post yfw how your team did today
Post yfw how your team did today
never watching another game
How do you do it man? Week in and week out
if i had any type of backbone i would:
1) drive two miles and sit outside redskins park tomorrow with a sign reading "THAT WAS NOT OK"
2) stop being a redskins fan
but i'm a jellyfish who will support this awful team for the rest of my miserable life. hate snyder but httr
why? They were hanging with them for a while
New England Football Patriots
Cardinals, super happy
>Adrian Peterson looked amazing
Every single week
why you sad bearbro? you beat the ratbirds
who will ruin our perfect season?
My gf lets me hate fuck her if they lose.
I honestly stopped giving a shit months ago.
Hey Browns bros, what do you want for Hue? Amari Cooper sound good?
The Browns are going to fuck up the season by beating the Titans, Bungles, Ratbirds and a Rodgersless Packers. They will be 4-12 and only get the fifth pick.
Minnesota why? We were supposed to run the table.
It's a pretty deep analogy. Sure you can watch the show but dealing with all this bullshit makes every week an event.
> Raiders
People still think it was a dirty hit on Rodgers
>200$ bet
>friend is a chof fan
>gave the steelers six points
>You can keep your points, but if the Steelers win you pay me 300$ instead
>just spent 23 hours driving from fucking New York
>to god damn Naples Florida
>fucking ontario and quebec fags clogging I75 AND I95 to a crawl
>go home snowbird boomer fags reeeeee etc
>see Raiders out Chorged the chorgers
>mfw the chiefs score
fucking bullshit
Packers offer Kaep a minimum contract, he turns it down and loses his lawsuit.
everybody wins.
idk this fucking emotional rollercoaster of a fucking foot ball team
You guys ended their winning streak and got them currently tied to the Iggles
Feeling robbed fuck Goodell and the refs. They always give in to the cheatriots
>goodell always gives into them
are you retarded?
just photoshop staffords face onto tittle already
vikings butchering pastoral commoners again
>patriot fans playing the victim
Christ this is adorable. Do you think if Jewdell had it out for the Pats they would have won a single superbowl let alone five?
Fuck these jealous nfc north losers. Second time Rodgers broke his collar bone from a fatass throwing his weight on top of him.
don't be so mad tho
>CJ Beathard finally starting
feels decent desu
Jets always play the Pats close unless Brady is on fire that season
>this delusion
It must be a mental illness. Goodell gave the patriots a slap on the wrist to get everyone off his back for all the shit he let them get away with
honestly though feeling really sorry for the pack. Have a very strong begrudging respect for Rodgers. Feels a little hollow, this w.
She didn't think that negotiation through did she.
#unoccupy fedex
Cautiously optimistic
Don't blame them that was a powder puff hit he just landed wrong
Hit? Nigga he held on and made sure that arm was gonna get crunched. You tell me thats not fucking dirty. He didnt even turn, just held him in place till that arm hit the ground. First the Bears now you fuckers. Seems like the North cant play like civilized neatherdals. They need to kill someone as if they were the Bengals.
Fuck off, just because your pussy quarterback finally didn't get a pity Roughing the Passer doesn't mean it was a dirty hit. Not to mention that your team sucks without Gaydgers. Enjoy your dark QB
>Falcons in charge of maintaining a lead vs AFC East teams
This. As in literally this pic is what I came to post.
>Wahhhh my pussy numale meme QB is made of glass :'(
we unironically did better today than we will tomorrow
We're now likely to be on top of a significant number of power ranking lists. I'm not sure how I should feel about that
>opponent of the Cubs
>getting chip grease all over that PSP and manga
What a worthless whore.
>they're going to jinx us and we're now going to lose to the Skins
They didn't even show up
>Busc lose another 1-score game
Consistency still required.
Glad to see CJ Goatherd get some playtime. If only >we could have won
It's crazy if we just had a little more talent we could be 5-1 right now
>13 points separates >us from being 5-1 and 0-6 and leading the nfcw
purple nigger, I hope you never know the glorious feeling of winning a Lombardi. There's a reason it's called a Lombardi and not a Grant by the way, because the NFL wanted to honor successful people
Chargers left so I don't have a team, going to watch Yankees though because I want a team that actually wins
Aaron's arm will never be the same lol
feels good man
Can't lose if you don't play
A Win's a win, user
Could not have gone better!
>zeke suspension
>iggles win
Steelers. I think our offense isnt where it should be yet. Should have scored at least 2 more touchdowns. But happy with the defense and for the win.
At least the Broncos and Raiders lost as well