Would you date a woman with tattoos?
Would you date a woman with tattoos?
I have, but not tramp stamp
I am. Regretting it.
Let's be real for a minute, lyrics on the ribcage is the new tramp stamp. It's way worse.
God damn her body is disgusting.
no, my waifu doesn't have tattoos
Depends on the tattoo, its location and how willing she is to wear a collar all the time.
No, I have read the old testament
Found the turbo virgin.
I thought Wiig would be better than shitty tramp tattoos
depends on if she has played on a shitty feminist reboot or not
How is he wrong? She's repulsive.
after having denigrated herself I guess I can agree...
but I'm so despondent at this point that I'd probably still bury my face in that
no, he's right, he's much better looking than her .
>defending that disgusting cellulite ass
Yeah that's pretty trash.
No and whoever that woman is has a disgusting ass. Saving thread
I would date a woman with tattoos but I'd never consider taking her home to meet my parents. I'd get rid of her after a few months (or weeks or days) of fun.
yeah however i wouldnt date a woman with such a flat ass
I don't believe in "dating". "Dating" is just a way for sluts to make their being sluts seem okay.
My wife got my initials branded behind her shoulder.
So, does your bitch wear noserings?
>implying you wouldn't
>Implying you would hit that.
Please stop being virgins.
date? no, never again
fuck and chuck? you bet your sweet, burger eating ass. that sort of woman is typically extremely easy
They look to both be in their 30s, In-shape men in their 30s are typically at their prime, while women peaked a decade earlier. Even though she's thin she's starting to sag, her tattoos look dated and trashy, and her guy could drop her and upgrade in no time.
"Tattoos are the jewelry of the poor"
-- Bukowski
negative. i find them to be unattractive on women. and i'm considered to be heavily tattooed.
I have. It was a fucking tramp stamp too.
I made sure to shame her about it every chance I could. I'd often forget it existed, but when I'd end up seeing it, I'd tell her "Oh my god I forgot you had a fucking tattoo. Jesus christ it's ugly as shit. You ruined your body, you know that? Every time I see it I'm disgusted with you." or something along those lines. One time she broke down crying saying "I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE IT! IF I COULD GO BACK AND NOT HAVE IT DONE I WOULD!"
[spoiler]Does she like asian guys
As long as it said 100% natural white meat
Please stop being a desperate loser. All you're doing is proving how sexually inexperienced you're. That is not even remotely close to a good body. I know thirsty virgins like you will take whatever you can get but don't criticize people who've been around and don't take whatever just gets tossed their way
Only if they are in powder form.
What a disgusting looking whore, would still fuck tho
>imp ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️lying
> photoshopped air brushed tumblr ass
Hi virgin
Basically, no.
hell yeah
best sex ever, they do some greasy shit.
U are all faggots guys. Tattoos or not tattoos, you probably only masturbate yourself with porns
There's no way
if it's a tattoo wide in the open, trust me guys I know Im just a random user but trust me do NOT marry/date/do anything long term with her. Just hit and quit
Her name is chickentuna. She's 48yrs old and one of the biggest female fitness models on the planet. I'm sorry all you've ever been able to fuck is nasty tatted up saggy white trash like in OP's pics but don't get made at those that don't
I'd rather not question a girl who got a tattoo representing her deep spiritual beliefs or in memorial of a tragic event, anything with similar meaning I'd attempt to only show polite interest in.
Now a tramp stamp or some flower or misspelled writing or some platitude or whatever other vain triviality.. that's when I dump her so fast she'll be left confused.
A shitty tattoo is a girl's way of telling everyone, "LOOK! I once had $300 and got drunk at the same time!!!"
Date? No.
Fuck? Yes.
There are variables...
Where are the tattoos located?
What kind of tattoos are they?
Are they recent tattoos?
What is her mental state like? Does she also have a decked out medicine cabinet?
no, any tattoo no matter who it is on, no matter what it is, and no matter what it's for, all tattoos are entirely degenerate
>bling bling
s-so is she a coalburner?
that girl is balding
>not liking high tes alpha females
Are you a faggot?
