What did you think of this film? Are all men pedos?

What did you think of this film? Are all men pedos?

>Dick Swaab

only the ones with good taste

No, they're all hebephiles.

pedophiles? no. hebephiles and ephebophiles? mayb

All men are paedophiles and all women are whores.

Hardly. My FWB is 25 years older than me.

We'll never know if all men are pedos because anyone who says they're not a pedo just doesn't have the balls to admit he is one.


The joke writes itself holy shit.

That's pretty deep mate ever considered doing a TED talk?

pedo and proud

Pedo: Probably
Hebe: Definitely

who doesn't love lg's?


that whore looks 25.

>all white men

Who's the girl on the poster?

So are women. But they can get away with it under umbrella of "muh motherly love".


What's a grown woman going to do with a baby dick?

A more appropriate title would be "only men are capable of being pedophiles"

white* men

If we all are then it's normal.

Women should be more careful about what they're saying.

Just because something is normal doesn't mean it's right.

It's a dumb doc, and the answer is yes.

They seem to mostly talk about girls that are around 12-16 which isn't pedophilia. It's also really badly made and I hate the accent of the guy who narrates it.

I remember when this came out. Some good OC made from that poster.

I once saw a midget in wheelchair asking about what the definition of normality really was.

Your avid will for social justice reminds me of him.

Most white men are.

I don't know about all men, but I sure am.

I am. I've been having sex with this 3 year old girl in my town ever since she turned 21

Good joke pal, but I've been dating my 14 year old gf since she was 12. There is nothing more pure or fulfilling than the love and affection you can get from a young girl.

seriously, why are no pedophiles black?

what about mad thad?

unlike everyone to have posted in this thread and will post in this thread I actually watched it and the thesis of the film is actually no, since people conflate the term pedophile to mean being attracted to anyone under the legal age of consent that changes from country to country, not what it actually means, to be attracted to someone who hasnt undergone puberty yet

Jennifer Eloisy

There are, disproportionally in fact, it's just not reported on in the media.

is it true that all nonces are manlets? i mean i guess it makes sense

When you look at what black men look for almost solely in a mate, comparatively, cunny got no booty.

>film about pedophiles
>actress is older than me
fuckin Hollywood

After a series of unfortunate events I think I might be

OMG! What happened?

I'd say I hate my gender, but...

... I think I just hate people in general.

making the distinction between pedophilia and hebephilia is in all cases redundant and too strenuous

>dutch politicians



I'm not a pedo because i've never actually done anything to a real girl, I just like looking up their dresses in public and taking pictures of them.


They are not realy politicians, just losers pretending to be. Real politicians are way richer and smugger.


I will never forget his folder called
>Not Cp

Liking 16 year old women does not make you a pedophile

Give it a little kiss.

Isn't that documentary about how the female ideal as defined by mainstream culture is charcterized by behavior and appearances that 9-12 year old girls have naturally?

>found this on sister's computer

should I be worried? should I tell my parents


Nice try

>not reported in the media
>image makes it clear that there are more white pedos in america than all other races combined
>"b-but my averages!"
christ, everything is persecution-complexes with you guys isn't it?


And about how pop culture will shove 15-year old Disney whores in your face and then call you a pedo for getting turned on.

Paedophilia is unnatural and shameful. Anyone that has this aversion should be castrated.
Hebephilia is natural but still rightly punished at an arbitrary age. A 50 yr old man shouldn't be allowed to groom 13yr old with tits who developed early just because it's "natural". This is why we have willpower and make rational decisions. It's what separates us from animals. Anyone who thinks they should be allowed to act on their desires of this kind should probably also be castrated.


show us where daddy touched you

Why are you watching the Disney Channel? It's not for you!

pedo daddys don't inspire that type of loathing.

its pedo family friends that do that.

Little girls love their daddies.

this chick is over 18 but looks like she's 12

and no man would pass up on that pussy

emily browning was superior pedobait though.

I bet he got touched by the entire neighborhood


>looks like shes 12

How you 18 and never seen a 12 year old girl?

Her face looks photoshopped in. It's fucking creepy actually.


Also source?

ew honestly.You have a problem

Daddy never touched me, what?
Ironic considering hebephiles essentially value getting their rocks off as more important than a child's well-being

So one of your dad's friends or one of your mom's "boyfriends?"

>Dick Swaab

Why does the knowledge that it's most likely a boy make this so much hotter?

Whites are 65% percent of the population and 54% of pedos. Blacks are 12% of the pop but 20% of it's perpetrators.

>zomg math be racist guise!!!!

Does she do porn lmao


>ignoring the point
The media doesn't report "maths", it reports news
More white people molest children than all other ethnicities combined. Hence, most news stories on molestation concern white people.
It's not a fucking conspiracy you mouth-breathing dipshit

why are you asking this? are you a woman or a child?


he's a victim

MFW women over the age of 30 no longer feel attractive and are being passed up for younger prettier girls so scream to the heavens that all men must be pedos

won't make them any younger

Why should any man want to date older women? What exactly is it that older women have that teenage girls don't have? Brains? Nobody enjoys women for their intellect. Our brains are hardwired for the fertile teenaged body.

Few men are pedophiles. But "ephebophiles"? It's standard preference and shouldn't even have a category of its own.

>MFW women over the age of 30 no longer feel attractive and are being passed up for younger prettier girls so scream to the heavens that all men must be pedos

what's wrong with her? She looks diseased desu

pls respond


>Men fuck literally everything
>Women, men, couches, stuffed animals, bags of vaseline, horses, goats, holes in the snow
>But if you want to fuck a younger version of a woman, you're sick

What's the deal?

jealous old hags

>Why should any man want to date older women? What exactly is it that older women have that teenage girls don't have? Brains? Nobody enjoys women for their intellect. Our brains are hardwired for the fertile teenaged body.
Because the "younger women" you're talking about are still children mentally. They can very easily be manipulated and coerced and lack full autonomy. That's why young teenagers aren't allowed to drive cars, smoke cigarettes or sign binding legal contracts. And that's also why they can't consent to sex
If you don't understand this, you're probably autistic

Just because you want to fuck some tight teenage pussy doesn't mean that you should be allowed to

Most men are on a spectrum from 14+, that is attracted to any female with sexual features.

Society deems this as being pedo, when really that term should apply to prepubescent kid attraction.

show us where bad uncle touched you

All men are pedophiles because all women are children.

I feel like imma be on watch lists if i try to find a copy of this movie.

Id probably be banned if i requested it on some of the irc channels i frequent.

>Just because you want to fuck some tight teenage pussy doesn't mean that you should be allowed to

I agree with this but there is a complete ruination of a man's life if he even mentions or jokes about it. Literally half the planet can't admit they want to fuck a 15 year old without becoming a social pariah. There's a very real problem that will never get attention because who the fuck is going to stand up and admit it?

A brain isn't fully "developed" until 25. Chances are you're not even 25. And dumb women exist in all ages, doesn't change just because your vagina is a desert. Most cultures allow fucking teenage pussy because there's no point in shaming the most desireable fruits of nature.

My guess is that you're an aging woman who now has to bank on her intellect (heads up, guys don't talk to you because you're smart) to carry her forward.

Basically this. I used to be the white knight faggot online defending women but having a job where I'm exposed daily to women and there's no question that the female sex is perpetually stuck in adolescence. Doesn't matter if they're 15 or 50. They all think and act the same.


that entire article's hilarious
"women are shocked to discover that it's hard to get married in their 30s since 30+ yr old attractive men are fucking 20 yr old girls. Maybe it has something to do with these 30 yr old women fucking around when they were in their 20s?"