S4 Trailer
its back tonight friends
expectations? waifus? no more clexa?
cant be worse than season 3 right?
S4 Trailer
its back tonight friends
expectations? waifus? no more clexa?
cant be worse than season 3 right?
who /raven/ here
Get some taste you cum-gurgler
I completely forget this show even exists when it's not airing.
>cant be worse than season 3 right
Only watching for based Murphy after that fucking shitshow of a season.
Lexa > Clarke > dogshit > Raven > Abby >>>>>>>> Octavia
>people on Sup Forums unironically watch this shit
Grounder genocide when?
lexa fags need to be gassed
man S3 was awful with that weird AI storyline
>I watch enough The 100 to be able to differentiate between the swirling, multilayered shades of dog shit
Who the fuck is Abby?
I don't know why I ever watched this shit, but I'll definitely watch the next season for unknown reasons
I'm sure Clarke will fill her seasonal genocide quota.
>not liking raccoonfu
Clarke's mom, I think. I can't remember half the people's names anymore.
Will we finally get Bellamy x Clarke?
also this
it was pretty good for the first two seasons I thought
I hope you're not paid to think then, couldn't make it through 3 episodes of this shit and I unironically enjoyed S1 of GOT and The Walking Dead
its bad for the first 4/5 episodes then picks up through to the end of s2
then sucks again
>Drink fermented semen, eat a nice steak then wash it down with some more aged jizm.
it's not kino good, but good for what it is, a teen scifi drama. I need a scifi fix now and then and this has been pretty good for that S3 was garbage though.
>tfw no Expanse S2 yet
>tfw you love Raven but you also love seeing Raven suffer
Remember all those shots of her limping across the camp wincing with every step but when someone offers to help her she sobs "I'M FINE"
Literally no worse than Hollywood's capeshit
Perfectly understandable, the first like 5 episodes are cringey pure shit. Then it gets good. I don't blame you for not believing but yeah, it gets 100 times better, no pun intended
What's your point?
My point is this is better than 60% of Sup Forumss regular discussion, yet still completely forgettable shit
that looked like shit. never heard of it.
Probably not. Clexa fans would go on suicide watch.
>boyfriend thinks she's dead and trades up
>gets shot in the back and crippled
>AI takes over her mind
Did anything good ever happen to her?
claiming my 100fu
A lot of Sup Forums discussion is completely ironic.
No one here thinks Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice is a good movie.
I hope.
I know Fallout is just a million pastiches and ripoffs itself but it's still weird how many elements The 100 lifted from it.
Maybe it's because they're both ripping off the exact same set of novels and B movies?
rev up those food analogies
>Roan's alive
Phew. For a minute I thought they were actually going to kill him in the most anticlimactic "dude is definitely still alive wtf nobody ever dies from that on a TV show" way ever
she's alive
>implying being alive is something good that happens to Raven
At least she has superhuman intelligence now.
Unfortunately, the same can be said about Octavia.
What was wrong with season 3?
You must be a butthurt clexafag.
I love this show. There's nothing else like it on tv right now. I still can't believe how edgy and grim it is considering how it started.
I'm excited to see based Murphy and watch bellemay go die hard mode again.
she's so hot. no wonder niggas almost rioted when she died.
Their love was too pure to survive ;_;
I feel like it's gonna be shit. I hope not.
>he doesn't know raven is /ourgirl/
Bellamy going full operator was great
>rotting cum is food
The 100 fans everyone.
imagine the loser who drew this
I have a feeling he's going to die this season.
If he dies, I stop watching. No joke
>steak isnt food
Cum haters everyone.
Friendly reminder Finn died for nothing
>muh Clarke
good riddance
It's not food it's a bit of wood you use to kill a vampire
>kill loser
>fug his gf
Was she the alpha of the decade?
Bellamy Mclane
Best Die Hard scenario since the one with Jeremy Irons desu senpai
Yup, I'm thinkin the 100 is back
Based Murphy!
>have sex
>get shot
Can't make this shit up lassie
I hope this season Clarke cuts the middleman and just murders somebody while humping them