What should the next Trek movie be about?

What should the next Trek movie be about?

Shrek Trek

bad guy with big ship seeking revenge.

Wish they'd stop giving a shit about trying to please a fucking popcorn audience and try to do some deeper exploration about the metaphysical philosophical realms that Star Trek often dealt with.

I want the next film to have no villain. I know we won't ever get something The Voyage Home worthy, but these films could be so much more if they just stopped and spent a little time to think.


Star Trek vs Star Wars

is this sex

Something that isn't a fucking prequel

No, they see your dick.


I am a big guy

Make it a musical.

big black space dicks going into those mouths.

Introducing the new version of TNG/DS9/VOY characters

what a shit thread


Nothing, because it shouldn't be made. The new generation doesn't care about Star Trek, old fans hate the new movies, and they refuse to do the series justice. beastieboyssabotagescene.webm

It shouldn't, movies are an artistically dead medium, this is the new golden age of netflix motion picture series.

Modern series are essentially 8-10 hour long films spread over the course of 8-10 episodes, one hour each of course.

This fits Star Trek perfectly. It gives the time necessary to build characterisation, explore philosophy and social issues as Trek has always done.

This time it doesn't have to be episode of the week, you can take plots such as Voyager's "year of hell" episode which would work PERFECTLY with the new online series format.

>people pretending to be old fans hate the new movies


Checkov got killed by some dude off screen, whole crew goes to revenge, and brings him back through space magic, except now he's a chick played by taylor swift.

the whole crew bangs her

If you say so. I'm no trekkie but that's the impression that I get from people who have actually watched TOS/TNG in full. They wanna see Shatner or Stewart, not some twenty-something literally who at the helm of the Enterprise.

Maybe hipsters. My dad and uncle are huge Trekkies who watched TOS and TNG episodes when they originally aired and they love the Abrams Trek movies including Into Darkness.

The purist bullshit seems to be mostly a Gen-X/Millennial obsession.

I watched TNG when it aired, I hate the new movies. I know some people my age like them, though I'm not aware of any fans of the series that like the new movies. It's almost as if you can't accurately generalize everyone born in a certain time period.