>Scorsese's a bad director
>I liked watching Gravity
>The Oscars aren't diverse
Ruin a first date in 4 words - Sup Forums edition
>I voted for Trump
Big guy for you
>You're a big guy
tell me about bane
Dr. Pavel I'm CIA
>Hi, I'm Brendan Fraser
This board has a problem
Didn't fly so good
>I liked watching Interstellar
A big problem?
I'll call 'em in
No fat chicks allowed
For You.
You just misgendered me
>I enjoy feminine penises
four words is plenty
We ain't really negroes.
I bet you enjoy the films of Wes Anderson
>I post on Sup Forums
Nice fucking forehead Sinestro
What a hot head
How's your sex life?
Lets watch 40's movies
Your forehead is shooped?
Lala Land was dishonest
Heard stuff bout you
Tell me about Bane
Why wear a forehead?
What's going on here?
Fuck off Ember Spirit
Do you like movies?
Capeshit movies are plebeian.
I dislike Moonrise Kingdom.
Islam is pro feminist
Plebes have punchable faces
What is Jerusalem worth?
OP is a faggot
I drink your milkshake
Your bull's named Bixnood?
Toe looks like Malfoy
surprised no one went with
>i am your father
>now this is podracing
>i don't like sand
>tis treason then AAAGGHHHHHH
Lucas is a hack
I love watching MLP
Take your shit to pol
>Tell me about feminism.
Underrated post
>Ruin a first date in 4 words
>Cum inside Rainbow Dash
bby, want sum fuk?
we split the tab
Becky let me smash
>Bill Burr's nigger wife.
actually kekd
>Daisey Ridley was charismatic.
beat me to it
I like feminine penises
I support Jewish settlements
Ever fucked a nigger?
t. masketta man
>God hates the fags.
I stand with Israel.
enough, Sup Forums, go to your room now.
i jizzed my pants
>Hashtag Oscars So White
I'm Christian Weston Chandler
Trayvon Martin Dindu Nuffin
I only watch Kino.
I only watch BLACKED
>Hello! My name is...
>I'm a white american
I voted for hillary
I've never dated before.
I vote for Jill.
Let's watch The Room
Hitler did nothing wrong
"Please stop saying Kino"
trade sliders for sex?
*touches bulge* What's this? :3
>Refn is a hack
My Dubs, Check em.
I post on Sup Forums
hitler did nothing wrong
Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter herecrash n burn and nuclear codes
>i only watch Kino
>I POST ON Sup Forums
>I am a feminist
die slut
that feel when no gf
Do you concealed carry?
>"how much do u weigh?"
>"do we have to share the same bed again tonight?"
>"i think you should lose weight."
>"why dont u make like a bandana and split."
I've actually got my first tinder date tomorrow.
She said her favourite films are Almost Famous, Trainspotting and Suspiria.
She alright or should I drop her?