Why does the U.S. ideally sit by and let South Africa go into ruin?
Why does the U.S. ideally sit by and let South Africa go into ruin?
because they are two different countries. Look on the map they aren't even connected
That hasn't stopped them from cutting into other countries political affairs before but i'd expect this kind of autistic response from a canadian.
Because it's none of our business you dumb fucking Aussie.
Do we look like superman to you?
Why is Australia letting South Africa go to ruin? I don't see you doing anything either.
because jews. same reason germany lets floods of brown """"""refugees""""" into their country whilst they deny real white refugees from ukraine
Because we hate white people and love niggers. I thought this was known.
We don't care, we are too busy killing muslims in the middle east.
Because keeping black people from slaughtering white people is racist.
We're not a world superpower with an international influence you fucking monkey.
>none of our business
That never stopped your country before.
>operate own small business
>of the few south africans met, they were all old weird cunts who talked to people like they were the black man
fuck off ya weird cunts and just get genocided already
why should we? what would we benefit from it?
Y does straya??
>you go do it faggot.
We have muslims and women playing president over here. Well come help when we fix this problem.
They gotta go back.
Anything is Africa isn't worth effort
Because nelson mandela is a great hero of equality and a saint among men according to the majority of Americans.
We should be sending weapons to the Afrikaner movements.
And it'd be self-defence.
Then why should we continue being in other people's business of its seen as negative?
Also Souh Africa is fine and the whites there are fine in their middle class neighborhoods
Good luck with this, everything USA touches turns into Syria. I live in USA and I don't want the gov. doing anything in my direction.
>Screw you america you're not the world police, gtfo!
>"Hey America when are you gonna do something about south africa "
there's no oil in south africa
Anons need to stop using this AWB pic for SA and Afrikaaner threads.
The AWB make the KKK look like the Illuminati by comparison.
Because Africa "belongs to black people", and if white people interfere it's racist. Like the best Nation to ever exist on Earth Rhodesia, as soon as blacks got back in charge of it and called it Zimbabwe, everything went back to being natural. Humans resorted to our primary prey source rats.
we aren't your world police
you know why.. stop pretending you don't
you're in POL after all..
Why didn't the Jews help South Africa?
They helped Israel develop their nuke program.
america has been dealing with black people since way longer than you, and you never offered us any help. do you even have a military?
Forgot about this guy. Thanks.
Blackie is allowed to roam free there just like in the US. All according to plan
what are whites doing in Africa anyways?
>fucking americans interfering with global affairs
>help south africa though for the white race!!1
I'm not saying we shouldn't help the boers out but why not you aussies? You like killing niggers right?
Because we still feel a need to pretend that 70 IQ communist niggers are human.
I think it sucks we backed the savages against industrious white settles in Rhodesia and South Africa . Brother we sat on our ass so long we have to use our resources to take back our own country from Globalist, aka white haters, then help Britain, France, and any other white country with just a little backbone. Germany, they have been the financial backers of the Muslim invasion and the destruction of European society, family, and religion.
But you are right. We need to give back South Africa to the rightful owners. Whitey.
genocide the aboriginals no i-it was merely a coincidence.
They were there before the black people.
are you retarded? whites decended from niggers
The Executive Branch was pro South Africa because of the cold war.
Reagan's veto was overridden. Nothing else could have been done.
South Africa was empty when the whites got there. Then they started trading with the blacks, then blacks immigrated, then new blacks killed those blacks.
>whites decended from niggers
Not true. Niggers are those that stayed in Africa. We have a common ancestor, however.
What would be gain?
doesn't matter. Africa belongs to the niggers
And the US belongs to the sioux.
The United States don't care about white people, that's why white South Africans can't get visas to move there but any old darkie from Somalia can waltz right in
And where are they, mongrel?
U better take that back, white devil. The Great Spirit has nukes now.
Why don't the remaining 200 or so white people sell off what is left and move out SA so it can just finish imploding on itself.
Rhodesia would like a word with you
Too many niggers, not enough oil.