Trump Polling Drop

>c-can I get some water?

>poll manipulation

And 80% of under 25s are left wing extremists... If you survey outside of sociology/humanities campus and make sure you get a "diverse" population sample.

Just stay away from those nasty, cold, rational STEM students, they say mean things like the welfare state or affirmative action are moral hazards which negatively effect society.

Media manipulation that even manages to trick Sargon of Akkad.

Pic related. It's Trump supporters.

You don't know how statistics works, do you?


Considering my STEM degree, I think I have a rough understanding. Thanks for the ad hominem though, Shillarybro.

>Poll 36% dems
>Poll 24% repubs


>STEM students
>Trump supporters

They may be republican, but they aren't going to vote for Trump.

You do understand that it also includes "Leans" right?

And more people are simply just identifying as Dems than independents + republicans now.

Even if you weighted according to Gallup's party affiliation, you would see Trump is still down 7-8 points.


t. Romney in 2012

You're correct, the highest tier intelligence are voting Gary Johnson. Trump is for the tier under that which feels it's unlikely, so they'll just contribute to the presumed likely option and ensure that it truly is likely.

STEM, which a decent majority of male high school graduates apply for (as well as trades, who are brothers in arms), are typically resistant to the slave morality postmodernism of the universe left. They see the bullshit, and the tradies just assume everything is bullshit and stop caring.

Reminder that right wing youth political activism is at an all time low. Voter turnout is always horrible amongst the youth.

>the highest tier intelligence are voting Gary Johnson

Also STEM, getting my whole family to vote Trump.

Still working on my Hilldog aunt, the seed of doubt is planted in her mind. She knows she is a sellout and corrupt.

She also cant explain why Trump is racist.

>polling drop
>gaybc and washed out


gaybc bashes trump continuously.

>not realising he's the only qualified politician running that's not a pathological liar

I'd rather take the sellout that will accomplish anything in congress.

I wish he was lying about supporting open borders. That is beyond retarded. How can you have a free society without some means if protection against outside threats?


It's the caveat of modern libertarianism, they haven't realised this spectrum doesn't cosect the cosmopolitan/libertarianism spectrum. There is nothing wrong with nationalistic libertarianism, it's simply that you want fair competition amongst your citizens, but advantage against internationalist influences. This does not defeat libertarianism.

Accomplish anything, you mean further leftist Marxist ideals and help sell America out to globalists and central bankers and special interest groups? Or do you mean her immigration system built on unsustainably utopian fallacies, that allow terrorist attacks to create maga city police state with zero tolerance laws?

Anyway I'm covered if Hillary wins too, ill be a cop. And im taking a special interest in seeing leftist and Marxist suffer.

>And im taking a special interest in seeing leftist and Marxist suffer.

I'm gunning to get into business so I can see everyone suffer.

I agree with nationalist libertarians, but Gary isn't that and he doesn't understand social contract theory if he doesn't want at least some form of border.

Agreed, but do you think Trump does?

Nationalistic libertarians are virtually all living with their parents at the moment, we're about 30 years from this being a real argument, although the Brexit thing made me worry we're skipping the left vs right argument, leaving it as is (left wing domination) and moving on to the cosmopolitan vs nationalistic argument.

Vote Gary Johnson anyway.

I meant cosmopolitan/nationalistic spectrum.

its anecdotal but I am a stem student and voting Trump
I also have 2 other friends who are voting the same way

I think he understands it better than Gary, yes.