes gets the appropriate amount of love.
do they still sell those mugs
>Gallifrey Base
Oh fudge off, he redeemed himself on Torchwood with Adrif Fragmentsd and Exit Wounds, but nooo, everyone ALWAYS brings up sodding Cyberwoman.
>fudge off
Get stuffed.
Hey watch your mother father mouth
so is it confirmed that capaldi is leaving because its a waste of his talent
>the next doctor will be mohammed
>it'll be a 3 episode special about galifrey not taking in a planets vulnerable during a civil war which itll turn out was sparked due to events during the time war
I'm confused. That doesn't look like Hayley Atwell, user.
>fudge off
how that tumblr and facebook status going ?
Donald J. Trump as the next doctor.
How's living in 2006 doing for you?
Reminder that these two are the only acceptable femDoctors we can have.
>tfw David Fincher's Utopia will never, ever happen
So now that Haley Atwell has literally been officially confirmed as the 13th Doctor, what should her first lines be?
Bonus points: comments on her gender change in a clever, tasteful way
>Hula hoop under jacket
Christ, just found out she's been in some Big Finish audios. Pretty cool.
>Hello! Okay–ooh. New tits. That’s weird. So, where was I? Oh, that’s right. Mecca!”
Could you please make available the sources? I am not reading news and do not read a new Doctor is being announced already.
it's just OPs wish.
Ive got tits, tits are cool
She makes me have a big finish, that's for sure
what did they mean by this
Why does she wish for Capaldi to be leaving?
Even if you made it a woman, people will complain she's not black or trans.
There is also no evidence it would make the show more popular. In fact there is some evidence it would drive off a large number of existing fans.
We know that. It's just the vocal minority over here have decided we want a female Doctor. Ratings be damned, it'll be fun.
I have several theyre getting pricey bur you can find them on amazon. Here's my hartnell/1 one.
If it is a top tier actress audience will grow. It's inevitable.
I dont understand how is it a risk, literally everyone would want to see at least one episode of femDoctor, and if scripts are good enough they'll be hooked.
DID U KNOW, /who/
...that Hartnell was a racist but, only towards Iowans?
...that Capaldi will die before he can film his regeneration scene and it will instead be done by Sylvester McCoy with a relatively matching wig?
Iowa. In the midwest, user?
because he is
I'm rewatching Hell Bent.
First time I've seen it I thought it was terrible.
15 mins through by now, and it's pretty... good.
None of these yet, because we still have series 10 and Xmas special to look forward to.
Say hello to your new Doctor!
My body is ready
i wouldn't mind this guy
But the first 20 minutes were the best part of the episode.
I enjoyed Hell Bent anyway, probably because I'm not a Clala hater.
Rewatching Hell Bent, 30 minutes in
It is still pretty ok, but why did he kill the General? What was the reason? I dont get it. I really dont. Couldn't he just run away? Why the fuck did he kill him?
It still doesnt trigger me as much as it did back then, but I think there's more to come.
Also, Rassilon is wasted like a little bitch, right?
Will Capaldi die heroically saving Bill a'la Caves of Androzani?
Reminder that Davros said compassion would be the death of him and Moffat is a master potter.
Instead of Bat's milk it's CHIPS
Cloi that desktop of yours should be the 8th wonder of the world
You just wait user...
But wait. This is belle. I forgot how she looked... It was her on that green image hiding behind a 11 funko pop pic mongo kept using? WHAT THE FUCK
It's one of cat's.
Remember Davros just had his eyes closed the whole time
I hope Moff is saving up something good for Capaldi's regen
The Chips of Androzani
Didn't know it was a cats12 original. Got to be worth somemit on the art market
OMG I'M sorry I always thought it was a random woman. What a fucking psycho. I think you and cats got rid of him though, we haven't seen mongo for weeks?
Both would be great, I'm down.
Alternatively Rory Kinnear.
Why didn't you protect his smile, /who/?
Please get a Doctor that is in their mid 30s or older.
It trades well in the underground meme stock market. Worth more than a couple of rare pepes.
Oh he's still around, but has relegated himself to posting in threads that don't belong on Sup Forums. The blacked, pedo and trump threads i think. Calling the ops either cats or cloister. I just hope he's reporting the threads he's responding to so maybe he's doing a little bit of good too. You can see them if you search cats or cloister on 4plebs.
Rewatching Hell Bent, 45 minutes in
I remember how furiously mad I was when Ashildr survived until the very end of the universe.
I was still mad, but not that much. I guess that's acceptance.
It is really looking better when rewatching, cloisters and the matrix is cool concept, but it was barely touched this time.
If they must all follow the three years rule then they should at least have the same number of episodes.
>I remember how furiously mad I was when Ashildr survived until the very end of the universe.
Yeah that was pretty bullshit. My headcanon is that she found some way to extend her life besides just the chip thing.
seems to be four years and three series
>gets sidelined for his first series
>gets harkened back to the Smith era in his second series
>gets a third series to actually finally deliver the goods and start his own era
>leaves immediately after
>Hayley winning by landslide
Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/?