What's happened here?

what's happened here?

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rightful galician clay

Well that's a vague question, care to elaborate?


>not posting the real frontiers of Gallaecia/Kalekia

>spaniard and portuguese in this thread
cute. Just as i expected

Kek.Who even does that here?

| Bringing Spanish flag to sovereign and independent Republic of Portugal. REEEEE

have a good night, friends!

Reintegracionismo galego já!

Realmente faime pensar

shit, sounds more like old castilian than portuguese

old castillian and portuguese come from the same vulgar latin dialect
i also get the feeling reading old spanish that some words are just galician words
there was a shift at some point were spanish words started replacing F with a mute H
>Facer - hacer
>"e" evolves into "y" (from latin "et")
>"non" evolves into "no"
>"cantedes" into "canteis"
galician is in a way just forgotten old spanish with a lot of arcaismos



Lets not pretend it's not usually the other way around, now.

When a native from beyond the Douro line speaks to you, you better ignore it.

As maiores diferenças aqui até são só as convenções de escrita e influência castelhana.

Memes de união galaico-portuguesa à parte, havíeis de fazer um esforço de recuperar a língua da influência castelhana, visto que é muito bonita e para castelhano basta castelhano.


really cute

Portugal is like the Slovenia to Spain's Serbocroatia. I dig!

Portugal is Asterix to Spain's Obelix

Shitskin invaders making a mockery of Iberian people, fikthy negroes moors gypsies and Jews.

That sounds fair.

>influencia castelhana
a unica influencia e a ñ, non sei de que estas a falar


>A partir da súa independencia, o reino de Portugal do reino de León comezou coa creación dunha norma escrita (unha data importante é a declaración do galego-portugués como lingua oficial da súa administración en 1290) por iniciativa do rei don Dinis, cousa que na Galicia non se elaborou até ben entrado o século XX. Como sinala Azevedo Maia,[2] axiña as formas escritas en Portugal comezaron a se homoxeneizar baixo a influencia da corte mentres que os escritos galegos van sendo penetrados de castelanismos. O feito de que a partir de 1480 os tabelións galegos tivesen que cambiar os seus formularios polos casteláns e tivesen que estudar en Toledo, profundou o proceso de castelanización dese galego escrito que non aconteceu en Portugal.


que queres fazer? non podes obligar a xente a falar coma no seculo 14
a xente fala galego coma o fala, que lle vas facer?

>a unica influencia e a ñ, non sei de que estas a falar

The eternal Juan, ladies and gentleman.

vai falar o Joao que nin sequera usa a sua lingua e vai postar en ingles... vergoña deberia darte, lacazán

A culpa não é tua, também a nossa língua evoluiu e também tem alguns castelhanismos em termos de fonética e ortografia.

Never forget

Why doesn't that top bit belong to Portugal? I feel like it should or it use to and then the perfidious Spaniard stole it.

Rightful spanish clay

Portugal stoled itself from overlord of Top corner - Emperor of Hispania - and King of Galicia and afterwards also King of Leon and Castille by giving gold to the Pope and conquering Moorish land.

>emperor of hispania
hahahahahah no.

lol oh xente
exes everywhere

>D. Afonso Henriques remained a vassal, because more than being the king of Leon and Castille, Afonso VII considered himself to be the emperor of all Hispania.
Imperator totius Hispaniae = "Emperor of ALL Spain".
>ALL Spain

portugal started as "condado portucalense", a condate of Galicia (the "top bit")
en galego a J non existe
foneticamente a J en portugues e igual a X en galego, ou moi parecida
en espanhol a J tem un sonido forte de H

>en galego a J non existe
Cool, like italian then. Didn't know that.

A big earthquake and tsunami wrecked it long ago and they never quite recovered.

I see it more as a wake up call from God.
Shit started hitting the fan during the first republic but were fixed during the second. The third republic is where Portugal is just tired as shit so he cuts is rists and slowlly fades into death.

Even with the aftermath of the earthquake - Portugal managed to defeat its land neighbour specially "the largest Spanish military mobilisation of the eighteenth century".


Portugal never recovered fully from Napoleonic Wars, Brazilian independence and Liberal War/ Portuguese Civil War. It was almost a lost century 19th.

The Spanish are the epitome of incompetence

How would thry have a global superpower and supremecy.im war for 100 if they are so bad?

Shit was already hitting since the end of Liberal Wars. British Ultimatum and 31 de Janeiro de 1891 Revolt were just the drop to make monarchy fell irreversally.

>broken keyboard
Their century of superiority in War was because they had a non-Spaniard Burgundian in charge but not inbred to the point of insanity yet.

They were a global superpower because they went to the new world first and got a headstart. Their Empire decayed faster than the French, British, Dutch, and Portuguese.

It's all literally total war in one side - guerilla warfare, scorched earth, tactical retreats and attacks on supply lines, and no quarters for French and Spanish soldiers by partisans/guerrilleiros.

So it ain't incompetence.In Invasion of Portugal with napoleonic troops they finished the job.

Ya I know but with the fall of the monarchy we acquiered a new inflation problem, and I think that's where the modern financial crisis first started.

We were already bankrupting and suffering political instability with rotativism and some dictatorships, X govts per year

The first Republic even did worse - financially, economically and in terms of political instability Xx2 govts. per year . for that. I give you my hat. Even made worse.

I'm rooting for you, Lannisters.

I feel like Portugal is really cool and nobody here knows much about it. They should apologize to the world for creating Brazil though.

Brazil was alright when he became independent, I don't know how it turned out this way. I feel sorry but I don't think they really want our compation only the so called gold we ''stole'' from them.

B*azilians should be banned from online gaming and owning microphones

We literally had a Kingdom of the North like Westeros
>The Monarchy of the North (Portuguese: Monarquia do Norte), officially the Kingdom of Portugal (Portuguese: Reino de Portugal),.

Ya and the monarchy's representative animal is a green wyvern.

brazil did nothing wrong to the world
you're just an autist shit