Was I in a bad mood, or did this really suck?
Felt completely pointless and random.
Was I in a bad mood, or did this really suck?
Felt completely pointless and random.
it started pretty good but I lost interest rapidly when spooky Rooney Mara got killed offscreen.
Nah, it's not very good. The first third was good, but once he leaves his mom and the adventure starts, the story becomes boring and cliche. The boat scene was god though.
You were in bad mood or just stupid. The movie is great. Talks about the mistakes done in the past that can be repaired, power of love and that no one is living for themselves.
>pointless and random.
I really enjoyed it the whole time. The story was neat enough to keep my attention and whenever there was a lul in plot or progression the animation was beautiful enough to keep me happy.
It was a great movie and even if you disagree with that you have to respect the work that went I to the stop motion animation.
It's very pretty but it's a bit lacking with the story
I enjoyed the animation. The story didn't really grab me.
the flat-sounding VA's bothered me in this, especially texan-accent mcgouchgouaney
rooney was at least trying
I enjoyed the movie but did they never bother to call the mother by her name?
It's a great movie with a mediocre story.
I thought the voice acting was one of the strong points. Especially the monkey and grandpa
The sisters in the night confrontation and the underwater monster sequence were by far the best two bits of the film. Laika is at it's best when it's doing something tense, uncomfortable, and creepy.
>b-but muh animation was b-beautiful
This movie was mediocre/forgettable at best.
I liked it.
I didn't like how the final message was "fuck heaven/space/godhood, pray to fucking lanterns!"
They spent so long making it that they forgot to have a decent story that connects it all.
Kinda ironic because kubo is a better story teller than the movie is.
I remember it being good when I watched it but before seeing this thread I completely forgot this movie existed.
It sucked.
What's some Essential Stopmotion kino?
The animation was great but that's all it has going for it
It was great until the ending shat all over it.
I appreciated it from a technical perspective but that was it. It wasn't very good otherwise.
Mary and max.
Hunt for the wererabbit.
Jason and the argonauts.
Sinbad the sailor.
Laika is a fucking joke company piece of shit. They can go fuck themselves. Aardmant is the only good stop motion company.
Empire Strikes Back