Is it me or Cristiano takes some weird ass shit pics in instagram?
Is it me or Cristiano takes some weird ass shit pics in instagram?
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It's just you, these snaps are perfectly normal.
w-who took the picture?
its you
Who puts on shaving cream before using an electric razor?
is donating piss really a thing
Yeah, it's a fetish of the doping agencies or something.
its to not get acne, craterface
He needs to hydrate more
That's Badr Hari right
>he wouldn't pay upward of $1,000 per pissbag in order to sup from CR7's golden water
what kind of TSUUU devotee are you
saco de mijo
e uma delicia
Does nobody read the comments?
What is that pose?
Somebody please shoop a head or something into his hand and make it ISIS themed.
This pic has a lot of potential.
And put a quran on his hand.
Who still gets acne after 16?
Kristina Rose
I knew something was off in those comments, i shouldn't have kept reading D:
>conmebol is better than uefa
>look at my piss bag
what is wrong with him?
ur mum lol
I wonder how much the Egyptian Piss Association paid him to do this.
I personally bught egyptian steel thanks to his recomendation. You should always have some spare steel at home senpaitachi
But is your steel eco-friendly? And does it care with social responsability?
I love Egyptian Steel™ because it's so versatile, after switching to Egyptian Steel™ I've never looked back. For guilt-free, eco-friendly steel, choose Egyptian Steel™
what are you talking about?
Instagram comments are completely normal
It's A+ eco steel. Great steel!
They sure are.
brainlets invest into gold or memecoins. thinking men invest into commodities.
Oh look, Brazil beat Portugal again.
that's the frgn stuff im talkin about
The actual comments were pretty better.
>you look like Nego do Hotel
>i'm sorry (typo), i'm nervous
People with oily skin. Shit sucks.
He reminds me of Luka Magnotta, that gay cannibal
people with shit skin, also there are tons of electic razor that work with foams or even in the shower
Kek, nice.
Can you change the background to some desert or something as well?
Cristiano must be a real fucking wierdo.
If he wasn't good at kicking a ball he would be shitposting on Sup Forums. I'm certain.
Fun fact: Romans used to import piss from Lusitania to use as mouthwash
>implying he isnt shitposting on Sup Forums regardless of his football success
>portuguese propaganda
Why is he holding a bag of piss?
Why are you asking? Wanna buy a gallon?
No, it's just that a friend asked me about this...
Are you jealous our piss is of better quality? Romans were fucking weird, they had slaves chewing their food for them and all sort of behaviours nowadays seem ridiculous.
Tell your friend to hit me up if he wants to get some high quality CR7 piss.
Are you a piss dealer?
I prefer 'urine distributer'.
Someone has to supply the piss to the druggies
uma delicia
>ó pá tou a segurar um saco de mijo
is this legit?
my sides
Is that his TSUrine sample?
What did he mean by signing that sponsorship? It makes no sense.
>This pic has a lot of potential.
This 2bh
Ye$, I'm al$o confu$ed at thi$. Make$ no $en$e. $teel $pon$oring?
based youre threads are great
Because you lick his weiner
badr is like 6'8 m8
90% of the comments I've seen from his insta come from isis memebers
Because he gets paid $300,000 every time he posts sponsored content on Instagram
>Allahu é o meu senhor
>what the fuck I hatred white people now
>Trump and a queer is the white people is a disgrace
>Allahu and my lord
work on that accentuation and verb conjugation pls
do you have proof of this?
I don't think this is real
>mfw i see some pleb not using superior Egyptian steel
Good thread!
I can actually imagine some people would drink the piss of the wealthy who have access to superior steroids, PEDs or even just recreational drugs that are very expensive.
In the old days the shit of the wealthy was coveted by farmers because it contained more nutrients.
well it is you stupid bong cunt
He's retarded and/or gay. I think more retarded. In the sense that he doesn't really think about anything all day except kicking a ball around. He's also probably gay though.
>he doesn't really think about anything all day except himself
Those comments lmao
And why does his new haircut make his head look weird
Steel is a valuable global commodity
he was literally donating his plasma for a better world. why is Sup Forums so childish?
I've never learnt portuguese, my little knowledge comes from being from neighbouring Brazil
>In the old days the shit of the wealthy was coveted by farmers because it contained more nutrients.
maybe in discflag
stop making sense
i-is that a picture of him raising his arm while giving the "I'm #1" finger while holding a bag of his own frozen pee?
Does Cristiano fantasize about fucking Messi?
Thank you for posting this. I was idiotic enough to actually believe it was a bag of piss.
>12 seconds
Why does a kraut on a Lebanese hand shadow puppet forum mention this ugly random pornstar?
That guy looks like a foreigner in every country.