>waaahhh I'm very handsome and have a large penis and people like to be around me and beautiful women want to have sex with me all the time
>please feel sympathy for me
D'aww Man With Everything Want HUG!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Shame is about the adults created by child abuse
do you have any meaningful human relationships?
most of the "intellectuals" ever
literally white people: the movie
>created by child abuse
[citation missing and unable to be provided]
>suicidal borderline/depressive woman with codependency issues who fucks around with whoever she can in the hopes of forming a meaningful connection
>sex addicted weirdo who fucks compulsively to feel in control and is incapable of emotional intimacy on any level
>mountains of boundary issues and buried tension between the siblings
>"We're not bad people, we just come from a bad place"
It's barely even subtext
>boo hoo I got touched
At least they got some. There are some people who go their whole lives without being so much as hugged by another. "Muh child sexual abushe" "victims" are crybabies. Suck it up, at least somebody wanted you.
so basically u just bitter?
lmao kill yourself wizard
fucking kek
jethuth cwithe
>so basically u just bitter?
I that your first time seeing this pasta?
Include me in the screencap!
If it's pasta then it's a reworked one as it's not hitting any archive returns.
Has there ever been a more kino beginning to a film than the first 10 minutes of Shame? It perfectly set up the mood of the film
What in the fuck...
Why don't you just kill yourself? It's obviously the law of nature that you people should die off, but you're still here being bitter. Or do you secretly think women owe you love/sex? Because they don't.
You are crude and rude, dude.
I know you baiting, but I know a kid who was sodomized by a complete stranger. He went to the hospital for rectal bleeding. You can't deny that's not messed up
You can recognize it by the pic and the "D'aawwww" I don't know why he's doing it. He did stop for a couple of months then started again.
>itt tiny dicks
These are the kinds of people you waste your life arguing with Sup Forums
just what why no where is your reality
how is that messed up? would you want to get raped by some tiny dick white boi instead of glorious BBC?
>bawww my bum is sore a bit even though i just had the best 10 minutes of my life and paid reparations
hes right, though. also abuse is very common inside families. child diddling by relatives and close ones to the family is almost the norm. children either forget about it, or just happen to love the abuser so they stay shut, also they dont even experience the "abuse" as subjectively bad, its society, and the cops the one that put the most abuse on them.
you fuckers actually believe this shit
my fucking sides
Just because you got diddled doesn't mean it's normal
Of course sheltered /r9k/ autists don't understand this film
Sex isn't the cure of everything, you fags
>almost the norm
This is some dark incel shit
Makes me want to screencap and post on Reddit
Oh? Well, feel free to enlighten us then, normie. Share the meaning of life, if you will. Please, spare nothing. Give us a "rundown", so to speak.
Spare no expense on air-tight citations, either. Air. Tight.
>it's the cops that really hurt the child
>not me fucking it in the ass
I hope you get executed by your next victim's father.
>This isn't worth it. You'll never reach the point of happiness because you will always find an excuse to hate yourself and sabotage yourself.
I could tell you, but you wouldn't understand
The fact that this is a two part pasta designed to trap the initial "he was abused" responses with perfect (you) bait in his second post is what makes it so good. Trolls take note, this is at least a solid 8/10.
kiss a shotgun, roastie
Weak. So very, very weak.
You don't know SHIT.
I hope this becomes part 3 of the pasta, if it isn't already
Holy shit
No, answer my fucking question. Why are you alive?
can confirm this. i got molested by a 20yo hot girl when i was 10. shit was kinda nasty and i didnt want it at all, but, in retrospective, feels pretty alpha, even though it isnt.
... London?
i know this is Sup Forums...but please unironically end yourself.
Nobody loves you. Everyone hates you. Even people here hate you.
This video seems oddly-relevant to the thread:
Care to greentext? Just, uh... so we can inform others on how to avoid such situations in the future, of course.
This is why people become sjws, because of misguided retards like you.
I hope you get raped again and good this time.
>Care to greentext?
ive already posted it before. not bothering again with it, sorry bro.
>This is why people become sjws, because of misguided retards like you.
how so?
>I hope you get raped again and good this time.
im an adult now and nobody wants to rape me, because im not a cute kid anymore. kinda sucks.