Why do Brazilians hate Rio? Or is it just an Sup Forums thing?

Why do Brazilians hate Rio? Or is it just an Sup Forums thing?

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because rio reinforce the stereotypes that most brazilian wants to get rid: samba, futebol, beach, favela, malandragem, etc.

Rio is the ultimate brazilian shithole, even Acre in better

Then, what is Sao Paolo? Just New York of Brazil?

smoked a blunt and watched "city of god", that's how I see brazil. Very crazy country. Its a lot like AMerica but at the same time not really.


It's used as an scapegoat for all of Brazilian's problems, which doesn't make any sense, because all of Brazil is pretty shit. The two most hated places are Rio de Janeiro and Northeast.

It's a Sup Forums thing. Normies usually do regional banter too, but not like Sup Forums which is basically blame everything on Rio and Northeast

City of God is amazing. In the era where City of God takes place, Brazil was actually a fun and good place to live.

which era was that and how is it different from today?

Do you even count as a Northeastener? I mean you're living in an island at a diferent time zone even.

Also I don't hate northeasterners, I have their political positions, I myself am from Recife

>shitty uneducated people
>"thug" culture, people will try to fuck you over if you're a tourist
>they literally have pride in their favelas
>cops can't fight crime because if they shoot a niggers they lose their jobs
>the other half of their police is corrupt as fuck

People hate Rio here with reason.

It's funny how São Paulo, a several times bigger city, who has more favelas(which get bulldoze'd), is more safer than Rio.

Forgot pic.

Police commanders of each state.

Why would you want to get rid of these stereotypes?
If you remove samba, football and beaches from Brazil you go from the land of careless fun to nothing but mixed race smelly mosquito Russia.

Brazil is a big country with lots of other cultures that get completely ignored.

Instead of nice and healthy ones, our media exports the most shitty ones. You could say it's some type of "white-wash", but who in their right mind you export such images of your own country to the world instead of the actual good ones?

>who in their right mind you export such images of your own country to the world instead of the actual good ones?
People who depend on the tourism industry I guess

What are the good ones? (I'm actually interested desu)

Rio's main income isn't even tourism.

It take place in the '80s. In pre-internet Brazil, each state felt unique. Now these days everywhere feels the same shit, everyone dresses the same, everyone listens to the same crap, everyone behaves the same.

My small village in Rio Grande do Sul didn't even get landlines until 2005, so i was really isolated from the rest of the world, i could instantly feel the difference from going from Porto Alegre to São Paulo for example, these days i can't feel a single difference anymore.

I like a lot northeastern ones desu.



Because Rio is a violent shithole and people still go there for some reason.

Same as the us

Every Brazilian is carioca the same way every German is bavarian


Do Brazilian Sup Forumss say something like 'hurr durr this is Jewish liberal shithole' thing on Sao Paolo or Rio has all the title of degeneracy and stuff?

Rio is where all the degeneracy comes from.

Let's ignore the fact the largest gay pride parade on earth takes place in São Paulo right.

São Paulo is where most of the biggest events happen. Gay Parade wouldn't be excluded.

Now explain to me how of of every 5 cariocas, 1 of them is gay.

Sounds like Rio is the LA of Brazil

It has its similarities.

Yes, a shithole bait for tourists.

São Paulo would be our New York, but it's much more conservative.

The South is My ...

> In pre-internet Brazil, each state felt unique. Now these days everywhere feels the same shit, everyone dresses the same, everyone listens to the same crap, everyone behaves the same.
Same same desu. Some days I wonder how many people bate to Asa Akira, must be everyone from goat herder boy in Pakistan to Bushman in the Kenya.

>São Paulo would be our New York, but it's much more conservative.

Jesus christ, Paulistas are completely retarded.

I believe São Paulo is close ideologically to the current definition of European centre-left. So we are socially liberal, but a little less economically.

Rio is more like the traditional LatAm left. Lots of gibmonei, but quite conservative socially (Rio's current mayor is a Charismatic evangelical, he would never get elected in SP).

>cops shoot niggers and bulldoze favelas in São Paulo
>People cheer and thank the cops


>Policein Rio gets near the favelas


Maybe because São Paulo's infinitely better???

So worshiping cops is your definition of being conservative? Wow.

This statue is very admirable

It's about worshipping. Is about wanting the best for your community. Cops sometimes are shit here too, but they are WAY more free to do their job here than in Rio and people don't "conspire" against them to save their favelitos ass.

>It's not

Fug, need to sleep.

Gramado. City of German heritage.

Minas Gerais is way better than both of these shitty States.

have a good day

Only the triangle. The rest it's just caatinga.

Looks nice