Sup Forums reading list

I have some Amazon gift card money due to Apple trying to be too much of a Jew for the government.

Anything I should pick up to read?

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg

I hear Sum is pretty good.


>paying for books

I don't have a problem paying for books like I do paying for music. The music industry has forgotten how the market works and I do my part to punish them for it. Most authors are just trying to make a living.

My refund was $125. What was yours?

Also, anything by Hunter S Thompson

Where's the real version?

Any writer worth reading is long dead.

Not quite as much - $30 bucks

libido dominandi
revolt against the modern world

I wouldn't agree with that. There is a lot of shit produced these days, but some diamonds in the rough here and there.

John le Carré and many others are still alive user.

currently reading 1984, its amazing

what fucking refund? where's mine?

Great book - I own two copies, one for my reading, one to lend.

Trump: The art of the Deal

King Leopold's Ghost

48 laws of power by robert greene.

Apple conspired illegally to charge too much with ebooks. They had to pay something like 500 million. People who bought ebooks over a 2 year span on Amazon obtained a credit as portion of the payment. The amount depended on how much you bought and what books you bought.

The Trial - Franz Kafka

Tragedy and Hope

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden

Mein Kampf by Uncle Adolf
1984 by Orwell
White Power by G.L. Rockwell

oh, thanks
were you notified? how did you come to know about it?

econ in one lesson is dumb easy. Road to serfdom isn't too bad. Few words I had to google.

Email and logging into my amazon. It was automatically credited.

I will try to get a physical copy soon

Try to get any liberal to read this. They'll be absolutely BTFO.

What is hour point?
Only pop-fiction and pop-philosophy exists today.

The new artistic wave is coming. Its going to be as anti-post modernist as humanly possible.

>What is hour point?

Good man.

A Brave New World is also in the same vein, as is "Animal Farm"

I own it and a bunch of South African/Rhodesian stuff.

I said what is your point.

You said "What is hour point"

Le Carre is a very good writer who worth reading that is still alive.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

free download of Sup Forums approved reading

Anyone recommend any paleocon books?

Ted K's manifesto is Sup Forums through and through

What does he write about?

stop posting that trap

not sure, I'd guess wouldn't be that bad of reading. At least econ in one lesson. They don't go full libertarian/ancap, just dispute socialist planning or the reasons for it and try to backup why capitalism is more efficient.

Mother night by Kurt Vonnegut


Stephen Coughlin -- Catastrophic Failure

Roger Scruton -- Fools, Frauds and Firebrands
John Lott -- More Guns Less Crime
Ilana Mercer -- Into The Cannibal's Pot
Ann Coulter -- Adios America

Revolt Against the Modern World - Julius Evola

good on you for reading user

I recently got and enjoyed reading Econ in one lesson. I'll add road to serfdom to the list

In the editors notes in the beginning they talk a lot about the timeframe of when the book was written, reaction to it etc. They point out the main complaint is it's slightly wordy. So you'll have him driving a point home over a couple pages vs paragraph. But it's written like that to really push the idea home in different ways. Not sure if I enjoy it as much as econ in one lesson. But it's making me think a bit more, stop mid page and think about what he's saying.

Nice trips broseph. I'm in law school now so the wordiness shouldn't bother me too much since it's an interesting topic. Looking forward to it!
I really want to read the coughlin book, though I might wait for the abridged version. Can you give it a review?


Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.

It covers the topic pretty well without going turbo fedora. Lewis himself was an atheist converted to Christian.

She not a trap

Very good book, I am a christian myself, but I recommend it for those who are atheists as explaining the christian faith.

>Roger Scruton -- Fools, Frauds and Firebrands
Read the others, will have to try that one

Wow lad, Sup Forums told me it was a trap. I'm so glad she's a woman cause my dick is diamonds every time I see her.

Meditations by Emperor Marcus Aurelius

That is a good one.

I finished up with round 1, outside of what was recommended I picked up a book about the war in the Congo.

She a woman for sure.

The women must be hideous where you're from if you can't tell it's a woman on first sight.


Use google user

>reading 1984, it's amazing!

How's AP English class? Is it still right after P.E.?

Reading Yukio Mishima's The Temple of the Golden Pavilion. Just finished The Sailor who Fell from Grace with the Sea and uh fuckin Hemingway's The Sun also Rises. I have A Farewell to Arms on deck but I've stalled out on Temple of the Golden Pavilion.

I actually fucked that girl.

Thanks, however I now regret buying "The Clinton's War on Women" as a hard copy.

At least I was able to support a national treasure by buying it.

>reverse google image search


i actually fucked your mom

Government Zero

Thank me later.!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg

>Stef Molyneux
>Vox Day
>Cormac McCarthy

Amazing book, haunting really.

So I was in this situation, family kept giving me book-giftcards and I ended up with about €100 in gift cards.

Like 3 months ago I decided to start reading about the financial crisis of 2008 and finance in general, some good books I'd recommend are:

>The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
>Too Big To Fail by Andrew Ross Sorkin
>The Big Short by Michael Lewis (anything by Michael Lewis actually)
>When Genius Failed by Roger Lowenstein

Also The 48 Laws is a must read, anything by Robert Greene is good really.


reading Hell's Angels now, Kingdom of Fear was pretty good too

just finished pic related. still sort of mulling over it, really. i don't know how applicable all of it is, and there could be some serious psycology broscience involved, but you can't deny it's fascinating in using all the historical anecdotes. i learned plenty, and ill probably read it again sometime if only for the history lesson.

that said, i definitely view the idea of leadership and power different after reading it. i've already found myself using advice, like never revealing too much about yourself in conversations, learning to mirror people around you rather than impose your own ideas blatantly, etc. honestly, i feel like it's a bit of a rabbit-hole. once you start reading about "power", you start thinking of everything in terms of that power and influence.

anyway, even if it's all bullshit, reading this book has made me a bit more of a manipulative bastard.

oh shit nigger

Yuri Slezkine's The Jewish Century

Sorkin and Lewis are both commies.

Fool's Gold by Gillian Tett if you want to know exactly what the fuck happened in 2008. That and the Inside Job movie.

I really liked Sorkin's book though, didn't seem very commie to me.

Bump. No one on Sup Forums reads books?

I'm about to read this one.

Yes, as soon as you learn music theory you listen for thirds, fifths and octaves. As soon as you learn to read letters, their odd shapes disappear forever and clear meaning replaces what was before a jumbled mess. As soon as you see power dynamics it is impossible to avoid seeing them.

What has been seen cannot be unseen. You are on the bike, now ride it.

sorkin is overrated and frankly kind of cringe. everything he writes has a thick layer of pretension on it, like people who do coke.

Jack Donovan

Really? I enjoyed his book.

Also kind of funny, the largest bookstore in my city doesn't have any Hayek or Friedman, but does have 20 different books on why capitalism is bad.

Mein Kampf was boring as fuck, and the Jew-hate was pretty tame compared to Sup Forums

Loved all of Thompson's work other than The Rum Diary- there's a reason why it sat unpublished for decades.

Laws of Power was fascinating, mainly to help me spot the kind of people who live by it. Same reason why I gave my niece The Game.

What is Sup Forums's opinion of Terry Goodkind? I consider the Sword of Truth books to have been one of my earliest redpill experiences.

The Ego and its Own - Max Stirner
