ITT: Shitty meme directors who don't deserve all the praise they get
ITT: Shitty meme directors who don't deserve all the praise they get
op is a fag
The only people who praise him are the sci-fi loving manchildren on Sup Forums.
He's literally Nolan tier.
You'll hate him in a year.
Michael Haneke.
dog's face
okay buddy, TRY and name 14 bad movies he's made
>becomes popular
>is now a meme
when will you just kill yourself?
Damien Chazelle
Barry Jenkins
Paul Thomas Anderson
Quentin Tarantino
Wes Anderson
Chris Nolan
Alejandro Inarritu
sRichard Linklater
David O. Russell
Steve McQueen
Darren Aronofsky
Tom Hooper
Lee Daniels
kys yourself
I'm ambivalent about this.
itt: everyone thinks that director is good but I'm a special snowflake so I will say it's not with no explanation
Remove Aronofsky and I would agree.
I watched Black Swan last night and I agree Aronovsky is a fucking hack
Just cus he'd getting a bnch of big fils now
he deserves more
No second get for you! Justice prevails!
You should watch his other shit because Pi The Fountain The Wrestler and Noah are better than Black Swan.
mad digits
>get defending based Rocco
What a fucking legend!
I agree.
The Wrestler is great, the others aren't really that good.
The Wrestler is the only one of his I enjoyed and would watch again. Requiem, the fountain, and black swan were visually impressive and had great music / photography but are not films I hold in high regard
total meme
Mad digits prove it.
Denis vilaneuve is kino
I like the others better than the wrestler but that's just me I guess
Wrestler, pi, the fountain and noah are my favs of his all very very good imo
Take out PTA, his latest three films deserve praise that his others didn't necessarily
I've disliked him since I saw Prisoners, such an empty film
He's made two okay movies. Prisons and Enemy. Everything else is try-head slow-mo shots with an ambient buzz underneath it followed by an explosive ending. Most overrated director of all time.
Absolutely incorrect. He could be defended for his other films as well, and maybe I'm even in a minority with this, but Inland Empire is one of the most intricate and overwhelming films ever made
>Inland Empire is one of the most intricate and overwhelming films ever made
Watch the Making of documentary, Lynch made the movie up as he went along. Lynch is just a bullshit artist who resorts to "lel, random huh?" in almost every movie he has ever made. No wonder he refuses to talk about the meaning of his films, because there is no meaning at all.
Well at least we got a good documentary out of it. This guy is like the only person in Holly-cuck who has a real personality.
He made the scenes up as he went, but that doesn't mean a clear image wasn't in his head as he edited it. IE has plenty of meaning, in my opinion it's a prostitute who, as she lays dying, looks over her past and subconscious through the lens of a made up persona. She dies and we get a look at a sort of afterlife and the idea of consciousness never ending. Many people like to just see it as an actress who couldn't cope with the stresses of stardom and that's fine too, and Lynch's revealing of his own intentions would take away this openness to interpretation.
Look at Lost Highway, none of that is random. Every single piece forms a larger picture and was placed where it is very purposefully by Lynch. I understand his films won't work for everyone, but it's a failure on your part to break down his films if you think it's randomness for the sake of it and all bullshit.
>dude contrarianism lmao
>I understand his films won't work for everyone, but it's a failure on your part to break down his films if you think it's randomness for the sake of it and all bullshit.
You realize you just came up with your own bullshit interpretation and accused me of not getting it? Lynch makes movies for people like you who want to feel smart for "getting it". I watch them because they are weird and fun to watch while stone, not because there is some shitty analysis I can shit out. Kys, poser.
My interpretation isn't bullshit though. Lynch holds your hand to those conclusions, the only thing he doesn't do is show you them up front. Each interpretation has variations, but the larger themes of his films are very clear. If you want to watch his films as tone exercises, that's totally valid, but that doesn't mean there isn't more to them.
That get confirms it. Dennis is kino.
>I've disliked him since I saw Prisoners
jealous faggot.
>My interpretation isn't bullshit though. Lynch holds your hand to those conclusions
Keep bullshitting faggot. I bet you love the smell of your own farts.
Denis is shit. Enemy was good thi.
Denis can prove me wrong with blade runner 2 if he wants arrival was a shitfest
Right, I'm the bullshitter. You can't fathom that there are different approaches to films. You don't see those extra layers that Lynch adds, so surely anyone who does is making it up, getting off on self congratulation. I'm not here saying you have bad taste, or that my appreciation of Lynch's films makes me any better than you. I'm saying that you're amazingly ignorant to deny that I honestly like some types of films for what I get out of viewing them, not what it means compared to others taste, and pretty arrogant yourself to hold your own views on film as final
Thanks for telling it as it is, digits-kun.
All very good
Making the most accesible movies ever with shitty expositional dialogue means good?I didn't know that.
If I could save three
Inarritu (birdman was so bad tho)
OP needs to kill himself now, the gods have spoken
No all you Villenueve fags need to nut up and stop being faggots. His shit is so stale atm.
Awful waste of a get.
Kino confirmed
>real personality
>the stephen a smiff of hollywood
>I watch movies that nobody has ever heard about so that makes me smart because i know what real kino is, fuck all these mainstream directors their work sucks because they're not honest filmmakers
>all these Sup Forumstard contrarians get buttmad at Kek for exposing Sup Forums for what it is