Thoughts on race-mixing between unicorns and mud-er, I mean, earth ponies?
Thoughts on race-mixing between unicorns and mud-er, I mean, earth ponies?
Nobody cares who you are
We’ll beat you with a bar
Die, you fucking Barneyfag
You’ll gain many more haters
Your intelligence won’t save you later
Die, you fucking Barneyfag
And you’ll bask in the shadow of your past childhood
But jet fuel can’t melt steel beams
Fuck off, you manchild, you fucktard, you loser,
Fuck off, you master of lies and deception, and die!
I'm personally against it.
All Barneyfags deserve to be murdered.
What is this Barney meme?
>Please help a newfag out
As long as it isn't gay marriage.
Basically, they watch shitty Barneyshit.
die you fucking barney fag
Barneyfag, why are you using a proxy? Are you avoiding a ban? We know you're a leaf.
you deserve cancer
Delete this
He's actually Mexican
Not as much as the Barneyfags that shill their shit outside of containment
hmmm really makes you think huh
I want all Barneyfags dead.
Even tho applejack is best pone i wouldn't promote mixing races
Why denieing your foal the magical abilities
No Barney character is ever good, they all a shit.
Oh wow, the Barneyfag guy is still here stalking every /mlp/ thread? I remember christmas 2014 he traced down every single christmas thread from /mlp/ and posted the same thing over and over, usually found the thread within a minute or two. I thought he would have killed himself or become a serial killer by now.
What business did that unicorn have setting up a fashion boutique in an earth pony majority city anyway? Isn't that like opening an art gallery in Nashville?
Earth pones, pegasi and griffons can all mix as their cultures correspond to white cultures. Unicorns and Zebras however correspond to jews and princes and shit respectively so that is no good. However a pony with a single Jewnicorn grandparent may be okay but once you taint your lineage with Zigger you can never go back.
Kill yourself.
Fuck off, degenerate Barneyfag.
You too, no one wants your Barneyshit here.
Barneyfag is a either some kind of bot with a networked captcha prompt that's being filled out by a contractor, or an group of sperglord "activists" who resent the now extinct unchecked positivity of the fandom, it's not one fucking loser sitting in his parents' basement railing on MLP for 4 years. That is the least likely explanation. Either way he and his little group of autists who run this little posting brigade meant to lure in newfags to the pony hate bandwagon are doing far more harm than good, because "he" uses a dated trolling technique.
It's like you discovered the barneyfag meme yesterday.
>Barneyfag confirmed for Zodiac killer
Well we know that the Zodiac Killer watches MLP with his daughter...
Show is bad and for little girls
But the porn can be nice
Oh, it's always just been me.
Barneyshit is NEVER good, fucking autist.
Kill yourself.
This, Barneyfags all need to be taken out and shot.
could someone feasible drink that?
If there is a will
There is a way
The point was for "him" to get sodium poisoning. A bottle could suffice.
I dont care about the show, I just got cursed with a bad fetish
....You have my condolences....
>Half of every god-damn level.
Mr. Rogers is fucking boss though. He's the nicest man ever and he's a great moral teacher.
This. He's show is fine for children.
You get the idea though.
>Thoughts on race-mixing between unicorns and mud-er, I mean, earth ponies?
We kill them, and then we murder the bronies.
Seems like an ideal solution.
You can get a lot of magic products out of a unicorn's body. It could be really profitable.
You are a disgrace and a pathetic excuse for a human being and btw don't you have your own board?
Narwhal horns were sold as unicorn horns at one point. They were worth their weight in gold.
god you are such a fucking faggot. 'le' fuck off and go suck your manipulative admins dick you fucking stupid bigoted bitch. Open your damn eyes and work on your 7th grade homework. According to your comments, your English teacher needs to be fired. Here's some mathematics, a simple equation: 234x = y/3 - x being your IQ, y being your ego.
I think it's hot when Pegasi fuck Earth ponies, but only m/f, like, you know, descending from the skies to rape and pillage the defenseless land horses.
Also Unicorns are mudblood shit to begin with
>Having pegasi in your unicorn blood
Basically rape babies ala Germany.
When was that, 50 years ago? Try it in 2015 and you'll instantly regret it. Bornies and Furs are the craziest, most feared dudes at my school. No one messes with this alliance. They won't hesitate to go -primal- on anyone who thinks they can abuse their kin with no repercussion. Yeah, we have a rep. I've personally made kids cry by flooding their online and real lives with clop and various fur material. We're the new jocks, you're the new geek.
mlp is now an ironic meme and berating the dead fandom is a waste of time
I'm sure you're both full of shit and underaged, but I still found that amusing.
Is this how you sage?
This is some next level false flag shitposting right here.
They do, in fact they have two and still can't stay within those.
Hey, I"m just saying shit like it is.
Fuck off horsefucker, there's a designated containment board for your rampant autism, use it instead of spreading it here.
The show is cute, barneyfag. It must be sad to live a life of such extreme and unfounded hatred so as to look cool on a Swedish Baloon Popping forum.
Not only that, but they have TWO boards for their autism, and .
>Barneyfags are this delusional
I think you have autism but good on you for standing up for what you believe in I guess
I know it's pathetic. They're that degenerate they can't even contain it in their own specific boards.
We just need to eliminate all the barneyfags.
Reminder that /mlp/ is always relevant. We are not your enemy.
Fuck off, Barneyfag
How many of these images have you saved
Forgot picture
You really should post this stuff on
Is Sup Forums seriously telling /mlp/ to keep their shit on their own containment board?
I have news for you guys, we are the worst offenders when it comes to violating containment.
Its only that 1 autistic canadian.
What is this shit, i got banned instantly for posting pony in the rolling EU sticky
Also earth are best cause dey thick but the posh ones be into some freaky shit.
How has this thread not been deleted? Were the rules changed regarding posting ponies?
seeponies are ok. they are Sup Forums approved.
Mods must be asleep
Around 100 or so, definitely more.
Barneyfags are still more cancerous.
So should you, Barneyfag
Laddies and gentlemen, I present you:
Reddit thy post
Time is short brother
Fluttershy a shit.
I hate MLP with a burning passion but don't you think it's kind of ironic that you claim to love Splatoon and Littlest Pet Shop but draw the line at autistic ponies?
You watch your fucking mouth you roody poo
>i got banned instantly for posting pony in the rolling EU sticky
you did it to your self m8
Report and sage my man, there's not much else to it.
indeed user
>Blue's Clues
Fuck off, Barneyfag
I don't even like LPS anymore
You do the same, you could get banned :^)
jesus christ what did I just watch
Autistic Barneyfag animation.
Barneyfags should die.
i found it in my archive i forgot existed user after my 3 years away from 4chins
Friendship is manly, I believe.
Hey faggot, Barney is based as fuck.
Kill yourself.
As per usual whenever shitty threads like this come up.
The same should be for your kind.
No one wants Barneyfags in society.
I always knew fit was filled with a bunch of fags
Does he not realize that's how bronies came to be in the first place?
case in point
It binds us
All Barney characters are shit, really.
Get fucked.
Cool ID.
sage shit thread
Do NOT sexuallize the ponies
Fuck off, Barneyfags
>hating on based Blue and uncle Steve