This guy understands
I don't get the name of the pic
I have. I'm marrying a woman without them, however.
Nope. Tattoos are instant red flags for me.
If she's dumb enough to make a temporary thought permanent, she's not worth it.
Yes, she has one on her shoulder about family so its okay
no tramp stamps
no bible quotes
no sleeves
No clue. She is supposedly married but no pics of husband. You know how women are, they wear stupid shit like that. Kinda like all them walking around with pink or cheer on their ass
>God tier
full body canvas
>High tier
zero tattoos
>Mid tier
single semi-hidden tats
asian characters
"tribal" designs
>Shit tier
tramp stamps, lyrics, quotes, game references
>dumb enough to make a temporary thought permanent
What are core principles?
My wife has a couple of tattoos. It ain't no thang.
Doesn't matter desu. As long as they are not meth heads like most of the women that have them where I live.
Friendly reminder that there are no tattooed virgins
No tramp stamps, though.
[citation required]
no i think i found the turbo virgin
Find me one instance to the contrary
Depends on the extent of them and if they look good or not. I wouldnt date a heavily tatted woman or one with shitty tattoos, but a few small feminine ones aren't an issue.
And not some fucking tribal sheboon living in the jungle somewhere
Maybe, but I sure as shit wouldn't date a woman with an ass that looked like that
Hitchens razor
What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence
You made the claim, the burden of proof is on you
I am right now
why date a whore?
I've fucked 13 or 14 women for this very reason; you have to adapt. any women will have had sex before, in order for you to not get cucked you definitely have to have had fucked at least 2 times to snatch compared to your gf
Current Gf has a small one ...
>That picture when opened is a life size picture
bless you user
>anime tattoos
forgot to add those to shit tier here
I still haven't, knock on wood.
No, I went head to head in a drunken stupor with a good friend of mine that we decided that we respectfully disagree about. Chest pieces are shit, trashy, and unbecoming. He's cool w'em. Me, not so much. I don't go out w Amerihoes w. titty tats. Period.
>tit tattoo
Why. There are more degenerate tattoos, sure, buy why ruin your tits like that. Why.
Am I the only one who has noticed that women with tattoos are generally whores? Maybe not 100% of them, but like 80% at least. It's like the girls who are only friends with guys, 100% of them are whores without exception.
she lost her virginity to a demon
You're not alone homes. Just from my personal experience at least 20 or so in my life, friends or family members, were with a shadow of a doubt, low self-esteem cheaters. Of course pro-body modders will rah rah with counter arguments, I haven't seen anything to the contrary.
I dated one tat'd whore for too long, I was but one of many drinking from that watering hole at any given time.
tfw i wanted this tat on the back of my neck, but i ended up not getting it cuz of how id explain it
Would fuck, never date
>yinyang necklace
did tyrone tell her to get that tattoo?
I am. Are you a
Christcuck? Why do you hate tattoos? That's fucking awesome. Tatts can be fun.
Dated a girl in college with a tramp slut, turned out to be be a massive psychotic slut/
Can I see your evidence for Hitchens' Razor?
>Am I the only one who has noticed that
>with tattoos
are generally whores
Take a survey yourself then. I've been alive 30 years and I've yet to meet one. I doubt anyone here has met one either.
Also hitchens is a fat sweaty faggot with no talent
There are exceptions to almost everything
My wife has tattoos, yes.
Sup Forums's disdain for tats and makeup is odd to me.
does she like being raped?
You call someone a cuck while posting that pic. You belong in Portland Oregon faggot
Looks like she's losing her hair. So thin.
Good thing I didn't get the assassin's creed tattoo I wanted in high school. You almost have to feel bad for all the poor idiots who don't think about how cringy their shit will seem in a few years.
How many does your wife's son have?
Makeup is how women hide their infertility. It is the trick of tricking males into thinking they are still a viable mate.
It's really as simple as that mate.
Yea, I know alot of people that got them when I was young. I'm 31 now and when I see someone with a bunch of tattoos I cringe hard
Leave my wife's black son out of it.
It's a shame about the franchise going the way it did, but the fan base was always a bit embarrassing to begin with anyway